Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I am actually hoping for the Corsair. I'm not a Drake fan, but the description has me interested. Something Connie sized that is faster and has more guns sounds great fun! If it had a low attack profile, like say the Polaris shape, I'd be all in for that.
Its a ship I'm waiting for too but I'm hoping it or something similar is a mid-sized mining ship.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I am actually hoping for the Corsair. I'm not a Drake fan, but the description has me interested. Something Connie sized that is faster and has more guns sounds great fun! If it had a low attack profile, like say the Polaris shape, I'd be all in for that.
I want a new company to come out with ships i want more variety.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The potentially leaked description of the Arrow confuses me - "Glass Cannon" doesn't seem very Anvil, I thought they are the survivors ship...?

In fact it's so not Anvil that they had to write some lore for the Hurricane that said it was a very old design rushed back into production to help with the War Effort...? If this is what Anvil are having to do no wonder their UEE contracts are at risk to Aegis again.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Some inside info. This time from Polygon!

Arrow: Agile fighter that packs a huge punch. A speedy glass cannon.
I doubt it qualifies as a glass cannon. The Hurricane is a glass cannon. The Arrow is supposedly 2XS1 plus 2XS2, which is less firepower than the Gladius. It may however be faster than the Gladius, which would give us a new interceptor dynamic in game. Would be nice.

I pulled this from a french vid and my French is so bad now that I couldn't make out a word, so I've no idea if this is of the real deal or someone's guess. Is a pretty bird!

Anvil Arrow?.png


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I doubt it qualifies as a glass cannon. The Hurricane is a glass cannon. The Arrow is supposedly 2XS1 plus 2XS2, which is less firepower than the Gladius. It may however be faster than the Gladius, which would give us a new interceptor dynamic in game. Would be nice.
2xS1 and 2xs2 is Aurora LN territory...

[TRIGGERED] And as for a new interceptor dynamic - 350R, 325A, M50, Razor... That ain't new 😉

A side question: I have all the 300's, started with the 350, then got the 325, then 315, then the 300 to complete the set... But by far my favourite is the 350...

Should I chop in the ones that aren't a 350 and just get another 350?
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
2xS1 and 2xs2 is Aurora LN territory...

And as for a new interceptor dynamic - 350R, 325A, M50, Razor... That ain't new 😉

A side question: I have all the 300's, started with the 350, then got the 325, then 315, then the 300 to complete the set... But by far my favourite is the 350...

Should I chop in the ones that aren't a 350 and just get another 350?
Probably unless one of em is your game package like my 315P is.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Good point. Yes, if it is 2S1 plus 2S2, it is less like the Gladius than the 300 series. One suspects it'll be far faster than the Aurora.

Personally I think they are way off in the wrong direction planning new birds faster than they release them. I'd add 50% to the ship design team and get the Carrack released before they have a riot. It's way too long and they are pushing their luck now.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Good point. Yes, if it is 2S1 plus 2S2, it is less like the Gladius than the 300 series. One suspects it'll be far faster than the Aurora.

Personally I think they are way off in the wrong direction planning new birds faster than they release them. I'd add 50% to the ship design team and get the Carrack released before they have a riot. It's way too long and they are pushing their luck now.
I'd like to see the Carrack and BMM released at the same time even though the BMM was announced a year earlier.


Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
Good point. Yes, if it is 2S1 plus 2S2, it is less like the Gladius than the 300 series. One suspects it'll be far faster than the Aurora.

Personally I think they are way off in the wrong direction planning new birds faster than they release them. I'd add 50% to the ship design team and get the Carrack released before they have a riot. It's way too long and they are pushing their luck now.
I think we're gonna start seeing the ship pipeline speed up significantly as they finish assets for S42. Think of how many people they've got working on the Bengal, Javelin, Idris, etc etc for S42. As they start wrapping up and coming over to ships that we'll see right away in the PU...

I expect 2019 to have a lot of ships come out. They might also start making the flightready concept a commonplace thing too. Kraken was already quite well along in the pipeline, Valkyrie was done, Arrow is done...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think we're gonna start seeing the ship pipeline speed up significantly as they finish assets for S42. Think of how many people they've got working on the Bengal, Javelin, Idris, etc etc for S42. As they start wrapping up and coming over to ships that we'll see right away in the PU...
Bear in mind that you can't just reassign these folks. Those who design the ships have archane skills that don't apply nearly so broadly, that you can just take someone working game dynamics and reassign them to ship design.

The ship design team has always been small, and CIG can get away with what they're doing for a time, but the Carrack is way overdue, as is the BMM and several other, larger, time-intensive ships. I'm waiting on the Polaris and I expect it will be behind the Carrack, BMM, 890, Orion and most of the Hull series. That's a couple years from now I think. What they're planning to release as a pacifier are things like the rest of the Mustangs, Vanguards, and Lancers with versions already out. These are not new ships--they're just mods of stuff we've been flying for years. There's a sense of placating here sans commitment to timely delivery.

If you put out cash for a Carrack years ago and saw the 600 and Valkyrie suddenly appear, you have a legitimate beef with CIG. It just begs squabble and i don't want to see that. This game is too good to go down for testing the patience of the fans. Yeah, the teams assigned to building the Idris, Javeline and Bengal will one day come available, so lets hope that will change things in the ship delivery pipeline. Has anyone heard when the Idris, Javeline, Bengal and various Vanduul ships are slated for delivery? Seems the Void Bomber should be ready soon.

I can't recall every hearing any details of the Vanduul cap ship development. You would think they need that in place for Sq42, so someone must be working them?


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Bear in mind that you can't just reassign these folks. Those who design the ships have archane skills that don't apply nearly so broadly, that you can just take someone working game dynamics and reassign them to ship design.

The ship design team has always been small, and CIG can get away with what they're doing for a time, but the Carrack is way overdue, as is the BMM and several other, larger, time-intensive ships. I'm waiting on the Polaris and I expect it will be behind the Carrack, BMM, 890, Orion and most of the Hull series. That's a couple years from now I think. What they're planning to release as a pacifier are things like the rest of the Mustangs, Vanguards, and Lancers with versions already out. These are not new ships--they're just mods of stuff we've been flying for years. There's a sense of placating here sans commitment to timely delivery.

If you put out cash for a Carrack years ago and saw the 600 and Valkyrie suddenly appear, you have a legitimate beef with CIG. It just begs squabble and i don't want to see that. This game is too good to go down for testing the patience of the fans. Yeah, the teams assigned to building the Idris, Javeline and Bengal will one day come available, so lets hope that will change things in the ship delivery pipeline. Has anyone heard when the Idris, Javeline, Bengal and various Vanduul ships are slated for delivery? Seems the Void Bomber should be ready soon.

I can't recall every hearing any details of the Vanduul cap ship development. You would think they need that in place for Sq42, so someone must be working them?
Though some of the developers will be able to move over to assorted SC teams (to include the ships team), others will move on basically freeing up 'slots' to hire people for said SC specific teams. While adding people won't speed up individual ships it will increase the number of ships that can be developed concurrently.
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