Anyone else disappointed with BFV?


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I started playing the open demo, and I've actually never had this bad of an experience playing Battlefield. Keep in mind i'm not counting bugs, glitches, or any of that as part as my experience as they do have time to iron that out. I just mean the overall gameplay, moving, shooting mechanics. I just can't play. I can do well and still hate the time I'm playing. I was just curious if anyone else was in the same boat? I was gonna go to the Battlefield forums, but realized Id get called dumb and stuff.


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
But that is what we do right here!

I hear mixed reviews, some people are absolutely loving BFV, is it possible you just got old are not "with it" anymore?
I suppose it is. The way people play the game is completely different now too. It just took every reason why I loved it and changed it all.
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Grand Admiral
May 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I can't wait to try it out when it opens to the public tomorrow. By then it'll be a do or don't whether it compares to BF1 or not..
BF1 was decent tbh, but a true Battlefield experience will always be Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 4 for me. :D
I like the whole WW2 setting, so I hope BF5 can get me back into the battlefield. (See what I did there). :laughing::metal:
Will leave my thoughts when I've played it in a couple of days. :beers:
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I lost faith in the series when they went to the effort of selling a WWI game, then jammed it chalk-full of fully automatic weapons. Completely ruined the main selling point of that era; Bolt action only (for the most part) and actually having to aim. 0/10 would not play.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I lost faith in the series when they went to the effort of selling a WWI game, then jammed it chalk-full of fully automatic weapons. Completely ruined the main selling point of that era; Bolt action only (for the most part) and actually having to aim. 0/10 would not play.
Historical accuracy vs. shareholder profits.

Hmmmm...I wonder which will win out.


Space Marshal
Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Ehh not gonna buy it. I purchased all the expansions to BF4, played through the story and the Multiplayer for a few weeks and never went back. Bought Battlefront 1 and didn't play it much at all. Bought Battlefront 2 played through the Story and have not went back. It is just something about those games especially the multiplayer part. It maybe a good game but I think I'm pretty much done with EA when it comes to the FPS.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I can't wait to try it out when it opens to the public tomorrow. By then it'll be a do or don't whether it compares to BF1 or not..
BF1 was decent tbh, but a true Battlefield experience will always be Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 4 for me. :smile:
I like the whole WW2 setting, so I hope BF5 can get me back into the battlefield. (See what I did there). :laughing::metal:
Will leave my thoughts when I've played it in a couple of days. :beers:

And for me Bad Company and Bad Company 2 is were Dice started to go wrong culminating in Battlefront and Battlefield 1. With aim assist, large hit boxes, client side hit detection, randomized bullet spread and long time to kill takes most of the skill out of the game and instead makes it so even the spray and pray player can go toe to toe with a marksman. It really took Dice over a year after Battlefield 4 was released before they fixed the net code enough to make it more competitive and even then it really never was. Take for instance the wonderful red triangle that you just need to shoot at with out even being able to see or have seen the enemy, just them shooting or moving. The health regen, the grenade spam with quick ammo refill.

I really hope in Battlefield 5 they bring back some of the skills and learning curves but I find myself not pre ordering or even holding my breath and will just wait and see how the game plays out months after release.
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Grand Admiral
May 13, 2015
RSI Handle
Haha, I can relate to a few of those, sure. :P Oh god the red triangle. xD Happily forgot about that. :D
Especially the bullet sponge aspect really messed it up for me as well.
Maybe I remember Bad Company 2 as such a brilliant game, because it was one of the first I played with that kind of building/scenery destruction, and that just blew my mind every time. :D
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Somehow I'm not surprised that BFV turned out to be not that great. After seeing that trailer, I didn't have my hopes up...

But I'm kinda surprised how much ppl are bashing Battlefield 1!
It was the game that brought me back to multiplayer shooters! It was most certainly not a hardcore competitive game. It was very noob-friendly, that's why I enjoyed it I guess lol. Up to the point where I was beginning to get better at the game, and started noticing all the stuff ppl complained about, but it was still a fun romp in the big chaotic battles. It was certainly not a competitive small-team focused tactical shooter, but that's why it felt fresh and fun, instead of being your typical depressingly stressful, run of the mill generic gray shooter.
But I as others pointed out, the abundance of automatic weapons felt kinda wrong after a while. And let's not even talk about all the aimbotting wallhacking and outright game-breaking hax ppl came up with. ( example: someone haced that him throwing an incindiery grenade at a wall constantly wiped the whole opposite team, and such "funny" things)
Even though later they added more realistic modes (rifles only and no UI of any sort), those were trashed by noobs and trolls alike. I got shot by teammates more times in a match than I could count using a calculator!
Damn shame, could have been a long-time favorite of mine.
With the utter trash that is CoD:WW2 (yes I tried it, didn't like it at all), the trailer for BFV being way too over the top silly and not giving me any chills of excitement (even through I totally ignored the "historical vs SJW" controversies. I just don't care.), and my dissapointment in BF1 down the line, I won't be buying this one on release day, that's for sure! Still got my Origin sub, so I might give it a go later...


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Battlefield 2, and its mod Project Reality was the best shooter experience for me, nothing else has matched it. The current crop of Battlefield games are too much like CoD for my tastes. Shooters are a thing of the past for me.
Indeed. For me it was a great balance between where Arma and Counter Strike went and CoD. In fact I would say CoD could be a great game if they added back in the gun play that was originally developed in death match games like Unreal and Quake II.


Space Marshal
Mar 12, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm enjoying it. Been starving for a Quality Battlefield style game for awhile. Something in between COD's Run-n-Gun style, and Rainbow 6's Super Tactical Style. Been a fan of Battlefield since 1942, BF1 didn't really grab me all that well. It was fun, but didn't hold me forever like BF4 did.

I just hope the server management isn't dog shit again.
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