AI Idris mission in 3.9?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I see on Twittor everyone is going nuts there may be an AI Idris mission implemented in 3.9...

Just when you think the Salt may be starting to crest into a full on tsunami to envelop the Hype Train CIG pulls out their e-peen and blasts it with an "oh, but we gots waaaaay more than that to come."


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
It's just an outer shell of the ship so you can't go inside. Probably a bounty mission where you need friends to get together to take it out.

And it's AI controlled, so you know it'll be easy to kill. Then we'll have people bitching about how weak it is even before it comes out.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's just an outer shell of the ship so you can't go inside. Probably a bounty mission where you need friends to get together to take it out.

And it's AI controlled, so you know it'll be easy to kill. Then we'll have people bitching about how weak it is even before it comes out.
Something that size... what do you think? 4x Retaliators with torps? Whoever gets that mission will need to recruit half the server and if it's a server full of newbs with starter ships have they even got a chance?


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I dont think it'll require torpedoes, but definitely some heavy guns. The Hammerhead would be quite good for it. The Idris is a massive ship and only has 4 dual S4 and 6 dual S5 turrets. Only half of which should be on you at once and NPCs are not that accurate.

The problem is the shield regen. I think something with an EMP will help smaller ships take it out. Plus we're running on ship HP and not true damage states, so it'll be very easy to kill.


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
4x Retaliators with torps? Whoever gets that mission will need to recruit half the server and if it's a server full of newbs with starter ships have they even got a chance?
2 Talies, 2 Eclipse, and a Gladiator for an oddball because why not? Honestly the Gladiator doesn't get much love, its not a bad ship just short range~


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I dont think it'll require torpedoes, but definitely some heavy guns. The Hammerhead would be quite good for it. The Idris is a massive ship and only has 4 dual S4 and 6 dual S5 turrets. Only half of which should be on you at once and NPCs are not that accurate.

The problem is the shield regen. I think something with an EMP will help smaller ships take it out. Plus we're running on ship HP and not true damage states, so it'll be very easy to kill.
I like how the "only" is relative about the fire power... I mean is still 12 S5 weapons and 8 S4 weapons, I wan't dare to say "only" on this kind of defense turret....

About the mission I have some doubt about it: actuallly only Eclipse and Retalietor have some real firepower to get it done, HH spit a lot of fire, but shield regen is hight too, it could take a lot of time to dent the Idris... and the other hand this will be agood mission for all the torpedo bomber owner to finally ude their ship capability...

Waiting foor the Brrrt to be in game... next year may be?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The problem is the shield regen. I think something with an EMP will help smaller ships take it out.
The Idris shield is over a million points, and 8k refresh. Each turret has 4k hull points. Needs an EMP, S9 or S10 torps or it will cut attackers to ribbons. I doubt you can put enough ships in an instance to kill an Idris without those resources. I would not want to try it without at least two Sentinels, and I would expect them to die glorious, but ultimately futile deaths. Best way to kill shields though is put an Abolution scattergun on a Vanguard and strife the shield until you're killed very dead. If it can survive, an Absolution can kill the shield in under 2 minutes, so long as a single pellet never misses. This is really what the Absolution is for. Not sure that's better than using an EMP.

The turrets are all manned, IIRC; so they don't go down when you kill the computer. They just lose enhancements like target acquisition.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I just took a moment to google how to build shielded EMP electronics, couldn't find much as Google just tries to sell me junk these days, but what I did find suggests when electronics are built to withstand EMP it's designed into the circuits from the get-go.

What is the range of a current ship EMP? How strong an EMP do you need to offline Capital Class components? Will a milspec ship have systems designed to mitigate this kind of risk from the ground-up to render such tactics a low risk anyway?

Is there a chance a ship-bound EMP from a Warlock or Sentinel won't have enough throw to cover a whole Idris at once? If a warship is anything like the Vanguard it'll have backup systems throughout the ship so even if a third of the ship is effected by something like an EMP there will still be components in the unaffected parts covering that job...?

Also, being military, would there not be some clever system to receive the incoming energy and store it in the ships capacitors to use in its energy weapons and other systems? I mean, you have a bubble of energy surrounding the ship in the form of its shields. If we can suspend energy in place like that can we not also catch and collect it given the right onboard ships systems?

How many times can I write the letters EMP in this post?
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
The turrets are all manned, IIRC; so they don't go down when you kill the computer. They just lose enhancements like target acquisition.
I wouldn't say "only" to that: missing th target aquisitions mens no target identifier and no pips, so basically the tuttert operator will be shooting just by eye sight, and in space that is extreamly hard to do, plus the chance to shoot one of your own.
Bringing down the turret target aquisition will prove a good adantage for the attacker IMHO.

I just took a moment to google how to build shielded EMP electronics, couldn't find much as Google just tries to sell me junk these days, but what I did find suggests when electronics are built to withstand EMP it's designed into the circuits from the get-go.

What is the range of a current ship EMP? How strong an EMP do you need to offline Capital Class components? Will a milspec ship have systems designed to mitigate this kind of risk from the ground-up to render such tactics a low risk anyway?

Is there a chance a ship-bound EMP from a Warlock or Sentinel won't have enough throw to cover a whole Idris at once? If a warship is anything like the Vanguard it'll have backup systems throughout the ship so even if a third of the ship is effected by something like an EMP there will still be components in the unaffected parts covering that job...?

Also, being military, would there not be some clever system to receive the incoming energy and store it in the ships capacitors to use in its energy weapons and other systems? I mean, you have a bubble of energy surrounding the ship in the form of its shields. If we can suspend energy in place like that can we not also catch and collect it given the right onboard ships systems?

How many times can I write the letters EMP in this post?
Good point, I'll expect that military grade components have some sort of build-in EMP resistance in the future, but most of the shielding I think will came from the add-oon you can install in each component.
CIG talk about it in some video several month ago and form the description (subject to chance of course), the right add-on can provide a good protection against EMP attack, and in a capital ship, where component are reduntant and there are personal for theyr mantenance on the spot I'll expct these to be very resistant to EMP attack.
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