Any idea when Multi crew will get more attention?


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I know that Multi Crew is limited in the PU at the time of this post. I was just thinking though, I haven't seen anything saying when Multi Crew will be focused on. I know that there are turrets but something I was looking forward too is being in my connie and communicating with my two co pilots in a fire fight while an engineer is running around repairing components. Or the Beerfarer with the same concept. I haven't been able to find any videos on any tests on it either. Maybe I haven't just looked hard enough, but I was just curious cause today I was playing and I had a conversation with another citizen and Multi Crew was, well is, the biggest thing I am excited about, which is weird I know. Anyways, lemme know. Thanks!


Dec 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I tried multicrew for the first time the other day, I spawned my Gemini for some guus who were trying to get a ride on one.

I could see potential but at the moment its a very 'why would you bother?' Scenario.

we were a big target, lately uncoordinated with the pilot moving to shoot the forward guns and inadvertently rendering his turrets useless. The closest we got to excitement was gaining a new crew member while being prepared to stave off any unwanted boarders and a rescue operation.

there is potential but otherwise it was a largely hollow experience for the moment.

what it taught me is that the freelancer max is going to be the best non-heavy-lift hauler and that smaller group and solo ships are so much fun that multicrew needs a lot of love to make it as viable as everyone taking their own ship. A convoy of MAXs could shift a similar amount of cargo, offer greater safety and be faster.

honestly, I expect this game to be exceptional fun for fighter/bomber combat, dropship work and FPS. The larger scale stuff Im more sceptical of right now.

my 0.02 creds were I the mighty CR, focus on getting the PU stable and push a focus on fighters/dropships/marines and introduce larger ships incrementally in an Elite Dangerous style, giving time to see their utility develop organically in the universe in a sort of drop-fed style.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll bet more of the multicrew stuff will come online with the item system 2.0 that everyone is creaming their jockeys over. So I'm guessing we will see SOMETHING for it in 3.0. There will be a lot of changes coming down the pipe at us these next 12 months. This excites me because I honestly am already having a blast balancing shields in combat. I can only imagine where that will lead!


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
As I understand it, the crew in a ship are in a separate instance from the one the ship is in.

Syncing nested instances was one of the Hard Problems CR said needed to be solved before 3.0 could go live.

I expect multi-crew to be limited/buggy for some time yet.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
We won't know till 3.0 hits. They could really do with fixing turrets though as they are all but useless currently. Those who bought ships with no guns and 5 turrets will be sitting ducks unless CIG get some kind of stabilization sorted!


Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
My first tour overseas I recall chasing some locals who decided to punch a hole in a diesel pipeline and start filling their fuel tanker truck and some other smaller containers, one siphoned 55 gallon drum at a time. They saw us coming after them and scattered, leaving various and sundry small vehicles, including a running tractor with a few drums sitting on the back, dirt bikes, and a few cars that weren't in good enough shape or were too loaded down to outrun a HMMWV. Driving past all of those abandoned vehicles, watching about 30 other dust trails spreading in every direction across the desert was complete chaos.

With this memory in my mind's eye, I picture a cryastro service station devoid of adult supervision. Near a compromised storage tank, I see a TEST starfarer loaded down with 'liberated' fuel, surrounded by semi-sober TESTies and their fleet of jalopies in need of a top off. I see us, at the very moment that crusader security shows up in force to investigate 'suspicious activity' at cryastro 256...

All I can say is, I can't wait :)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My first tour overseas I recall chasing some locals who decided to punch a hole in a diesel pipeline and start filling their fuel tanker truck and some other smaller containers, one siphoned 55 gallon drum at a time. They saw us coming after them and scattered, leaving various and sundry small vehicles, including a running tractor with a few drums sitting on the back, dirt bikes, and a few cars that weren't in good enough shape or were too loaded down to outrun a HMMWV. Driving past all of those abandoned vehicles, watching about 30 other dust trails spreading in every direction across the desert was complete chaos.

With this memory in my mind's eye, I picture a cryastro service station devoid of adult supervision. Near a compromised storage tank, I see a TEST starfarer loaded down with 'liberated' fuel, surrounded by semi-sober TESTies and their fleet of jalopies in need of a top off. I see us, at the very moment that crusader security shows up in force to investigate 'suspicious activity' at cryastro 256...

All I can say is, I can't wait :slight_smile:
Hahaha, that's hilarious. Hopefully we can get the Starfarer in close without hitting the station...ya know, because TEST.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If they fixed turrets then multicrew would be more appealing. Right now it's much more effective to grab 5 hornets than fully load a constellation and end up getting ganked by 1 sabre :|


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
There is some turret fixes in 2.6, not had the chance to properly try them out, but from what I've heard they are better, but not good.

As for other things, I think a lot of it is waiting on the long-awaited item 2.0, then things like coolers will become physical objects which you can access to repair and blah blah blah...

Basically it's going to come together slowly, multi-crew isn't needed for Squad 42, you can just fake it and lock the player out of functions. You're going to be a fighter pilot, not an engineer. So naturally the small fighters will get love first so that they can (eventually) release Sq42. Once they have got everything down for single person ships they can start showing some multi-crew love.

In other 2.6 news they did fix the tali flashing light in the cockpit, so now it's half-way flyable! However trying to enter the pilot seat puts you in the front turret 75% of the time. You win some, you lose some.

All this being said one of my favourite things is to walk around in a connie or a freelancer and see the outside world rush past me as we travel through the depths of space, they might now have the experience right yet, but the feel of being in a ship in space is just right!
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