Bare as you Dare....Official Invite

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or an overbearing dick. I'm just going to pretend that you believe that people not harming them selves or other people, in a city that you no longer live in, doesn't actually affect you in any way.
Please don't force your vacant ethics on me. Your measure for right and wrong is that of a 6 year old, and this forum is supposed to require you be an adult.

When people flaunt the law and force their views on others, especially including forcing their public nudity on children; they belong in jail. That is and has been the law across most of civilization for 6,000 years for good reasons, and is still the law in Oregon. The problem is that Oregon is full of childish ass-wipe Millennials who can't think like adults and won't enforce those laws.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Please don't force your vacant ethics on me. Your measure for right and wrong is that of a 6 year old, and this forum is supposed to require you be an adult.

When people flaunt the law and force their views on others, especially including forcing their public nudity on children; they belong in jail. That is and has been the law across most of civilization for 6,000 years for good reasons, and is still the law in Oregon. The problem is that Oregon is full of childish ass-wipe Millennials who can't think like adults and won't enforce those laws.
What are you doing to change it?- asked the 6 year old.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
First of all please don't take anything personal here, I love discussions and we should all respect each other even when we disagree, this is why America is out of control, people should be able to disagree without name calling.

I think Oregon law states that public nudity is allowed for protesting, not sure.

That being said I have a few issues here, first of all naked protests happen all over the world and in many places in this very country now I am not going to list them all there are far to many but New York, California and many other states in this country have nude protests every year why is Oregon all of a sudden a deviant state and to label the people who live there in such a way is just not fair. Also Oregon is not the only state with relaxed pot laws, many states have a legalized pot for medical use and as far as I know 4 or 5 states have legalized it for recreational use.

Mardi Gras happens every year and women flash their breasts in public for beads, Florida has a few clothing optional beaches, hell kids watch T.V. and can see bare asses all day without any restrictions.

Please don't force your vacant ethics on me. Your measure for right and wrong is that of a 6 year old, and this forum is supposed to require you be an adult.

When people flaunt the law and force their views on others, especially including forcing their public nudity on children; they belong in jail. That is and has been the law across most of civilization for 6,000 years for good reasons, and is still the law in Oregon. The problem is that Oregon is full of childish ass-wipe Millennials who can't think like adults and won't enforce those laws.
Are you saying public nudity has been against the law for 6000 years? LOL, I am not sure about that my friend, I would rethink that America has only been around for what 240 or so years and I am pretty sure other countries is it still very legal to be nude or topless. I wont even get into the old history. And btw that bike ride is a world wide event now its not just Oregonians making that ride its people all over the country and the world.

Anyways, nudity has always been around, its often legal to use nudity in protesting, PETA, Greenpeace just to name a few that use it regularly, people protest big oil with nudity, I have even read people using nudity to protest pot holes. Bottom line is the police and the people who started that bike ride came to an agreement, the police actually block off and make the routes for them to use, again I think its state law that nudity is allowed during protesting and its that way in many states and all over the world.

To me if some people want to get together and protest nude I really don't care as long as the people are there to protest, now the people who go there to drink and party that is a different story unfortunately its hard to differentiate them sometimes, after reading some articles its clear the original protest started legitimately and it seems the size has grown because some people want to use it to party, but I still say labeling an entire city is wrong, protesting even nude is a right in parts of America and I support it as long as its intent is genuine.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I just don't understand how this "forum for adults", which is centered around a video game, became the appropriate place for the political equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church. Take your "moral opinions" to tumbler, don't voice them in an organization founded on the premis of drunken disobedience within a video game, especially on issues that could otherwise be considered benign. But again, that's just my inner 6 year old talking.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think Oregon law states that public nudity is allowed for protesting, not sure.
You should have started and ended your post there. If you don't know, why would you write so much about what you claim you don't know? And what makes you think that calling for some civility is anything like practicing that civility? If what you wanted was to avoid conflict, what you wanted was to stop posting. Instead all you did was share your ignorance on a topic you know literally nothing about.

How is that working for you?

There is nothing remotely okay about nude protesting, and anyone who actually thinks about the matter knows this. It is only the very confused and emotionally disturbed people amongst us who invent reasons to leave their clothes at home. Yeah, PETA and Greenpeace are good examples, or at least were until Greenpeace grew up and started using the courts. PETA is still full of children acting out, so of course that is where you'd look for justification of childish, deviant, criminal behavior. These are the people who will throw paint on your wife's fur coat. Is that the kind of behavior you want to say is okay?

We really need to be done with this argument. There is no ethical onus upon the adults here to pander to the spoiled children, and passing off one's lack of ethics as ethics is just not okay. If you don't normally ask yourself questions about right and wrong, you do not somehow merit the status of the self-righteous indignant, looking to judge others as wrong simply because they made a judgement at all. That is the height of hypocrisy. So please knock that off.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
My question still stands: what are you doing to actively change what you do not agree with? Besides rant on a video game forum? Or are you one of those people that's more comfortable being only boisterous and opinionated behind a keyboard? Since we're at it, how do you feel about immigrants and gay people? Should GB have left the EU? What are your views on women's rights and racial issues?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My question still stands: what are you doing to actively change what you do not agree with? Besides rant on a video game forum?
I do appreciate your attitude that if you're not part of the solution, you'r part of the problem, but it is not my life's calling to try to right every wrong in society. We all pick and choose our battles and we need to, for there are only so many hours in a day and so much of our heart to spend our sorrows on.

That said, I did not start this thread and there is no onus on me to be part of a solution, past noting that it is morally bankrupt to think there is a reason to parade around in public nude. While we do indeed enjoy a glorious tradition of non-violent dissent in this country, that is not the same thing as fabricating excuses to streak. People wear clothes in public for great reasons and if you don't like it, go join a nudist colony. That's what they're for.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I do appreciate your attitude that if you're not part of the solution, you'r part of the problem, but it is not my life's calling to try to right every wrong in society. We all pick and choose our battles and we need to, for there are only so many hours in a day and so much of our heart to spend our sorrows on.

That said, I did not start this thread and there is no onus on me to be part of a solution, past noting that it is morally bankrupt to think there is a reason to parade around in public nude. While we do indeed enjoy a glorious tradition of non-violent dissent in this country, that is not the same thing as fabricating excuses to streak. People wear clothes in public for great reasons and if you don't like it, go join a nudist colony. That's what they're for.
So, where in your moral wealth is it correct to attempt to belittle other people for their beliefs and opinions? Or is that just the "adult" thing to do now?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
When you take it upon yourself to correct 6,000 years of human experience as distilled by tradition, the onus is on you to make your case. The nudists have never done this so we are right to not take them seriously.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
When you take it upon yourself to correct 6,000 years of human experience as distilled by tradition, the onus is on you to make your case. The nudists have never done this so we are right to not take them seriously.
All of that verbal flatulance and you still failed to answer the question.

Anyway, the 'onus' has obviously been done by you from behind your big keyboard to show what a little person you are. And what do you know; it didn't take 6,000 years of human experience to do it.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You asked a conceptually confused question that has no proper answer. When you begin asking adult questions instead of acting like a child, I will answer them.
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