Almost as cool as BlindOwl


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I dont know what it is, but I do know where its from, hence why I mentioned I only watch good stuff.
If you don't know what it is but know of it, how do you know you don't like it until you have tried it...?

Unless you have tried somthing like it, but not it... and what is like being assimilated painfully into a hive-mind of blank-faced opinion-less drones?

Aside from joining ADI?


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
If you don't know what it is but know of it, how do you know you don't like it until you have tried it...?

Unless you have tried somthing like it, but not it... and what is like being assimilated painfully into a hive-mind of blank-faced opinion-less drones?

Aside from joining ADI?

entirely too rational for a TESTie


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
If you don't know what it is but know of it, how do you know you don't like it until you have tried it...?

Unless you have tried somthing like it, but not it... and what is like being assimilated painfully into a hive-mind of blank-faced opinion-less drones?

Aside from joining ADI?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Just admit it, you are prejudice against the Borg. Although you freely admit you have never even met a Borgan, you don't like them. That borders on racism, you've just pandered to all the stereotypes without even really knowing what they are and have made a snap judgement without even meeting a Borg.

Many of my friends are Borg and they have to put up with this prejudice on a daily basis! Just because they look different, just because they don't really have a sense of humor and just because could punch a hole through a door without trying, it doesn't mean it is acceptable for them to put down like this.

I'm going to say it: You are Borgist. There. I said it.

Would you believe the biggest Borgest is Jean Luc Picard? And I hear he used to have Borg Citizenship for a short while! That's hypocrisy is it not!?

The next time you see a Borgan in the street, I suggest you go and apologise, they may just surprise you... partly because if one Borg has read your Borgist comments on this thread, they all know immediately because of that Hive-Mind thingy.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Just admit it, you are prejudice against the Borg. Although you freely admit you have never even met a Borgan, you don't like them. That borders on racism, you've just pandered to all the stereotypes without even really knowing what they are and have made a snap judgement without even meeting a Borg.

Many of my friends are Borg and they have to put up with this prejudice on a daily basis! Just because they look different, just because they don't really have a sense of humor and just because could punch a hole through a door without trying, it doesn't mean it is acceptable for them to put down like this.

I'm going to say it: You are Borgist. There. I said it.

Would you believe the biggest Borgest is Jean Luc Picard? And I hear he used to have Borg Citizenship for a short while! That's hypocrisy is it not!?

The next time you see a Borgan in the street, I suggest you go and apologise, they may just surprise you... partly because if one Borg has read your Borgist comments on this thread, they all know immediately because of that Hive-Mind thingy.
I thought Picard was still part of the borg community willing to Listen and assist.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
unless you are part of blind owl, like me.
My favourite mouthpiece.
Owl is the Borg?
If Borg is a beer, then yes.
Other way around....
The Borg belong to the Owl Collective
"inebriation is inevitable"
Sobriety is futile

Blind Owl Rehab Ruined Group

@Blind Owl likes this
I like this. Also, FTFY.

Do you know how hard it is to find an "R" word for drinking or drunk?

@Blind Owl does not like rehab.
REHAB IS FOR . . .oh, nevermind
It's rehab for sober people. Beer is the only solution and @Blind Owl knows the answer.
Oh well that makes more sense. But I already wrote what I wrote above. So now do I un-write it before I post, or leave it for everyone to see how hasty I am to judge? Hmmmmm


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Just admit it, you are prejudice against the Borg. Although you freely admit you have never even met a Borgan, you don't like them. That borders on racism, you've just pandered to all the stereotypes without even really knowing what they are and have made a snap judgement without even meeting a Borg.

Many of my friends are Borg and they have to put up with this prejudice on a daily basis! Just because they look different, just because they don't really have a sense of humor and just because could punch a hole through a door without trying, it doesn't mean it is acceptable for them to put down like this.

I'm going to say it: You are Borgist. There. I said it.

Would you believe the biggest Borgest is Jean Luc Picard? And I hear he used to have Borg Citizenship for a short while! That's hypocrisy is it not!?

The next time you see a Borgan in the street, I suggest you go and apologise, they may just surprise you... partly because if one Borg has read your Borgist comments on this thread, they all know immediately because of that Hive-Mind thingy.
Its not racist, they are a different species. Im speciesist.
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