Many thanks for your kind, measured reply, 'tis in the spirit of the Glory of Test!
Apologies I will be responding a little out of sequence but the responses do tend to flow together a bit better out of order:
[...] I also don't think we really need to speculate as to what they meant when they said bringing up bad business practices was the issue, as the most likely explanation is that they really just meant that bringing up bad business practices was the issue.
I think I've identified something here which I can walk with so apologies I'm not addressing the exact topic right now, however:
I must take my own umbrage with your request we not analyse the instance of moderation, I believe this is the second time you have requested I do this in this thread (the first time I complied)...
You feel you are permitted to speculate about the true intentions for the PTU wave structure change based on official statements and the words of one dev leading to what you feel is a conclusion that neither have said, but we can't speculate on the intentions of your posts moderation based on a screenshot of said moderation and your own words leading to what we feel is a logical conclusion neither of you have said...?
Can you see a correlation? I can. You made speculation which was deemed necessary of a request to cease. I'm making speculation you have deemed necessary of a request to cease.
I believe what I have been doing is, inadvertently, exactly what you were moderated for on Spectrum.
If you live by certain standards you must expect them to be applied back to you - this is when you need to make sure your speculation is as based on evidence as compelling as the following evidence based speculation:
Well, the problem with rules you make up on the spot tends to be the inconsistent application of said rules. Especially when even the rules written down seem to be rather spottily enforced.
Alas that is also covered in the code of conduct:
Resorting to literalism or rules lawyering is a weak and transparent defense and will be regarded as such. If your idea of a good time is to find ways to troll Spectrum without technically breaking one of these rules, know that you may still be sanctioned.
(a) “But I’m not technically poking you!” is not cause for the nuanced legal debate you’re imagining.
(b) “But this other person did this and got away with it!” is not an excuse or justification for poor behavior. Due to our privacy policy, we will not discuss any information or actions, taken or otherwise, involving other Citizens.
(c) "But there isn't a specific rule saying I can't do this!" is not an exemption from complying with a request from moderators or staff.
It's very hard to interpret the above speculation as far from the fact of the matter in regard to there being no specific rule about it, as the factual evidence for the speculation it is based on to interpret the instance of moderation is compelling especially in line with the below:
Feedback must be provided 'without the claims of bad business practices.' An example of 'bad business practice' is provided as 'implications of milking backers.'
No other reason for pruning the message is stated.
Alas although not specifically spelled out in the moderators message and although it was almost certainly not intended to be, your post does qualify under the following as previously stated points:
- (a) Posts discussing rumors or misinformation, including the posting of rumors and/or personal opinion as fact, are not allowed.
- (b) Posts designed to rile up or divide the community and spread unrest, including FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) are not allowed.
Your post was reads as personal opinion presented as fact which could cause others to experience uncertainty. There is CIGs official statements on the matter which is an unsustainable problem was being caused, and one dev statement that they expect waves to pass within a few days. I'm not saying your post was not based off of those facts, but I am saying that it includes speculation and conjecture in it which were not in the official statements which then encroaches on these above points A and B.
I believe this is alluded to when they use the word "claims". They have not even said "speculation" or "theories", a claim is a factual statement... Loads of people on Spectrum have raised their concerns of a cash-grab but there are still plenty of threads with the concept, so I don't think the suggestion of what people are concerned about is what's banned, it's the outright claiming of it which I don't really think was intended in your post...?
I don't use the PTU at all, I have no experience with the prior waves or the current ones but from your post I could derive a degree of uncertainty, doubt and fear - if your post was then screenshot and shared outside of the common-experienced space of Specturm/Test, where people who have
no experience of SC, that speculation can carry some real clout and affect their decisions to give the game a try.
Just because they didn't spell it out in their message to you doesn't mean you didn't encroach or breach the quoted points and that these were not contributors or drivers to their decision to act and this is where my speculation becomes compelling and unhelpful to the message you are trying to convey, just as yours may have been to the message CIG was trying to send to readers.
This is the problem with speculation, again, who knows it might be exactly as you suspected... but it also might not be. Your instance of moderation may be exactly as I suspect... but it also might not be.
I shall end this part of my response and reply to the last part of your response separately as it is excellent and not related to this part of the discussion at all