Bring the Noize!


Aug 9, 2021
RSI Handle
Hi all! NoizeMaker checking in here. Thrilled to be a part of the org and actually do something social - been going it alone for a while and realized this would be way more fun with like-minded people. 😎

  • Where you from stranger?
Originally? The gloriously dull Midwest US. Lived in Montana, Washington, and now Arizona!

  • What drew you to Star Citizen?
FREELANCER. It was a gosh-darn masterpiece. So... the moment I heard about Star Citizen, I dropped $50 of the $130 I had in my bank account at the time to back it. I was homeless for 4 months afterwards, but I don't regret it.

  • What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
A mix of exploration with a crew & targeted PVP Raids to soften up big targets (jump in stealth, en masse, hit them hard, jump out, repeat). My ship choices reflect that.

  • What was the first game you remember playing?
Probably Asteroids on Atari - my parents saved theirs. The games I played compulsively though were Runescape, Gunz: The Duel, Ace Combat, and Star Wars Pod Racing for N64 (my heart!)

  • What other games do you play?
SW Squadrons, Beat Saber, Everspace 2, League of Legends, Planetside 2, and any Mass Effect game.

  • How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Org Search. I heard there would be beer. And perhaps Vodka? I can bring the Stoli.

  • Picard or Kirk?
Picard for 2 reasons: Firstly, Patrick Stewart is based. Lastly, "The Measure of a Man" is a small-screen treasure. OG Kirk is iconic, but I just couldn't invest myself into the campiness as much as I would have liked.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2021
RSI Handle
A lot of fine games mentioned here!

Welcome to the party NoizeMaker ! 🍻
I definitely have a type! Pretty busy with a move across the country right now, but hopefully in a week or two I can dedicate some time to participating in events 🕖 🙄

Welcome aboard, nothing but humor and good will here young man,.....And Beer,..I did mention Beer :o7:
I'll admit, I was drawn to the candor on display. It's refreshing! Community matters, and I hope I can contribute more positivity and opportunity to others.

You ride or run a shop somewhere? (noticed the pfp). 🏍
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Reactions: Vavrik and vahadar


Aug 9, 2021
RSI Handle
Hey mods - just noticed this was put under review :( Did I do something wrong?
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