Anyone have any tips on learning how to keybind Thrustmaster T16000s?


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
Mostly the title. Trying to fly HOSAS. No stick experience since the 90s and the Microsoft Sidewinder, (which I still have but seems to be way too outmoded) but jumped the gun and bought two 16000s.

I think I want to bind my right stick to be flight sim controls, unlike most everyone who insists in space we should be different and special, so I'm in it to win it on my own.

Any advice appreciated. I have access to Target software but nothing else. I want to emphasize that I've never done this before.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
And here is the opposite view ^^:
Unless you want to run a lot of double keybindings with modifiere keys you don't really need TARGET.
I think (a lot of?) people run secondary devices for more immersion and better control input.

Some examples are:
Lea extended input / Roccat power grid
game glass
Elgato stream deck

I like to keep my keybind simple and reduced to the most important stuff and use my tablet as an enhanced device. (LEA)

Left stick: Strafing
Left Slider: when its back thruster power
left hat switch: Counter measures
left Fire button: fire group 2
left top buttons: AFB, decouple, spacebrake

right stick: pitch, yaw, roll
right Slider: speed limiter
right hat switch: targeting
right Fire button: fire group 1
right top buttons: lock and fire missiles (and maybe in the near future for communication)


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
And here is the opposite view ^^:
Unless you want to run a lot of double keybindings with modifiere keys you don't really need TARGET.
I share this view. If you want to do some extra stuff like custom combined axis or butter better timed button presses, I can recommend Joystick Gremlin above Target.

I like to keep my keybind simple and reduced to the most important stuff and use my tablet as an enhanced device. (LEA)

Left stick: Strafing
Left Slider: when its back thruster power
left hat switch: Counter measures
left Fire button: fire group 2
left top buttons: AFB, decouple, spacebrake

right stick: pitch, yaw, roll
right Slider: speed limiter
right hat switch: targeting
right Fire button: fire group 1
right top buttons: lock and fire missiles (and maybe in the near future for communication)
simple and easy :like:


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
There is a series of Youtube vids that helped me out a lot setting up dual joysticks.
Search for ' Trip Rodriguez ', maybe add in 'dual joystick setup'.
The actual binding is a matter of preference

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I recommend installing TARGET, there are quite a few written an video guides to using the GUI, though it is really easy.
I agree, I use TARGET... and it work flawless
To many tutorial and guides tell you how to key bind and what keys!?... argh!?
No one can now or tell you how you want your personal setting but to get the HOSAS working this is how I did it.

Install TARGET youtube how target work then youtube setting up HOSAS with TARGET 30 min later I was all set.
Now all remaining was to figure out how I want my key bindings and I never had a problem since then with it.



Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
One of the things I really liked about T.A.R.G.E.T was being able to setup a button on the left stick for Ctrl and another as an high number uncommon function key (F20 if I remember correctly) for PTT out of game (example: Discord.) Doing these made life so much easier on me as I could talk while in combat without taking my hands off a stick and made binding for all the different in-game targeting options now much easier.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeh my tips are - forget target, just go in game and bind the controls you need to the buttons and axis you want. Seems to work great for me and I use one in the left hand and one in the right hand.


Vice Admiral
Jun 17, 2019
RSI Handle
If you don't have any flight sim experience so any layout and setup might work but you need to find the right setup that is easy for you to make a muscle memory for it. I would suggest to use standard Airplane flight model because it is an engineered control setup, so everyone can memorize it fast and easy and have the best control over the plane manual flights. So its really up to you to find out what is the best for you but to start from scratch, you can use commonly suggested and used layouts then tweak it for yourself in time. There is no the best setup, there is just best one for you.

If you have an Airplane flight sim experience and you have made a muscle memory already, even tho if it has been passed for years, (let say its just like riding a bicycle so you already have that memory) then the easiest way to adapt to a space sim is to use the already existed muscle memory and just add new ones on that with some small tweaks. Here I share my overall setup which is based on my Airplane flight sim habits. I hope this would be some use for you.

Left Hand :

All axis are for strafing, X for left and right, Y for up and down.
I don't use twist on left hand for any movement. (this is just a personal preference )
Here I didn't add thrust to Y because I needed to create a new complex thrust forward/back and left and right strafe muscle memory, which I couldn't manage to overcome and I decided its best for me to not use Thrust on left hand, however my old habit for left hand was thrust but with a few practice I managed to replace it to up and down strafe. In order to make it easier for me to memorize up/down strafe, I revered it so just like pitching, pulling back is moving up and pulling down is moving down. I managed to get used to this new movement easily.

All buttons on left hand are related to flight controls only, like speed limiter boost, couple toggle etc.
The only thing that is not related to movement on my left hand is shield control on hat. I found out that having those on left hand makes my dog fight shield control very easier. (This is my personal preference.)

Right Hand :

Ok, I did set this up exactly the same way as an usual airplane control setup.
X is roll. yes this is roll, just because of my airplane control habit so I didn't want to change it, I don't use yaw much in Star Citizen maybe I should but I never had the feeling that something is missing because of this so Its up to you make X roll or yaw.
Y is pitch and twist for me in this case is yaw which I heavily curved it and made it a very slow motion for yaw. (Just a personal preference from air plane flight muscle memory)
All buttons are for targeting and weapon control

Thrust :

Ok this part is a bit unusual but might be interesting. I use a pedal for Thrust forward and backwards, natural muscle memory from daily car driving habit ;)
Alright, Pedals in airplane sims are mostly used for left and right yaw and tail flaps control, so this part might need a bit work. If you have a 4 ways pedal then you can use pedals for strafe and left hand stick for thrust but in this case using a thrust controller on left is more useful than a left hand stick.

And last but not the least, I use head track for free look all the time instead of using right hat for free look. I'm using in game face track and it does work pretty good.

I hope this would be useful, and I would be happy if anyone would add some advises on my setup or criticize this setup so I might learn new things.
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Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
I m actualy running Warthog HOTAS and the T flight rudder pedals so sorry i cant realy help you with the dual joystick thing.
But i also recommand target.

Basicaly i just bind my axes and keys with target and and then i spend a necessary time in flight free mode to creat my own personnal control binding in SC then i export it and keep it safe.

PS: if anyone is interested i can share it as it took me a long time to do (also include mining mode with separate throttle ;) )


Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
you can separate the warthog throttle in 2. So when i switch to mining mod i just have to separate them and then i got a throttle dedicated to mining lazer
  • o7
Reactions: Mich Angel


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
you can separate the warthog throttle in 2. So when i switch to mining mod i just have to separate them and then i got a throttle dedicated to mining lazer
ooooooow, yeah, I use left half for limiter and right half for throttle.

Damn, I was really expected to see something amazing like this: View:
or this:
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