Anthem.... another let down.


May 7, 2017
RSI Handle
If you put aside technical problems the game is fine tbh
yeah loot drop % sucks, but still fun concept and lot's of potential.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
If you put aside technical problems the game is fine tbh
yeah loot drop % sucks, but still fun concept and lot's of potential.
There is a mission where you stand in one location and shoot oncoming enemies. There are actually multiple mission where you do that. The game is just unintuitive mindless gameplay imo. Some times that can be fun and entertaining but for supposed big triple A titles i dont expect mindless gunshooting with bare bones mission objective. Apparently there are people saying loot drop rates no longer makes the game enjoyable. If loot drop rate changes dont make a game enjoyable, im sorry to bring to light to ya, the game sucks and has always sucked then. People are just feeding off the excitement of being rewarded and not actually the game itself. I personally dont get enjoyment purely from getting a drop, its the entire fight to get there. If they make it harder to achieve and the fight is still fun than its a minor adjustment at worst.
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Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Even though the game is objectively very bad (crashes, muted sound, lost items, repetitive missions, incompatible loot inscriptions etc.)
I have had about 90hrs in the game and my experience had been very different from yours:
  • 2 hard crashes to desktop
  • 1 sound bug (muted sound)
  • 0 incompatible loot inscriptions
  • 382 repetitive missions. Which is a strange thing to complain about since this is a looter shooter, and repetition is the game loop.

On the topic of that last issue, I am not sure what people were thinking they were getting.

I said in my video many weeks ago on topic of Anthem that if you like Warframe, Destiny and Division, then you may like Anthem.

The game loop is running the strongholds and missions to grind for the better loot. The better loot gives you more or different abilities, which allow you to grind the strongholds and missions faster and being more powerful than the last time. That is the definition of a loot and shoot game.

The load screens are bad.

The crashes are bad.

The sound bug is bad.

The loot system will be fine tuned, but that does not mean the entire game is bad.

The game itself is great!


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Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Some times that can be fun and entertaining but for supposed big triple A titles i dont expect mindless gunshooting with bare bones mission objective.
Again, you like many others are picturing a game in their head (most likely Borderlands, which has a linear story) and the concluding that Anthem sucks because it is not the AAA linear game you were expecting.

Anthem is a spiral staircase, not a linear story line, way too many people missed this point.
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Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Do you mean you have not had a single bad stat roll on loot?
Incompatible or bad?

I got plenty of bad rolls, but thats the incentive to keep you grinding for better stats.

If everybody got the Legendary with +200% dmg in the first week of grinding, they would log off and stop playing.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Again, you like many others are picturing a game in their head (most likely Borderlands, which has a linear story) and the concluding that Anthem sucks because it is not the AAA linear game you were expecting.

Anthem is a spiral staircase, not a linear story line, way too many people missed this point.
I played the beta and the basic missions showed me that and the numerous videos of the game showed me that. It isnt some fantasy i created, I watched streams, played the beta, and knew it was going to play like that. Everything I have seen, read, heard, and played have lined up with what i expected the game to be.
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Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I said in my video many weeks ago on topic of Anthem that if you like Warframe, Destiny and Division, then you may like Anthem.

The game loop is running the strongholds and missions to grind for the better loot. The better loot gives you more or different abilities, which allow you to grind the strongholds and missions faster and being more powerful than the last time. That is the definition of a loot and shoot game.

The load screens are bad.

The crashes are bad.

The sound bug is bad.

The loot system will be fine tuned, but that does not mean the entire game is bad.

The game itself is great!

Agreed on all counts.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I played the beta and the basic missions showed me that and the numerous videos of the game showed me that. It isnt some fantasy i created, I watched streams, played the beta, and knew it was going to play like that. Everything I have seen, read, heard, and played have lined up with what i expected the game to be.
But hang on here, I watched all the videos and played all the same demos you did.

I walked away from all those alphas and betas knowing exactly what to expect, then the game came out and I got exactly what I expected.

You went through the same process and developed completely different expectations.

I called it months ago, I said it is Warframe, which is exactly the same thing with missions you grind in hope of better and better loot.

The game is just unintuitive mindless gameplay imo.

Besides the 20hrs of story line, that is exactly what the game loop is!

If we both were exposed to the same information before the game launch and one of us drew incorrect conclusions, it does not mean that Anthem is a bad game, its simply not the game for you, much like Hello Kitty Island Adventure is not a game for me, or is it? :D
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Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
80 hours in.

