600i first thoughts

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Simple. I don't want to cart ungrateful VIPs all over the place. I want to find stuff. If I was going to get it, it would be because of the speed and maneuverability, not the luxury. Speed and maneuverability gives me two advantages. It lets me navigate unknown jump points better, and it might allow me to fight off an aggressive competitor a bit more easily...or at least, allow me to dodge while I am trying to jump.
BOOM! Speed and maneuverability. I concur.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle

63m (looks smaller than trailer).

93m (looks like trailer.)

Or they messed up with the numbers or they changed their mind about how big it would be when it was already done.
Well I hope they did mess up because I would like something a bit bigger than the original size. It really didn't make much sense from its original size of 63 meters I need some fun space not a sardine can.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I keep trying to look at this thing and tell myself it looks good, but I don't believe it. There is something so wrong about it, like a vanilla ice cream cone with bits of sardines sticking out or a bowl filled with salad, snails and crickets. I'll keep looking and trying to see it in a positive way like 99% of you. Now, excuse me, please, I need to lay down until my stomach stops rolling.


Dec 17, 2016
RSI Handle
The glass canopy is what makes me crazy for this ship. Super sleek, I've heard it made to be a mini 890j (which totally makes sense)

Truthfully, the whole "module" concept is really what intrigues me. Can I buy the Luxury module? Are there other "modules"?

Thursday cannot come soon enough.


Grand Admiral
Apr 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeah but that amount of cargo space is just sad as an exploration module. It needs to have a bit more to it than what it currently has planned especially for 400 usd which is almost 2 times the price. It's no full luxury and its no full exploration its just kind of on the sad end of both spectrums. Give it time I'm sure something will come around.
Maybe those 16 and 32 SCU are just place holders. you know, like they done with a lot of ships. I believe that in the end we will something along the lines of a Connie.


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Ship components from my understanding are being moved to Small, Medium, Large, and Capital classes. Weapons will have their own sizing from S1-S10 (S10 maybe not be the biggest weapon. i .e. Bengal guns are massive so maybe S12?) That's what I remember hearing from Matt Sherman in Twitch chat once upon a time.

Note: Everything above could have been changed already.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't like the 600i for a few reasons. First I feel that this is just another one of those over priced ships that RSI is putting out to generate real monies. I feel that they aren't really taking in to consideration what they are putting out just kind of hyping it up and then blam there it is. Take the Eclipse Stealth torpedo bomber for example. It's Stealth, has torpedoes, and cost more then the Tally... The Tally has the ability to do more then just be a torpedo bomber, and can carry a crew of 6. If Stealth is that important that they can hype it up and put a huge price tag on it then it had better be damn near impossible to see on sensors, period.

The modules and weapons load out on the 600i is kind of a joke. For weapons it will have 3 size 5, 4 size 3 pylons and 2 size 2 turrets per the stat page, granted this could all change but so can all things... The size 5s are nice but fix mounted, so limited movement, the pylons are, ok, you could have a few good missiles or lots of crappy small ones, and the size 2 turrets are a joke. Hell one of the turrets looks like it will be totally obscured from the front of the ship anyway. The Aquila and Carrack have fewer guns but the Carrack has 2 unmanned turrets and 2 manned turrets all size 4. The Aquila has 4 size 4 fixed, 2 size 2 launchers and 1 size 4 turret. So you could say that the 600i out guns them, but what the Aquila and Carrack lack in guns they make up in shields, size 7 and 6 respectively vs the 600is 2 size 2 shields. So the 600i had better be able to turn on a dime vs the other two ships or they will wreck it. Those are just a few of my thoughts. I may or maynot have been drinking when I wrote this

Also the Idris is a giant piece of sh!t and there will be soooooo many people crashing that PoS in to planets, asteroids, blackholes, suns, moons, and other Idri, that RSI will have to beg people to stop crashing them. Hell RSI might give people an incentive like " for every day you don't crash an Idris here is 100,000k in game monies... please make the hurting stop....


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Maybe those 16 and 32 SCU are just place holders. you know, like they done with a lot of ships. I believe that in the end we will something along the lines of a Connie.
Yeah I was reading a post on spectrum yesterday on the website data and it's not accurate atm. So yeah the matrix says that the connie is better overall by far but actually... that's because the numbers were never updated to what they should be with their current numbers. In other words this ship could be better and carry more so on so forth and we wont know until they do an actual update on the matrix on current stats of ships.
I don't like the 600i for a few reasons. First I feel that this is just another one of those over priced ships that RSI is putting out to generate real monies. I feel that they aren't really taking in to consideration what they are putting out just kind of hyping it up and then blam there it is. Take the Eclipse Stealth torpedo bomber for example. It's Stealth, has torpedoes, and cost more then the Tally... The Tally has the ability to do more then just be a torpedo bomber, and can carry a crew of 6. If Stealth is that important that they can hype it up and put a huge price tag on it then it had better be damn near impossible to see on sensors, period.
As for the Ecliipse it's a Single person high speed bomber which is designed to do serious damage to a capital ship then get out. A tally is designed to take down multiple fighters not capital ships. id say for the Eclipse price tag you get what it is designed for and it does its job well with S9 Torpedos which is unheard of in a single person fighter.

All in all we can't judge ships atm as they are in concept and may change at anytime. you are buying the ship for looks and what it's purpose is.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I keep trying to look at this thing and tell myself it looks good, but I don't believe it. There is something so wrong about it, like a vanilla ice cream cone with bits of sardines sticking out or a bowl filled with salad, snails and crickets. I'll keep looking and trying to see it in a positive way like 99% of you. Now, excuse me, please, I need to lay down until my stomach stops rolling.
Crap. Now I want a snack. But no snails in the salad, that's just...ewwwwwwww! Extra crickets though, please! And anchovies with the ice cream. Sardines ain't salty enough.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeah I was reading a post on spectrum yesterday on the website data and it's not accurate atm. So yeah the matrix says that the connie is better overall by far but actually... that's because the numbers were never updated to what they should be with their current numbers. In other words this ship could be better and carry more so on so forth and we wont know until they do an actual update on the matrix on current stats of ships.
Concur. Strongly. I was going to point this exact fact out, but then I started sobering up and forgot. So kudos my friend.
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