Buccaneer vs Super Hornet...which should I keep?

Hipstar Dufus

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Asking all you SC Smarties your opinion!

I've built up some UEC bustin rocks on YELA and now I want to start hauling some stuff for profit, but don't want to get a little hauler like the Penguin. I have a Caterpillar, but that's overkill atm until I build up some serious capital, so I think I'd like to trade in one of my fighters for a Freelancer Max ( I know its not available in flight yet, but you do get the standard until then). I do have a Herald too but as far as I know, there are no info running contracts yet, so it seems to make sense to trade in one of my fighters (why do I need two?).

So, with that said, I'd like to hear your opinions on both fighters. Which do you think is superior and why? Also open to hearing what you think is the best profit runs at this current time.

THANKS EVERYBODY! (Especially for your feedback regarding mining and getting blasted by punks looking for easy targets.) The following night I was able to net 17K in just two runs, but it took 4 hours of hunting the perfect super rocks and I kept falling asleep looking for them., but I'm ready to start funding my trade runs.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Until Beta and game balancing we can't know which of the two ships is going to suit your style better, so lets look at what they actually are, because that's not going to change:

Drake Buc:
Should be cheap to maintain as its built out of Popsicle sticks and good intentions (or bad ones if you wanna be a pirate). Supposed to have some cargo space from what I remember from the concept sale but the RSI ship page says 0 SCU so don't go pinning your hopes on that. It's also listed on the RSI website as "Interdiction", which to me says "Ambush". Should be faster than the Anvil but again thats down to Balancing.

Anvil Hornet (super):
probably more expensive to maintain than the hornet but probably made out of actual metal, too. Has that sweet ass turret for moar gun placements which can be swapped out for small cargo box (i think thats still possible with the Super?). It's listed as a "Medium Fighter" on the RSI website which isn't interdiction, is almost guaranteed to be slower than the Buc but everything like that is subject to change and the big difference between the Super and the Buc: a second seat.

So, what do the above mean to you? The big overall difference is the Super Hornet has a second seat. Everything else is subject to balance and change but the Supers second seat is pretty much set in stone. I'd keep the seat myself, although generally I prefer fast ships (I run away a lot).


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
If I have to chose I keep S-Hornet but IMO I wouldn't keep that either it's slow heavy and not very agile compared to the other hornets and there are other things to it I for one do not like after using it a LOT .... Tracker is my sure favorite among the Hornets..
Buccaneer love to fly it, just fly awesome but when it come to save your self it lack most important feature.. you can not escape it in a dogfight if all goes to crap. It got no ejection seat and IMO in a fighter that is so fragile as bucc is well... NO..
So then S-Hornet is the keeper until a good CCU to something better comes along is what I would do, then upgrade it or melt it too.

Cheers :beer: :beer: :beers:


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks everybody. Scrapped the Buccaneerfor the Freelancer Max. Now making trade runs.
I look forward to your upcoming thread about "Keep the Freelancer Max or go with the Mercury Star Runner?" :smile:


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Buccaneer hands down.

Who wants a super hornet any way?


If you want to be babied all your battles then yeah go buy the Super Hornet battle tank to protect your wittle fwagile body from all the pew pew that might scare you....

Or get a real pilot skill based ship that real pilots will fly oh and it's cheap and easy to maintain and also upgrade.

Plus it's for real pilots in case I didn't mention, grow a pair.. of Sucker Punch lasers hahaha!!!!!

Also balls. Grow a pair of balls and pilot a real fighter ship.

I'm not biased towards DRAKE or anything but they are the best.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
I used to own a buccaneer, I now own a super hornet. The super hornet can take more punishment, put out more damage when flown right, and can save your life with the ejection seat. Hands down the better dogfighter, plus you have a seat for your beer.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
One of the benefits of the Hornets that i didn't see listed is that it is a truly multi-mission frame, like the US F-18 Superhornet. It is not a superiority fighter like the Sabre., but you can swap in and out various compoinents and have several different fighters for many needs. For instance, you can droip down the power and go stealth, or you can remove the turret and put tracker gear in. It really is a very diverse system and oyu can buy those cheap components in game or out much more easily than flying different birds.
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