3.7 pirate swarm - any one want a run?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Not done this in a while. Any takers?Going for the pirate gladius myself.
I did it again 2 days ago and it was a blast. Definitely let me know when you want to try it again.

Maybe hop on discord and ask around also, that is usually easier to find people *right now*


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Just did it in sentinal with some parts switched out. No losses. Bit beat up by that hammerhead though. Reinforcements coming in is a nice touch.
Thank God it takes less time than old run.
Fun for sure.
Congratulations :)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, I tried this yesterday, had a rented Cutlass black from a while back, it's the first time my rented ships showed up in the list in ages lol. Thought it would be an easy run through the first couple of waves at least, as I've completed pirate swarm more then a few times..
Anyways, I died twice on the first freaking wave and called it quits! An aurora ln kept destroying me in 3 seconds flat! Wtf??? Is my old cutlass bugged, or they just upped the punch on this little buggers to insane levels?


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
The Cutlass currently has a shield hole (one of the larger ones in SC history) in 3.7, so not that rare for the shields to be missed and the hull take everything.

I also completed the new Pirate Swarm yesterday, it was a lot of fun in a Defender. There was some rando Freelancer MIS with me too, I think he was getting annoyed that I was sniping things from further than he could hit with missiles.


May 31, 2018
RSI Handle
I also completed the new Pirate Swarm yesterday, it was a lot of fun in a Defender. There was some rando Freelancer MIS with me too, I think he was getting annoyed that I was sniping things from further than he could hit with missiles.
Given the sniping, is the defender best played KBM or viable aiming with a HOTAS/HOSAS setup?
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Have any of you tried it single player mode? I did a few runs in a rented bucaneer. Got to wave 5 in vanduul swarm, that seemed ok. Am I supposed to get killed in 2 hits? It's brutally different from how it used to be, but fair enough I guess. I don't expect to be able to get to the end in such a small ship alone, and with a bit if practice I think I could manage to get to wave 6 or 7 even.
Pirate swarm is a whole other ballgame. I got to as far as wave 3 in the buc, but only once. It's just way harder. I usually get wiped on wave 1, it's like energy shields are real-life now. Meaning it only exists in theory. Armor seems like it's not there as well, but as it's a bucaneer, that's expected.
I tried using a valiant, utterly useless guns, and again, no shields or armor to speak of.

Tldr.: everything I tried in single player AC seems to b made of glass rather than sci-fi unobtanium alloy, is this how it's supposed to be now?

Edit: I'm not complaining, I'm just confused. It's a rather drastic change to how things were.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Given the sniping, is the defender best played KBM or viable aiming with a HOTAS/HOSAS setup?
I use HOSAS and since the S3 Singes aren't in yet I use GA on the S2 Singes.

Have any of you tried it single player mode? I did a few runs in a rented bucaneer. Got to wave 5 in vanduul swarm, that seemed ok. Am I supposed to get killed in 2 hits? It's brutally different from how it used to be, but fair enough I guess. I don't expect to be able to get to the end in such a small ship alone, and with a bit if practice I think I could manage to get to wave 6 or 7 even.
Pirate swarm is a whole other ballgame. I got to as far as wave 3 in the buc, but only once. It's just way harder. I usually get wiped on wave 1, it's like energy shields are real-life now. Meaning it only exists in theory. Armor seems like it's not there as well, but as it's a bucaneer, that's expected.
I tried using a valiant, utterly useless guns, and again, no shields or armor to speak of.

Tldr.: everything I tried in single player AC seems to b made of glass rather than sci-fi unobtanium alloy, is this how it's supposed to be now?

Edit: I'm not complaining, I'm just confused. It's a rather drastic change to how things were.
Pirate Swarm has a lot of enemies that use ballistics, which really puts the Buccaneer at an huge disadvantage. Using the Buccaneer I was able to beat Vanduul Swarm single player and multi-player (solo, after people dropped in the first wave), but for the old Pirate Swarm I only beat it in single player as every time I had a good run in multi-player I would get dropped. In order to do so I would spend the majority of each fight at borderline character blackout boosting in various directions to make it as hard as possible for the enemies to hit me occasionally taking potshots whenever an opportunity arose.
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