AMD R9 390X VS GTX 980 Ti Performance Leak


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Everyone knows a true test of GPU's is real world ingame scenarios.
By all scoring logic my heavily overclocked 780 should be a wrecking ball still. But its outdated and simply isnt.

AMD just do typical sketchy halfbaked things that I dislike. They remind me of AOL and belong in a different time. Go back to the 90's where you belongggggg
Where as Nvidia are clearly just evil.

But lets be fair. If you can deliver the product then I dont really care how evil you are *looks at Google*
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Google is already our evil overlords. They're simply so benevolent that they've gotten away with it... so far.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I now sli 2 980s and I swear it looks/feels/works the same as just having 1... I must be doing it wrong.


Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
pretty sure its my own stupidity.. the games I play ran everything on highest settings with the 1 card so now my computer is probably thinking.. -_-? really... But I found it for under 500 at a local place so I told the wife to go back to the car and wait for me and stuffed it inside the box of the new case i bought.



Let's not factor non-agnostic software backends into your argument. PhysX is, and always will favor nVidia hardware. I know the latest iteration has become more CPU-friendly, but it still doesn't support offloading the processing to a non-nVidia GPU.

Currently, I only go to AMD for their GPUs, since their CPUs have been of inferior quality to Intel of late. So that's right, I'm running an i7/AMD build.

Overall, I'd prefer to stick with the underdog, because I want nVidia to stop making general products (like the Batman: Arkham Asylum games) require their own graphics card for the "ultimate" gaming experience. You want to provide the ultimate gaming experience? Then don't be an anti-competitive dickwad.

I mean, back in the day, I actually considered getting an Nvidia GPU to go with my 5870 for the physx processing. Then I learned that nVidia locked that capability out in the newer driver releases - which just utterly and completely convinced me that nVidia was not interested in the advancement of the gaming hobby as a whole, and only in their own bottom line.

Seriously, when someone sells you a Chevy, and you want to stick a Ford engine in it, they tell you that you can't do that. How would you feel?

This is actually a law on the books in one of the States...I forget which. Also, I used to be an nVidia user, but they drove me away when it came out that they were doctoring benchmarks back in the early 2000's. I have a strict policy of not giving businesses my money when they employ highly questionable practices.
amen to that brother


Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle
pretty sure its my own stupidity.. the games I play ran everything on highest settings with the 1 card so now my computer is probably thinking.. -_-? really... But I found it for under 500 at a local place so I told the wife to go back to the car and wait for me and stuffed it inside the box of the new case i bought.
Nice relationshipfu xD


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I love my EVGA GeForce GTX 980. Very happy with my purchase so far and would recommend the 970 / 980 series for others. I have no experience with AMD because I have always heard from various different parties over the years that if you are a gamer, you want NVidia because of it's reliability. I can't speak to the truth of that, but after reading some posts here I'm very happy I have continued to support NVidia.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle

I mean, back in the day, I actually considered getting an Nvidia GPU to go with my 5870 for the physx processing. Then I learned that nVidia locked that capability out in the newer driver releases - which just utterly and completely convinced me that nVidia was not interested in the advancement of the gaming hobby as a whole, and only in their own bottom line.

Seriously, when someone sells you a Chevy, and you want to stick a Ford engine in it, they tell you that you can't do that. How would you feel?

This is actually a law on the books in one of the States...I forget which. Also, I used to be an nVidia user, but they drove me away when it came out that they were doctoring benchmarks back in the early 2000's. I have a strict policy of not giving businesses my money when they employ highly questionable practices.
Cut out the bits of your post I'm not referring to when I say.. NVidia has their issues, sure. But so does AMD and everyone has been posting about those as well. I can see why you would want to stick with AMD but again, as someone else said, the grass is greener on the other side. It's like that for most people when it comes to equipment. The fact is, no piece of computer hardware is every going to be identical, not only because of manufacturing reasons but because no rig is going to be identical as well. So, it's like trying to compare apples to oranges. Both are sometimes sweet, and sometimes sour. Just depends on the type of apple or orange and how ripe it is. How's that for an analogy to your analogy? Lol
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Cut out the bits of your post I'm not referring to when I say.. NVidia has their issues, sure. But so does AMD and everyone has been posting about those as well. I can see why you would want to stick with AMD but again, as someone else said, the grass is greener on the other side. It's like that for most people when it comes to equipment. The fact is, no piece of computer hardware is every going to be identical, not only because of manufacturing reasons but because no rig is going to be identical as well. So, it's like trying to compare apples to oranges. Both are sometimes sweet, and sometimes sour. Just depends on the type of apple or orange and how ripe it is. How's that for an analogy to your analogy? Lol
I would have preferred to have apples with my oranges, aka, the ability to run Hybrid PhysX with an AMD card as the primary renderer, and the nVidia GPU as the PhysX processor. But like I said, nVidia decided to be a dick about that.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I would have preferred to have apples with my oranges, aka, the ability to run Hybrid PhysX with an AMD card as the primary renderer, and the nVidia GPU as the PhysX processor. But like I said, nVidia decided to be a dick about that.
You can run PhysX on CPU, it might not be as effective but its better than nothing. I would have liked mantle on my wifes Nvidia card but seeing as Nvidia would need to release their architecture or change it to conform to AMD requirements was a no go.