I did not develop unrealistic or fantastical expectations before launch.

I do not hate EA. (I do not necessarily like them either).

I love Anthem.

It's a game I can play with friends. I constantly have at least 2, usually 3 friends playing with me, ALL AT DIFFERENT POWER LEVELS. Some have literally JUST installed the game.

It has quick missions we run which resemble dungeons in format. That's perfect, I love dungeons.

Yes, there are some minor bugs. They are nothing significant and it's easy to get around.

Yes, it's frustrating to get a legendary drop with frost damage and a +225% physical bonus on it. But that's RNG! Salvage that and keep playing.

Some people just like to cry, I think. I am not one of them.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
But hang on here, I watched all the videos and played all the same demos you did.

I walked away from all those alphas and betas knowing exactly what to expect, then the game came out and I got exactly what I expected.

You went through the same process and developed completely different expectations.

I called it months ago, I said it is Warframe, which is exactly the same thing with missions you grind in hope of better and better loot.


Besides the 20hrs of story line, that is exactly what the game loop is!

If we both were exposed to the same information before the game launch and one of us drew incorrect conclusions, it does not mean that Anthem is a bad game, its simply not the game for you, much like Hello Kitty Island Adventure is not a game for me, or is it? :D
Yea, i expect more from a triple A studio. I'm tired of playing boring mindless stand here shoot this games. Its boring, there is no imagination put into the gameplay. Fetch quests, escort missions, survive the wave missions, these are all boring to me now since ive been doing it for years, there is no imagination and innovation going on with gameplay, its mindless dribble. We didnt come out with different expectations from the game we have different standards on how we see those expectations. I mean i dont see us drawing wrong conclucions, i just thing your conlucsion is poor taste :P I enjoyed destiny because it was the first of its kind, it was cool for awhile, but they fucked up the end game content. Now this came out and its even worse than destiny at the start, im not going to pay 60$ and lower my standards of a game when they lower the standards of the genre, i dont bring my standards down with them. I keep my standards and hold the companies to it. Destiny had huge promise but they failed horribly at the end game, Anthem from what I have seen and read failed before you even reached end game and failed even worse at the end game. There are so many better games where I can play mindlessly shooting things and I dont see the need to accept Anthems imo lowered standard of the genre. They are almost as bad as NMS imo with how much shit they showed that was going to be in the game and how much they cut and gutted. The graphics and the main hub was a BIG rip that wasnt even a downgrade that was a straight fuck you buy our game AHAHAHA gotcha it doesnt look like that at all.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
80 hours in.

I did not develop unrealistic or fantastical expectations before launch.

I do not hate EA. (I do not necessarily like them either).

I love Anthem.

It's a game I can play with friends. I constantly have at least 2, usually 3 friends playing with me, ALL AT DIFFERENT POWER LEVELS. Some have literally JUST installed the game.

It has quick missions we run which resemble dungeons in format. That's perfect, I love dungeons.

Yes, there are some minor bugs. They are nothing significant and it's easy to get around.

Yes, it's frustrating to get a legendary drop with frost damage and a +225% physical bonus on it. But that's RNG! Salvage that and keep playing.

Some people just like to cry, I think. I am not one of them.
The only reason why i think people are accepting of this standard of quality imo is because the pool is 3 games, Division, Destiny, and this. There isnt anything like this to show it can be done better. Its kinda like the battle royal effect, pubg was the first, everything thought it was great. Fortnite came out and everyone moved over there, Blackout came out and everyone was in awe, ableit the servers went to shoot, and now that apex has come out everything believes this is a higher standard than them all. When the pool is so small you are forced to accept lower standards of quality because you have no choice, so its either play a genre that is mediorce at best with your friends or dont play the genre at all.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
[/QUOTE]Again, you like many others are picturing a game in their head (most likely Borderlands, which has a linear story) and the concluding that Anthem sucks because it is not the AAA linear game you were expecting.

Anthem is a spiral staircase, not a linear story line, way too many people missed this point.

This not entirely accurate brother, the 2017 trailer at E3 shows an entirely different game, better graphics, better game play, better weapons and a completely different hub but the fact is they gutted this game, whether it was EA or BioWare I don't know but its not the same game you see in that trailer.

