A funny thing happened last week: Ego, War, and Tantrums, OH MY!


Oct 31, 2016
RSI Handle
The organization "Paradox Commercial Enterprises" (PDXE) saw some internal conflict awhile ago. Their inner circle saw a notable crisis when the founder (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/ParadoxObscuris) temporarily left some time in winter (a year or so ago) due to personal reasons (studies, school, work, etc), for a few months.

Another leader (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Dragon_Dreamweaver) assumed leadership in this time. During the absence of the founder things fell apart as Dreamweaver's personality and actions caused inner turmoil. As he had the technical control of the RSI group and their discord server since the absence, he refused to step down - Paradox could do nothing to remedy the situation.

(Core) Members therefore left the group and created various other, smaller organizations. The old founder (Paradox) now manages this organization: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/OBCS.

In the last few years Dragon_Dreamweaver has repeatedly incited instability in other Star Citizen community organizations in any place where he was unable to gain some measure of perceived "power".

Here we have him getting into a row with some of [TABOO]'s leadership around a year ago: View: http://imgur.com/a/LZSH7

Attempting to poach their membership and drive a wedge between the leadership of this organization. Just snippets of far more expansive logs.

Over the last several months DDW has been working to destabilize a coalition being formed by the friendly people at [ORPEC] led by one of the nicest Canadians anyone will ever meet. Attempting to derail peaceful talks and insert himself into their coalition plans in a leadership capacity fails spectacularly.


A pastebin log of the conversation to avoid accusations of selective editing.


A few small groups talk about joining together and having some fun, and DDW gets wind of it, after attempts to convince some of the membership to abandon their respective groups DDW shifts gears in an effort to position himself as an "authority" of some sort.

Reading through the logs you can see the MO being less than effective with the membership of the groups involved. At some point during the ranting spree clients with associations to some of these nice people reach out to find out more about the subject and determine what, precisely, is going on.

Confusion reigns.

Who is this guy? Why is he threatening these groups with "war" why does he refuse to engage in a reasonable discourse when everyone else is bending over backwards to accommodate this persons disruptive behavior.

Enter our involvement.

Panic sets in after our Public account logs into the ORPEC discord and DDW notices us immediately:

View: http://imgur.com/a/0eYSZ

Lending a hand and removal of the disruptive influence:

View: http://imgur.com/a/2skQ9

Speaking with some of the subjects alleged "allies" reinforces the M.O. of DDW and coupled with an extensive history of similar behavior gathered over the last few years, it soon becomes clear that there are many other groups that have been targeted by the subject.

Reaching out to some of them for commentary:

View: http://imgur.com/a/VZZTW

View: http://imgur.com/a/IPrDF

TLDR, a narcissist walks into a bar and it is the bars fault for hanging to low.

Dragon_Dreamweaver has a history of throwing tantrums in public, attempting to co opt other groups projects, poach membership and harass a wide portion of the Star Citizen community.

We don't begrudge other groups or individuals that want to participate in the metagame (we actively encourage it), but have some god damn professional decorum eh?
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
LMAO... You see.. you don't lead a group like highschool kids running a Justin bieber fan club. No no... you run it like a company. You see, TEST is the greatest because it's ran like Google, if you gave all employees a keg on the side of their desk and told them you don't give two fucks do what you want.. oh and they're not getting paid but they get to have fun with everyone else and a place to call home. The best management, is based on trust and transparency (scrum) ... which seems like no management.. but don't let Montoya or the Mods fool you!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Oooooo, juicy.

I do have to admit, I'm very much intrigued by the amount of effort that some people put into video game orgs in regards to backbiting and power play, etc. Are people so impotent I'm their real lives that they need to report to this kind of shit in order to validate their existence? Their very presence?

I mean, are games not meant to be fun? Is not the purpose of an org to have fun with other people? Are people so wrapped up in these online personas that they treat this like real life drama, hostile takeovers, corporations, and espionage; like fictional TV shows where these fantastic things happen?

Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious. It's fucking funny as Fuck. But at the end of the day, my life is made complete when my son runs to meet me at the door yelling 'daddy', or when my wife wraps her arms around me and tells me she loves me. Overthrowing an online org in an act of subversion just doesn't top my list of things to devote my energy to. Haha.

Just my 2 cents. I love you all.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
at the end of the day, my life is made complete when my son runs to meet me at the door yelling 'daddy', or when my wife wraps her arms around me and tells me she loves me.
There's the difference right there. You've gotten laid at least once.


Apr 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess it's only to be expected from someone who doesn't drink enough : we can all concur that NOT drinking is both unnatural and dangerous, causing a reverse delirium tremens or, as Terry Pratchett put it "becoming knurd".

Of course, we can only pity such individual from atop our kegs in the knowledge that such a destiny won't ever happen to us, beer be thanked! ;)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
We all know your *real* fake life as, "Xx_MOMMA-BANGER_xX". Don't try to hide it.
I bang my sons mom all the time. I'm horrible. I'm sorry.
There's the difference right there. You've gotten laid at least once.
Ha. I think I did anyways. There was a lot of maple syrup and weird ritual stuff going on. And twister.
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