30 dollar (free) lti token or just a cool bike. Get the Mirai Pulse for free.


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So until january 6th, if you refer a friend a single person, and they buy 40 dollars worth of value or above, you get a free Pulse.

If you just want to do it yourself there is an easy way to do it. (and the only thing you will lose, is the road towards being a concierge of that value)

if you have gmail, you can use your "Thisisyourgmail+starcitizen2@gmail.com" solution to just use your normal email and still having multiple accounts.

once you verify it has the correct recruit a friend code (and it shows up on your main profile), you can then buy a 40 dollar value item.

It doesn't have to be a game package, it can be a CCU. And if you are smart and there's a ccu that you can use to save some money with the warbond version (such as the terrapin medic where you save around 20 dollars right now) you can buy a ccu and after 30 days you can transfer it to your main account.

There's also the intrepid right now that gives you an lti token. (so you could get 2, by getting the intrepid and then the free bike)

or you can just melt it once you traded it over to your main account.

happy flying.


Buy intrepid warbond. 60 dollars LTI ship. (65 dollars normal price)

or you can buy

prospector - hornet tracker warbond (155 to 185)
hornet tracker - terrapin medic warbond (185 to 220)

around 60 dollars worth of upgrades for 30 dollars or so.

and then just buy a 10 dollar skin or something extra

And bonus is to check the holiday website to get the daily rewards.

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