3.6 is LIVE, get in there!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
oh how fancy, i go do RL things and CIG launches 3.6 to live..... those bastards!
And they release a all new ground vehicle to, that come with a punch hard enough to scare of and make the the most harden ship fighter pilot to think twice about getting to close. :P



Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
I managed to have a pretty good play session yesterday, did a couple of missions, started a quest line (?) but didn't hear when the space police pulled me out of QJ so I got myself a wanted level x)

next play session objective: figure out where do you get a hacking key to lower my wanted level, because that's no longer a freebie...

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I managed to have a pretty good play session yesterday, did a couple of missions, started a quest line (?) but didn't hear when the space police pulled me out of QJ so I got myself a wanted level x)

next play session objective: figure out where do you get a hacking key to lower my wanted level, because that's no longer a freebie...
I had to pay a fee right away and didn't get a crime stat that was automatic.. that time...

Tho lately when pulled out I didn't even see who it was, I entered QJ in full cruise speed decoupled.
So when I get pulled out of jump by the time they settle in I'm almost 40K away all they saw was a color blur I guess ha ha ha ha then I just continue on my journey :D

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Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
The way I look at it is they are still adding more mechanics. The new hotness is what they want testing as they have only just built it.

There is no point introducing Salvage, for instance, if everyone keeps running those drugs from Jump Town to GrimHex, they won't be getting the data they need... so that part of the game is made unprofitable or inconvenient of just don't maintain it until the point it doesn't really work, and make all the stuff that needs testing the things that get you the rewards from...

That's how I'd do it anyway.

The air combat is probably part of what needs testing right now, and by the sounds of it, it needs it.
We all understand this is testing mechanics. The issue with 3.6 is the mechanics actually push the game back a step instead of forward. Ive put 6 hours into it thus far, gave it a second shot, am very capable of using hover mode. It's still terrible and unneeded. The system can still add fine tuning control mechanics without it. Also, the play-ability has decreased between the existing profession mechanics being bugged or broken and latency issues. I don't see much added thus far that justifies what is in 3.6 currently. No doubt they will make changes and fix things but 3.6 as it is right now is a mess.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So far so hmm... needs more testing before I can say if it's any better or worse than I expected.
+ the new law stuff makes it more immersive, binds the whole thing more together
+ I got a ton more missions popping up with okay looking rewards. Haven't tried them yet but sure as hell happy that there is more then 3 to choose from
- hover mode, while I do really like the idea, needs a lot of work. At least show some sorta indication that I'm about to enter hover mode, and do add a toggle, suddenly loosing full control of your ship for no apparent reason is not fun, it's just annoying
- while they still haven't implemented the server side streaming, they keep adding stuff to the game. They outright said it in a reverse the verse or whatever it's called now, that in 3.5 the servers are at their full capacity, and cannot handle more game code cos they are already running out of memory and have to "cheat" and use tricks and whatnot just to get it to run at all.
And with 3.6 it shows. More disconnects then in 3.5, worse framerate (and I have an i7 running it now instead of the i5 I had for most of 3.5), more lag. The whole game depends on this server streaming thing. It doesn't matter how many hairstyles, how many space stations, how many kinds of missions they can add, if they don't fix this First!

First day I got in my Aurora, went to cru l1 or whatever the closest rest stop is called to get myself a gallant rifle. The new station, while looking good, is too large to navigate around, and breaks my immersion a bit. I liked the small "gas station" kinda stations, I found those more in line with what I would expect to find in the middle of nowhere. Anywaya, I went there, landed without really noticing that there was a hover mode, and got the gun. All went well except in the gun shop one of the kiosks was selling stuff from casaba, like shoes and hats instead of guns.

Second day I took my Mustang for a ride to Levski, to check out the ship shop for a certain ship. Upon trying to land, just after getting through the hangar doors, the hover mode switched on and I instantly crashed into the wall behind me. Thankfully space break still works in hover mode, so I regained control and landed. It was rough but survivable lol
Haven't found the ship I was looking for, so I accepted a mission instead to meet the chem runner guy. One very annoying thing was that while I had all subtitle options turned on, there were non displayed, and I was playing with the sound off due to reasons. Anyways, I found the UPS box, picked up the packet of chems and immediately broke the mission cos I stowed it. Not knowing that I messed up, I flew to the drop-off point in my 300i, slightly crashed into a hill while trying to land (kb+mouse is way too sensitive for hover imo), and found my way into the outpost building. Someone marked red with an avenger landed opposite to my ship, after doing the same dance with the same hill, but just picked up some random boxes from inside and left after doing a friendly wave gesture. So I kept looking for a prompt to place the chems, but there were non. I just thought screw it, I don't have time for this, and climbed into my ship, and I got disconnected from th server.
One thing to note from all of this, is that my 300i had 7% hydrogen fuel left at this point! I found that to be extremely low for just a takeoff at one moon and landing on another.

After spawning back at Levski, I headed to Lorville to check out New Deal for that ship I want. Took off in my 300i, set course, and engaged! And immediately I got pulled over in the asteroid field by the cops. Now, the issue was that with no sound, and only 3 small green radar blips behind me, I assumed this was either a bug, or I accidentally set course for one of the nav points in the asteroid fields around levski. So I just aimed for the nav marker again and punched it!
So yeah, I was a criminal now, cos apparently it was a customs check and I evaded the law.
About 10 seconds later I got pulled out of quantum again, and by the looks of it I was back where I started. This time I waited for the cops to catch up to me, who immediately shot me to very tiny pieces.
Oh well, live and.. I mean die and learn I guess...
So upon my second try to reach Lorville, I used my Aurora mr. This time I wasn't pulled over, only dropped out of quantum once for some unknown reason in the middle of nowhere, with no one around. Reached the planet faster then I expected, they really shortened those distances between planets.
Landing was, well, problematic. Not because of hover mode, but because those hangars are sooo damn small. I kept banging the rear of my ship into the wall all the way down, expecting the front to crash into something also, but I did manage a smooth touchdown in the end.
Went to New Deal, no luck there either. I'll check out the new insides of the main building, haven't been there yet, and I'll keep going towards Coruscant to see if I can get the ship I want.
( I didn't say which ship I wanted for a reason. It's my gameplay goal for the moment, and I don't want it spoiled by one of you just trying to be helpful, also I'm not checking websites for places it's sold, or for how much. It's way more fun this way)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The issue with 3.6 is the mechanics actually push the game back a step instead of forward. Ive put 6 hours into it thus far, gave it a second shot, am very capable of using hover mode. It's still terrible and unneeded. . .the play-ability has decreased. . .I don't see much added thus far that justifies what is in 3.6 currently.
In CIGs defense, if you just look at what the ships are doing from third person, they actually appear to fly like ships, which was not true in the past. Yeah, it is going to take some skill to pilot close in now, but shouldn't it? Shouldn't there be an automatic reward for good piloting skills, and some deficit when all you can manage is to crash into things?

As an outside observer, I get that many don't like the change, but I have to think in the long run it will be a good change. If a player can't manage the hover skills they still can manage to get in and out of most landing positions, at least from a pad. If they master hover mode, eventually they'll be able to duck in and out of an enclosed hangar with grace, and there will be rewards for this.

I think it is very cool--much more like the game I want to play. I've still no sense though, on how some ships are better at hover than others.
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