Captain Richard and CIG Q&A Question Collection Thread

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I approached Captain 'Blackbeard' Richard this week about possibly setting up a QA with CIG on his stream and having him ask them some Industry related questions. He agreed to try to get someone from CIG on to answer questions. Keep in mind this is not a sure thing because CIG has their own schedule to keep. Richard is being very gracious to agree to try this for us and I thank him for taking the time to do so. I hope it works out in our favor and we get some good questions answered.

To that end I'm looking for 10-20 really good Industry questions relating to Mining, Salvaging, Repair, Science and Module Overclocking, Bio-Dome Agriculture, and other Industry related topics to give to Richard. If you think it is Industry related I want that question. If it is related to an industrial type ship such as the Reclaimer, put that down too. The more questions to choose from the better.

I'm thinking we'll run this for a week and then I'll sort through it to come up with a list for Richard. I'm not looking for anything in particular in regards to the questions but I am asking thought out questions that require more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer. If Richard can make this happen and CIG likes it maybe we could do it again for something else like Exploration.

One last thing, if you see a question or group of questions you agree with hit the 'Like' button on that post. Also thank Captain Richard for doing this.

1. When it comes to Salvaging a ship, will we need to EVA out first to cut out and collect dangerous/intact components before getting to work with the Reclaimer or is the ship able to take everything as it comes?

2. The processing equipment aboard the Recalimer, is it similar to a Newell Shredder or does it use some other method to tear apart the pieces of the ship you feed it?

3. Will we see a complete Salvage design post in the near future?

4. Can the external cargo boxes on the Orion detach and reattach on a Hull series ship for transport while collecting empty boxes from the Hull series ship so it can continue mining?

5. Do you have any idea how module overclocking will work when we get the capability to do so? Will trying to overclock or modify a module have a chance to result in its destruction or will tinkering always produce a superior product?
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Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
where will I be able to buy seeds and hydroponic supplies for my favorite herb?

back to OP,

Will the "rarity" of material Grown/Mined/Salvaged have any effect on duration of action to gather such?
Will Raw gathered Resourced have a Timer related to Harvest/Refinement/Refurbishment before they become usable?


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
The terms Science & Research imply very limited game play, ie only for select days/times as needed. Just how will players with Science/Research ships (such as a Reliant SEN) keep occupied enough not to get bored or discouraged? It is basically a starter ship.

Thanks to Captain Richard & @Black_Sunder.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Will science hold secrets to better ships? Could ships be discovered by communities/guilds/people that allow them to discover their own type of ships

Repair it self is pretty extensive, will this take place in terms of the suits used for fps as well?

For mining, if rare components are discovered and it seems most would be outside a security area, would it be possible to establish a security zone around it so people who arent part of large orgs dont get pushed out by pirates and war mongers allowing everyone a chance to get rare materials and for it not to be monopolized.

For mining itself in terms of the minerals, is the end game so to speak going to be just a one mineral game where you will effectively make minerals from the start useless and pointless.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
How will the balancing go for the weapons during fps combat. Coming from a primary fps background all the games for competitive play fall down to 1-2 weapons making most weapons obsolete. I.E while shotguns do most damage up front its never widespread use because and SMG can take care of close up and med range making the shotgun pointless mid range. This in turn makes Assault Rifles obsolete because most map styles favor close to mid range making SMG the primary weapon everyone uses. Also please dont make a shotgun weapon that reaches out and kills people as far as snipers. This in turn brings up an issue of map variety for fps combat seeming to make it only close to mid range fights making snipers and assault rifles pointless.

*I'll work on rewording this to make it shorter, just getting the thoughts out of the mind*
Industry related questions, HoHos, Industry related questions.
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Apr 2, 2016
RSI Handle
when it comes down to mining salvaging and science will there be a module or whatever to give uus the option to combine say like a material and a salvaged component to craft a better component or repair the salvaged component for sales purposes.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
We all know the Orion should require a fighter escorts to keep it safe, but can other ships such as a Hull series be on hand to be loaded up with refined materials to take back to base? Can it be loaded out in zero-G/EVA, or will we need gravity to pack the crates?

Thanks a ton Captain Richard's and @Black Sunder !

I'll try to think of more later.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
[Q] What do you foresee harvesting agricultural goods being the most useful for? IE: Science, Medicine, Food trade, Pets?

[Q] How actively participatory do you need to be when growing/harvesting crops? Are most of the systems automated processes like watering, artificial sunlight, harvesting, using pesticides, etc?

[Q] Speaking of using pesticides - could that be a thing? Could your plants get sick, even in space from alien bacteria?

This is all I can think of for now. Will edit my post if I think of anything further.


Mar 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Will the starfarer be able to process more than just fuel, including swapping out the refinery for a still, brewery, or other liquid / gas processing plant. And Don´the say that grains can't be stored in the tanks. I work at a plant, you can increase the pressure in the tanks and vent vacuum to the other tank..... and it will force the grain from one to the other.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
[Q] What do you foresee harvesting agricultural goods being the most useful for? IE: Science, Medicine, Food trade, Pets?

