Application to TEST organisation by nubcaek


May 30, 2021
RSI Handle
My application as an introduction here :)

MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
From: "JamesTiberius" <[email protected]>
To: "TEST Recruiter" <[email protected]>
Cc: "The one true glorious leader" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2021 22:42:42 +0200
Subject: Application to TEST organisation by nubcaek

Hello Recruiter of Test,

I'm a humble programmer / dad / COVID19-bored-dude / gamer. I have exactly 60 minutes of experience with Star Citizen and I love the concept and the nature of the development.

My commitment will be low. My motivation lacking. But I bought a game package with a Freelancer and the black livery anyway.

If this sounds as appealing to TEST. Please let me in, I need help.

Yours sincerely,



May 30, 2021
RSI Handle

Where you from stranger?
The lands of the Nether!

What drew you to Star Citizen?
It feels like the start of something grand.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
The feeling I got when I played WoW back in 2005 and raiding with 40 people on TeamSpeak. Also: casual trading / box delivery.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Jazz Jackrabbit / Commander Keen. Those good computer bleeps on the Victor 386 :love:

What other games do you play?
Almost everything single player RPG with a good story I've payed out. CB2077, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Valheim, GTA, Mafia, Minecraft, Terraria. >60hrs in all of em.
I used to have a lot of gametime in WoW, but I quit a looooong time ago, and haven't been able to get back into the feeling.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
The freakin' organisation search page. Ordered by SIZE (and non-RP). When I read your description, I immediately felt at home.

Picard or Kirk?
I'm sorry, I've introduced myself, right? (Also: Janeway of course).

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
Is this a question?

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
yea yea, welcome to test, blah blah blah. DID YOU BRING BEER?!! We ran out like 3 welcome threads ago and were getting hella-parched from saying "welcome to test, welcome to test." I need to welcome my throat to some suddsey liquird refreshment. Oh, and FYI, all org dues are paid for in beer. Cans, bottles, kegs, barrels, what ever you can shimmy into the back of your starter ship and bring to the party without it de-synching, 30king, clipping out of the physics grid, or randomly causing your shit to blow up. And for the love of god, do not ask if someone can hold your beer while you do some crazy stunt, cause your beer aint gona be there when you get respawned. . . learned that one the hard way.


May 30, 2021
RSI Handle
@Lorddarthvik @wmk @Vavrik @Sayora Thnx :D

@Talonsbane I'm a sucker for luxury and status, so definitely the Origin 890 Jump, just look at her


I don't know if my time will be enough / regular enough to get a real crew for a frigate or something, so. Ghost cruising / touring / discovery / mining / deliveries it is, for me :)

@CosmicTrader Thnx :D
@vahadar 🍻
@marcsand2 @Sky Captain Thnx :D

@Devil Dog Hog Here ya go


@diskawrs @Scape Thnx :D

Very big welcome. I already played with @O-Lefty some (or should I say, annoyed him with n00bish impatience).

The first 2 days were just crashing for me, and I wasn't able to earn a single aUEC, everybody told me it was due to the free fly week though. Last 2 evenings I have been able to play without a crash (just some minor glitches like a non-functioning landing gear while on a delivery mission). So I hope those last 2 evenings are representable of the coming months :)

I did buy a dual Thrustmaster T-16000M setup based on the last two evenings

See ya in the 'verse!😁


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
@Talonsbane I'm a sucker for luxury and status, so definitely the Origin 890 Jump, just look at her

View attachment 20845
@JamesTiberius , I'm a fan of the luxury ships as well & I hope that when the time comes, that those that own them will receive the reputation buff that CIG had mentioned early on in the development as a means to get backers more interested in paying more for luxury based ships. I'm definitely happy with my 890J. Have you named yours yet? I named mine Caligulas Garden of Delights after the infamous pleasure gardens where the former Roman emperor Caligula hosted legendary amounts of debauchery.
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