Am I setting myself up for failure on multi-crew? Not a bash post!


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
So. Like most, I think, Multi-crew is the biggest part of SC I'm looking forward too. Exploring an unknown expanding universe, encountering hardships, beauty, just creating stories to share with everyone. Well today I was watching Firefly and started thinking about SC. I thought about my freelancer, and then I thought, where is the "Serenity" ship. Where is the rogue cargo ship. At first I was like freelancer, easy. Then I started thinking to myself again,there's not much room. Then I said, well the starfarer, but then I was thinking it wasn't really what I was looking for.

Then I thought about everything I heard said in the multiple streams, videos, and interviews. Most of it is about work, exploration, working stations, etc.

But what if I want to be Capt. Reynolds, AKA Nathan Fillion. What if I want to dock somewhere and while someone goes out to grab something or make a contact the crew and I are playing a game on board like basketball, or like tailgate games. I'll even settle with cards. I want a ship with individual rooms that can be customized by the crew member.

Now all that being said, SC is going to be a great game regardless and I know we have hardly scratched the surface of ships, gameplay, and features. Am i the only one who is worrying about these random items? Do you know of a ship I may have missed that would be Serenity? Honestly, I'm hoping that theres a Drake ship that will come out that matches the layout.

Anyways. What do you all think? I know I appear in random spurts, but life happens sadly. Love yall



Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
That's what i thought about the Carrack. I don't think in the designs that they are thinking of individual rooms for crew. I love the caterpillar. It just doesn't scream rogue captain to me. To be honest I don't think we will see one because the scaling and manuverability standards are different. Like in Firefly the serenity is one of the best manuverable ships and roughly the size of the carrack. But with the freelancer being the manuverable cargo ship, I don't think it'll happen.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Here is my two cent, :blush: Ships that I know would be somthing the size of the Serenity and could work as such since this ide is probably something I will do for a wile in the game too I already concider what ship I could do such a role playing in...
The order is just random as I remember them so that have no valid to wich might be better for it then the other but they all have the size for it and mixed capacities depending on version or what modules that is used on some of the ships...
So if you are role playing aka. Serenety/Firefly style any of this ships could do it IMO... So here it goes:
Carrack, Merchantman, Polaris, Caterpillar, 890 Jumpship, Hull-C or D, Starfarer, Endeavor and Idris-M

My personal favorite is the Carrack.. :D
Cheers :beers::beer:

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
You could always get a StarFarer Gemini and swap out the fuel pods for cargo pods. Then you'd have a tough as balls hauler with some real living quarters that you can deal a good bit of damage with as well (Missiles+Huge dorsal turret). She may not be fast, but she'll make a damn fine home for a rogue...



Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I like most of the suggestions here. They all would be good options. However, it is important to note that CIG loves to change the scope of their ships. As the game expands, so do the ships. Just look at how many ended up drastically different than their original specs. I suspect the Carrack and Merchantman will both join the ranks of significantly altered ships. So it's a bit early to tell for sure which one will be the best fit for you.

I think you hit on a much more pivotal issue though. It's whether or not the game mechanics will allow for that style of play. It's easy to find a ship that will fit you. Just pick out one that really calls out to you and modify it to match what you want. They have talked about the moddability of the ships on more than one occasion. So you can have the millenium falcon, a ship that has much better characteristics than it's class would imply.

The gameplay though, that's a whole different concern. It's one that I have had more than a few times. There's a reason why most MMO's fall back on the usual quest structure of "travel to X location, kill # of Y enemies, return for reward". It is a simple structure to repeat hundreds of times. Some games try to circumvent this structure by making it a "sandbox". Unfortunately, that just means that they included no content instead of the industry standard content.