[Q] How actively participatory do you need to be when growing/harvesting crops? Are most of the systems automated processes like watering, artificial sunlight, harvesting, using pesticides, etc?

[Q] Speaking of using pesticides - could that be a thing? Could your plants get sick, even in space from alien bacteria?

This is all I can think of for now. Will edit my post if I think of anything further.
These are excellent questions.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Mace tree. It makes rubber for 300 series ship wheels, but can I get Mace Tree Timber? What about medicine from its bark? Can the leaves be picked and the tips used for Tea drinking? In short, can one resource have multiple products?

Also, being Trees, would planetary seasons effect the production of Tree Rubber Sap etc so in summer on Terra that would obviously be the best place to be but come winter on that planet would I be better off finding my Mace Tree groves elsewhere in the systems where a planet has just come in to Summer season? Will planets climate for that time of the year effect its industry output forcing traders to search for their best trade routes rather than just trading robots and luxury goods between Earth and Barnard's Star for hours on end?

And would planets industry require transport of materials across that very planet? for instance if the steel is made in china and the parts build in the UK, its got to get there somehow... would this be a starting point for a citizen without a Quantum drive, who can then upgrade to inner-system trading between planets of that area, saving up to a jump-drive to go inter-system? Will there be that kind of progression through industry and trading or would it be more basic smash-asteroid-take-bits-sell-bits.

Will small ships dock with large Miners or will the raw material be beamed board to save time?

Will some raw materials have a perishable status and decline in quality while in transit, rewarding lower quantity faster ships that can take it further in a shorter amount of time?

Can factories be in space, or is that just for planet side? Also, can i own a factory or are they going to be strictly controlled by the UEE?
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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Will major conflict on a planet, past or present, leave behind large quantities of salvage and scrap from destroyed war machines and planet surface infrastructure? ( infrastructure = buildings, bridges, planes, trains, automobiles, etc...)

If so, will the Reclaimer be able to operate on the surface of a planet feasting on the spoils of war?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
[Q] Speaking of using pesticides - could that be a thing? Could your plants get sick, even in space from alien bacteria?
This is a cool concept - I can imagine an agri-owner having to trace all ships that stopped at their biome before an outbreak and tracing a ship back to Tyrol or wherever where it picked up a contagion...

So a question based on that, would agri-producers be able to deny docking to ships which had visited certain places for fear of picking up nasties? would this have to be an added risk to having space faring folk coming from far and wide to sample your wares? Or any industry or even population base?
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Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Here is my first 8. ill post more later.

Q: How do you expect a typical mining mission from an agent to go? Will there simply be a go to this belt and mine X amount of Y mineral? Will the amount needed exceed the capacity of all but the largest ships, requiring more than one trip?

Q: How do you expect a typical freelance mining operation to go? Will each ship have to make several trips back and forth to unload their ore? Or can we transfer the ore to any ship we want to allow the mining vessel to continue mining?

Q: How long do you plan to make the typical mining operation last? What time frame are you anticipating to filling up cargo bays?

Q: We know you plan on having a interactive mining system. Given the fact that we have so many different jobs on one ship like the Orion, How careful do I need to be with who is filling what position? Will one mistake from any one of the positions put my ship and cargo at risk or will it require a series of unfortunate events? Test members do drink, often to much. Can we still mine when inebriated? Or will I be left with a NPC crew during their drinking times? (Which is all the time)

Q: How dense do you expect to make your asteroid fields? Is the current field in Crusader baby PU going to be a standard? Or do you expect more of an asteroid field like the one in Star Wars Empire Strikes Back? So dense even a small freighter or fighter ship has to dance and dodge to not be destroyed.

Q: In reference to the RMAPs (Remote Material Analysis Package), you state that they are equipt on missiles. Does this mean you can store regular missiles to defend the ship with as well?

Q: When scanning for a RMAP insertion point how difficult will it be to scan an asteroid? Is it more of a push a button and everything is done for you? Or do we have to perform a set of tasks and our proficiency with the tasks is how good the scan is?

Q: When launching the RMAP missiles you mention speed and angle being a factor in success. How much control over the speed do we have? Can we stop the missile mid flight to realign and speed back up? Or is the missile launched with the speed needed as the only speed it travels?


Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks Black_Sunder for this!

Will Raw gathered Resourced have a Timer related to Harvest/Refinement/Refurbishment before they become usable?
Not sure if I'm repeating the idea behind this question or not...
[Question] What type (if any) resource respawn timers are to implemented? Will it vary by resource/rarity/etc? Will it be possible to completely eradicate a resource?

[Question] When destroyed, will a fully loaded beerfarer...err Starfarer go up in a more spectacular fashion than most ships? :D
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Will there be corporate controlled zones/plaanets where mining will only be permitted by licence, or will that kind of tomfoolery be left up to Orgs to bicker over?
They've actually already answered this. Some corporations or governments own rights to a planet and it's illegal to mine there. However, you can take out a contract just as haulers do to mine the planet for them.
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