I really hate this Nvidia/AMD is a dick because reason blah. They are both dicks and the reason why, because they are both companies trying to steal each others customers. It's not like there is a huge range of GPU companies like cellphones. There is only 2, so they both are cut throat in order to get customers, both would go to the extreme to make profits. I remember long ago when Nvidia offered AMD PhysX and AMD said it was a dead end technology. I also remember recently when AMD said lets make A-sync a standard and Nvidia said "No, we have g-sync". I also remember when EVGA asked to be a AMD partner and AMD supposedly took a bribe from another partner because they didn't want a competing non-reference PCB AMD cards. Both companies are dicks, both are for the profits, both have tried to make amends. Get a GPU that is best suited for your needs and price range, don't base it off of company politics because you are just cornering yourself into a pit of agony.

Me personally I love Nvidia technology and performance to watt, I also love AMD's open source technology, and its performance to dollar. I hate both for their pity poo flinging wars they do, and get their consumers to do their dirty work at times.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
You can run PhysX on CPU, it might not be as effective but its better than nothing.
...I already said that is not a viable excuse. Fuck that noise. Seriously, do you know how much of an apologist you sound saying that?

AMD had it right when they said that PhysX was a dead-end technology, because with a bit of rewriting, it can be loaded onto any GPU now. Does nVidia bother to do that? No, because they want to keep marketing games with it.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
...I already said that is not a viable excuse. Fuck that noise. Seriously, do you know how much of an apologist you sound saying that?

AMD had it right when they said that PhysX was a dead-end technology, because with a bit of rewriting, it can be loaded onto any GPU now. Does nVidia bother to do that? No, because they want to keep marketing games with it.
I didn't see your post on the previous page mention it. You have to face it that PhysX is a Nvidia technology, just like Mantle/Vulcan is AMD technology. Both have a similar story, Nvidia/AMD goes to AMD/Nvidia says they want PhysX/Mantle to be a standard the other company says its a dead end technology. So Nvidia/AMD go back and make exclusive for their GPU's in spite of the other. With a bit of rewriting both could be on any GPU.

I run a AMD card on my computer and a Nvidia on my wife's. I would love to have capabilities from both cards, you know what though, it will never happen because they are both greedy bastards that don't like to share. I appreciate that I can run PhysX on my cpu at least now, my wife can't run mantle or vulkan still. Hopefully when vulkan is fully released she can get a cut down version of it though.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I didn't see your post on the previous page mention it. You have to face it that PhysX is a Nvidia technology, just like Mantle/Vulcan is AMD technology. Both have a similar story, Nvidia/AMD goes to AMD/Nvidia says they want PhysX/Mantle to be a standard the other company says its a dead end technology. So Nvidia/AMD go back and make exclusive for their GPU's in spite of the other. With a bit of rewriting both could be on any GPU.

I run a AMD card on my computer and a Nvidia on my wife's. I would love to have capabilities from both cards, you know what though, it will never happen because they are both greedy bastards that don't like to share. I appreciate that I can run PhysX on my cpu at least now, my wife can't run mantle or vulcan still. Hopefully when vulcan is fully released she can get a cut down version of it though.
Unlike nVidia, AMD knows when to give up on a technology. Mantle is officially dead, except for specialized support.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Unlike nVidia, AMD knows when to give up on a technology. Mantle is officially dead, except for specialized support.
It's only dead because DX12 absorbed a lot of its features making it redundant, and DX12 didn't require you to change/release your architecture. They turned it into vulkan which is not dead and is in development, which I do look forward to seeing how it performs


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
It's only dead because DX12 absorbed a lot of its features making it redundant, and DX12 didn't require you to change/release your architecture. They turned it into vulkan which is not dead and is in development, which I do look forward to seeing how it performs
Vulkan should be an interesting update to the OpenGL architecture, should help with linux and OSX gaming.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Vulkan should be an interesting update to the OpenGL architecture, should help with linux and OSX gaming.
God I hope they help out linux, I really want to get into linux, but I don't have that knowledge and its too restrictive for gaming for me right now.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
God I hope they help out linux, I really want to get into linux, but I don't have that knowledge and its too restrictive for gaming for me right now.
You should pop into the RSI Org Chat every now and then. :p
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