So how is Star Citizen going to pull it off? Are they going to allow for the "aim to misbehave"? They introduced a small part of that into the game and griefers shut down Grim Hex for hours on end. Are they going to allow for dynamic and exciting quest lines that play out a story with smuggling, danger, excitement, and pretty floral bonnets? Every one of those require weeks of programming and planning. Including enough of these would be a huge time sink. It is worth noting that they look to be taking a different approach to missions as talked about HERE starting at 24:17.

I think that when it all comes down to it, we won't be able to have the "Firefly experience" in Star Citizen. We will be able to fly similarly sized ships. We will be able to explore and smuggle and adventure like we were creating our own space opera. However, it still won't be Firefly. It won't be Firefly for one simple reason. We are not Nathan Fillian. We are not Summer Glau. We are not a leaf on the wind. You cannot watch us soar. We are Test Squadron, and our lives are not scripted by Joss Whedon...


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
the starfarer is the serenity for me.
Especially the gemini version, for my taste, for more armor and weapons.

But i can use it for cargo hauling. Alot of cargo hauling.
I can use it to print money by gathering fuel.
As a drop ship for soldiers.
A cheap transport ship for people
A mobile home, that can land on planets. You can live in it comfortably.
It can transport dragonfly's and probably a rover too
It is big enough, that i can probably outfit it for many different roles. Sure it won't be the best, but who cares. It can do it.
An assault gunboat, with the heavy weaponry it has on board and missiles.

For me, it has everything.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I really am beginning to doubt whether any of the larger ships will be very good multirole ships (this is after caterpillar release). The larger ships are all starting to trade combat ability against smaller fighter ships. The connie was sort of multi role certainly has lots of weopons and is a sitting duck in 2.6. So the smaller utility ships like freelancer and cutlass seem a reasonable bet. If you want a cabin for your captain then probably one of the luxury yachts would fit i.e. 890 jump but then it wont be much of a trader. Wheras the BMM will be a great trader but will almost definitely end up like the caterpillar i.e. rubbish in combat. It is only 2.6 it seems we are still years away from release and things will change. I fell in love with the concept of the caterpillar and with the release was kicked in the balls hard I would say keep your options open things will change.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I like most of the suggestions here. They all would be good options. However, it is important to note that CIG loves to change the scope of their ships. As the game expands, so do the ships. Just look at how many ended up drastically different than their original specs. I suspect the Carrack and Merchantman will both join the ranks of significantly altered ships. So it's a bit early to tell for sure which one will be the best fit for you.

I think you hit on a much more pivotal issue though. It's whether or not the game mechanics will allow for that style of play. It's easy to find a ship that will fit you. Just pick out one that really calls out to you and modify it to match what you want. They have talked about the moddability of the ships on more than one occasion. So you can have the millenium falcon, a ship that has much better characteristics than it's class would imply.

The gameplay though, that's a whole different concern. It's one that I have had more than a few times. There's a reason why most MMO's fall back on the usual quest structure of "travel to X location, kill # of Y enemies, return for reward". It is a simple structure to repeat hundreds of times. Some games try to circumvent this structure by making it a "sandbox". Unfortunately, that just means that they included no content instead of the industry standard content.

So how is Star Citizen going to pull it off? Are they going to allow for the "aim to misbehave"? They introduced a small part of that into the game and griefers shut down Grim Hex for hours on end. Are they going to allow for dynamic and exciting quest lines that play out a story with smuggling, danger, excitement, and pretty floral bonnets? Every one of those require weeks of programming and planning. Including enough of these would be a huge time sink. It is worth noting that they look to be taking a different approach to missions as talked about HERE starting at 24:17.

I think that when it all comes down to it, we won't be able to have the "Firefly experience" in Star Citizen. We will be able to fly similarly sized ships. We will be able to explore and smuggle and adventure like we were creating our own space opera. However, it still won't be Firefly. It won't be Firefly for one simple reason. We are not Nathan Fillian. We are not Summer Glau. We are not a leaf on the wind. You cannot watch us soar. We are Test Squadron, and our lives are not scripted by Joss Whedon...
I enjoyed reading your thoughts very much, thank you very much for that!