I get the whole shooter looter premise and I am ok with that idea but the repetitive missions by even those standards are bland and boring at best, stand here and shoot things, grab 6 of X, grab 10 of X etc... even the Strongholds were repeats of the story line nothing new, seriously this is just bad even for a looter game. At this point Destiny 1 was much better it took way longer to get through the story and a hell of a lot longer to max your character and their loot system was much better as well.

As for the story it was merely ok, it wasn't horrible and it wasn't great I expected more from BioWare myself but shouldn't we expect more? Seriously they created those standards themselves when they made Mass Effect, Dragons Age, KOTOR etc..... they themselves created that bar and they also created an expectation when they show up to an E3 convention and show a trailer and then release a game nowhere near what they showed us. You don't buy a Ferrari and then 6 years later buy a new Ferrari and expect it to be a lesser quality purchase you expect the same quality, why? Because they created that standard themselves when the made the first one. Why is it any different with this? BioWare set these standards not the consumers.

Again making excuses for companies that will release content and make the game better after people have bought and paid for a subpar product is a bad standard we have all accepted, this is nowhere near AAA I would say C+ or B- at best most people will drop this game quick for Division 2 because by then most will have 4+ weeks into the game and be exactly where the rest of us are right now, bored and wondering why the hell we paid 60$ in the first place. This is another coulda, shoulda, mighta been great game on a long list of potential games and waiting 2 months, 3 months or 6 months to see if they do it justice is just another slap in the face to the consumers. Unfortunately this has become the standard because we the consumers have accepted it.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
The only reason why i think people are accepting of this standard of quality imo is because the pool is 3 games, Division, Destiny, and this.
I disagree. Perhaps we classify this game differently.

Other games highly similar to this: World of Warcraft, SWTOR, I'm sure there are others. Anthem has pros and cons compared to all 5 of those games.

Compared to those, I like Anthem a lot.

I definitely agree it needs more dungeons, and more loot. But it's a good game IMO, I and everyone I'm playing with are enjoying it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I disagree. Perhaps we classify this game differently.

Other games highly similar to this: World of Warcraft, SWTOR, I'm sure there are others. Anthem has pros and cons compared to all 5 of those games.

Compared to those, I like Anthem a lot.

I definitely agree it needs more dungeons, and more loot. But it's a good game IMO, I and everyone I'm playing with are enjoying it.
None of those are shooters and if you want to compare to mmos then this game is the bottom of the barrel for that standard aside from graphics. I wouldnt consider this game anywhere close to a mmo though, too small in scope.
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Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
None of those are shooters and if you want to compare to mmos then this game is the bottom of the barrel for that standard aside from graphics. I wouldnt consider this game anywhere close to a mmo though, too small in scope.
I'm not comparing Anthem to MMOs.

I'm comparing it to Dungeon running games. There is a lot to WOW. I'm only talking about the end game repetitive dungeon running, which is what WOW is really about if you play it at a high level. Same thing with SWTOR.

And if you compare Anthem's dungeons to WOW and SWTOR dungeons, Anthem actually does great. It just needs more of them.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not comparing Anthem to MMOs.

I'm comparing it to Dungeon running games. There is a lot to WOW. I'm only talking about the end game repetitive dungeon running, which is what WOW is really about if you play it at a high level. Same thing with SWTOR.

And if you compare Anthem's dungeons to WOW and SWTOR dungeons, Anthem actually does great. It just needs more of them.
I would say in comparision to mmos then you cant compare the 2, since those mmos dont use real AI its set structures. Anthem falls really short in the AI deparment and most of the time the AI just stands still or moves a couple of feet, they are mindless zombies. When compared to AI in general Anthem falls really short. The spider boss in the demo was really really brainless as storm i hovered above him and had 0 interaction with him. From the videos I have seen which covered AI they all were more or less the same. If you want to compare Anthems dungeons to the mmos the boss fights fall heavily short.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I would say in comparision to mmos then you cant compare the 2, since those mmos dont use real AI its set structures. Anthem falls really short in the AI deparment and most of the time the AI just stands still or moves a couple of feet, they are mindless zombies. When compared to AI in general Anthem falls really short. The spider boss in the demo was really really brainless as storm i hovered above him and had 0 interaction with him. From the videos I have seen which covered AI they all were more or less the same. If you want to compare Anthems dungeons to the mmos the boss fights fall heavily short.
I agree the AI is currently inferior and the boss mechanics are simplistic. However I'm enjoying it anyway, and hoping that they will improve those 2 elements in the not-distant-future.

Hopelessly optimistic? Perhaps. But happy, nonetheless.
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