Atlas Defense Industries requires members to earn certifications to fly their own ships!


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
From ADI's actual page:
ADI is a certificate-based organization. Members will be required to obtain a certificate for any and all gameplay roles in Star Citizen. This will ensure a level of quality and skill amongst the organization membership. You can rest assured that your fellow organization members will have your back and be qualified in their roles. Many of these check-rides will be fairly straight forward and easy to obtain, as they will consist primarily of the in-game tasks that you will already be performing. Others will require members to develop a level of proficiency and prowess, and reaching that level will require dedication and training to achieve. ADI will provide training material and regularly scheduled opportunities to allow members to grow and hone their skill set.
TEST is primarily a beer-based organization. Members will be required to obtain a beer for any and all gameplay roles in Star Citizen. This will ensure a level of disaster and ineptitude among the organization membership. You can rest assured that your fellow organization members will have never your back or be qualified in their roles. Many of these beers will be fairly straight forward and easy to obtain, as they will consist primarily of the beers that you will already be drinking. Others will require members to develop a level of alcohol tolerance and black-out shenanigans, and reaching that level will require barrels of booze and hours puking into a space toilet to achieve. TEST will not always provide beers or regularly scheduled keggers to allow members to grow and hone their skill set, but you'll be fine!


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I joined TEST because of the beer...
@Blind Owl gave me a case of beer and $200 in ships and said "Join TEST or I'm taking away the beer"
@CosmicTrader and @Rock can teach you how to fly, but I haven't utilized them yet....
@Montoya spelling is as bad as mine, or maybe even worster!
@Accented doesn't know it yet, but he's building me a new gaming rig next year (I'm probably going to be stationed near him, and I'm hoping he gives TEST discounts!)

If I had to put up with rules in a video game, I'd cry myself to sleep every night... I hope one of their members decides to fly their BENGAL into the sun!

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I feel like we all need to make alt accounts and spam join them. It will be a Test covert operation.
I used to teach leadership and management in the military, one of the first questions I asked my students was, "how many of you joined this outfit just to screw it up". Everyone would raise their hand and we would have a good laugh.

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I will say, their customer service is exceptional.
Jared Mander: My grandson bought me a new laptop but I can't make the google work.
Texion: Hi there! How's it going? It looks like you're having some trouble with Google. How can I help?
Jared Mander: I am trying to look for airplane tickets on the internet but I can't open the google.
Texion: I see. Do you know what internet browser you're using?
Jared Mander: It came with the computer.
Texion: Is it a windows computer, or Apple?
Jared Mander: It's an Intel.
Texion: Perfect. So you'll be using Internet Explorer.
Just one second.
If you visit this page, you can learn everything you need to know about Internet Explorer
In order to use google, visit
Jared Mander: Do I have to type that somewhere?
Texion: No sir! The two URLs that you see above can simply be clicked on.
Jared Mander: Thank you. You're a very nice young man.
Texion: You're very welcome! Have a great day.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I have completed some spai-work.

me ask about certifications

ADI Rep: I can understand how they might sound a bit intimidating at first, but they're really not a big deal.
The way we understand things to work in the PU, is that every action taken by our members will affect our Reputation, positively or negatively.
Because of this, and a general desire for our org to be full of members that know what they're doing, we have the certification system in place

key note:
and a general desire for our org to be full of members that know what they're doing,
They're like the opposite of TEST.
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