I really am beginning to doubt whether any of the larger ships will be very good multirole ships (this is after caterpillar release). The larger ships are all starting to trade combat ability against smaller fighter ships. The connie was sort of multi role certainly has lots of weopons and is a sitting duck in 2.6. So the smaller utility ships like freelancer and cutlass seem a reasonable bet. If you want a cabin for your captain then probably one of the luxury yachts would fit i.e. 890 jump but then it wont be much of a trader. Wheras the BMM will be a great trader but will almost definitely end up like the caterpillar i.e. rubbish in combat. It is only 2.6 it seems we are still years away from release and things will change. I fell in love with the concept of the caterpillar and with the release was kicked in the balls hard I would say keep your options open things will change.
We have been told that there will be over 100 'assets' for us to place on our ships to individualize them.
I also like Serenity, hence my love of the Freelancer & Carrack.
Time will tell.
While I'm sharing the concerns of the TESTies like i.e. by Crymsan who have stated their thoughts herein, almost from the beginning I thought exactly this: time will tell. We can't say how the whole Star Citizen logic and gameplay elements will finally become, and I even doubt that there will be a "perfect" solution; there won't be a perfect balanced damage and/or gameplay model. Furtheron, I think that "multicrew"-ship from many Star Citizen member is interpreted in slightly wrong way, because no multicrew ship can last alone in the verse. Its basically suicide. Even a Polaris or a Javelin would be lost without a wing of escorting ships. Thus ships meant for "multicrew" are meant - imho - for multi-ship-gameplay. Star Citizen will never be Firefly. It will be Battlestar Galactica; presumably! In fact we don't know yet - but time will tell.

That being said, I concur regarding the size of the multicrew ships: especially when I came into Star Citizen beginning of 2016, I was disappointed about these tiny, real tiny ship sizes. The Aurora is like nothing - a leave in the wind, haha ;). But also the Constellation series, wtf? To be honest, I expected the Aurora as big as a Freelancer, a Freelancer as big as a Constellation, a Constellation as big as a Starfarer and so on. In the meantime I get used to the ships sizes. Nevertheless, the wish remains that even the single player based ships would be larger designed. Perhaps that is the reason why I've bought the farer and the Cat, because these are my secret Freelancer and Aurora...

Everything else, usage of turrets, shields, shieldmanagement, hull structure etc. - will be customized. Lets wait and have a coffee ;)


Rear Admiral
Jan 2, 2017
RSI Handle
Carrack probably at this point.
Although the Polaris does have a pool table.

But the Carrack...
She's going to be a home away from home.
Or just a home.
I really hope the pool table will be playable.

So. Like most, I think, Multi-crew is the biggest part of SC I'm looking forward too. Exploring an unknown expanding universe, encountering hardships, beauty, just creating stories to share with everyone. Well today I was watching Firefly and started thinking about SC. I thought about my freelancer, and then I thought, where is the "Serenity" ship. Where is the rogue cargo ship. At first I was like freelancer, easy. Then I started thinking to myself again,there's not much room. Then I said, well the starfarer, but then I was thinking it wasn't really what I was looking for.

Then I thought about everything I heard said in the multiple streams, videos, and interviews. Most of it is about work, exploration, working stations, etc.

But what if I want to be Capt. Reynolds, AKA Nathan Fillion. What if I want to dock somewhere and while someone goes out to grab something or make a contact the crew and I are playing a game on board like basketball, or like tailgate games. I'll even settle with cards. I want a ship with individual rooms that can be customized by the crew member.

Now all that being said, SC is going to be a great game regardless and I know we have hardly scratched the surface of ships, gameplay, and features. Am i the only one who is worrying about these random items? Do you know of a ship I may have missed that would be Serenity? Honestly, I'm hoping that theres a Drake ship that will come out that matches the layout.

Anyways. What do you all think? I know I appear in random spurts, but life happens sadly. Love yall

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