Time to makes some Potato TEST stamper prints!Technically a potato could bring glory to Test, it's all in how creatively you use it. Either using radiation to make it into a giant potato and making some rad vodka, or just stuffing it into the tailpipe of someone's Bengal. In the end, it's all hilarious.
Technically a potato could bring glory to Test, it's all in how creatively you use it. Either using radiation to make it into a giant potato and making some rad vodka, or just stuffing it into the tailpipe of someone's Bengal. In the end, it's all hilarious.
Oooh, a Bennys Mankini even? Much Swim! Such Wow!Big Benny's man thong.
Many thanks, very Halloweeny.
you are correct!hm...I kinda thought it was going to be this
it was to go along with a lore posting about a popular B list horror movie