Captain Richard and CIG Q&A Question Collection Thread


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
1) What level of interaction are you planning on for mining operations? I don't expect it to be as boring as mining in EVE, where you retargeted every few minutes while shooting the shit with buddies, and it took close to zero interaction, but are we going to have to manually work for every scrap of ore? Will there be an mining autopilot for when we need to take a mental break and stretch our hands for a minute and grab a new beer?

2) When overclocking parts, are you planning to have a simple "put ingredients in, have XX% chance of orange component" type setup? Or will we have a kind of mini-game that determines how well we're able to boost a given piece of equipment?

3) How easy will it be to add cargo space for non-cargo ships? Will it be as simple as adding new cargo plates, or will it require more significant upgrades to handle carrying the extra mass?

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot this question originally. (4) What will we see in the way of automation and artificial intelligences? Will it be possible to have droids that will automatically sort and balance cargo, or oversee repetitive and tedious operations for mining and salvaging, or that can replace or augment an NPC crew? Have humans even developed anything close to an independent AI yet? Can I have a bartender bot?

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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
while applying alien tech to a current ship would indeed fall under science/overclocking arena the entire rest of your question is exploration based.
That was the main point of my question, I included the rest, to point out that I was not referring to known alien races, i.e. Xi'An, Banu, Vanduul, etc. Being able to wander around ruins would imply that we could find something usefull, and being taken out by biological means would imply that there would be a higher chance of finding intact tech.


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I do not expect only or even mostly Carracks being the ones providing support for the fleet in that way. The medical and repair capabilities of the Carrack are more for its own use and less to provide support for others. Since the ship is designed to be a long duration ship. As far as long range scanning for potential threats I can see its scanners being used for that but I doubt we will want to put ship the size of the Carrack in danger if all we are doing is a simple mining operation in protected space. Not to mention 1 ship cannot cover the same area with the same fidelity as 7 different ships each scanning their own area. Lets not even get into the cost difference.

I expect the medical unit onboard to be able to handle re-spawning yes. However unlike the Endeavor it will not have a bay where you can call a ship of your own to get back out there. You will be stuck on the Carrack or limited to the Pisces until it docks somewhere for you to get off then get your own ship.

I expect the repair bay to be capable of limited repairs on the carrack itself. However unlike the Crucible I do not expect it to be carrying materials and repair arms to be capable of repairing other ships to any major capacity. The ability to manufacture extra components and hand-held repair tools should be on hand with this repair bay. I do not expect to see a repair arm able to remanufacture the frame of other ships and replace the armor plating.

I'm assuming you played EVE and that is where you think the better more expensive ship is going to always be used, But unlike EVE the most expensive ship also requires more players to run the 1 ship properly when you can have the same number doing the same thing each in their own ship for vastly less cost and cover more area at the same time. Bigger is not always better in this case.

while applying alien tech to a current ship would indeed fall under science/overclocking arena the entire rest of your question is exploration based.
Gottcha. ty


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A few rambling Questions (I know these are more economy based, but industry and economy go hand-in-hand):

In real life, there are three stages of industry, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.

Primary is what we all think of when one thinks of industry - digging the raw materials out of the ground/growing raw materials or foods/rearing livestock.

Secondary is refining the raw materials, turning trees in to flat-pack furniture etc.

Tertiary is selling goods and services.

In the Beerfarer there is a refinery for the hydrogen collected and refueling arm meaning a citizen is equipped to perform all three stages of industry without outside assistance or contact with the dudes at the UEE revenue department, and there is said to be a Shop module in the Caterpillar meaning once can circumvent any kind of official stock control or tax system, so [Question 1] how does the UEE propose to control the economy if every citizen is free to flood the market and pay no tax? Are we just going to rely on everyone to be honest, or is there going to be an automated inventory sent back to the bods in charge and a % taken off every transaction like with Pay As You Earn in the UK?

[Question 2] I know the artificial-world is draining all of the governments money, will we be able to stabilise the economy if we trade hard enough? and will the UEE's coffers take an even bigger nose dive if everyone decides they want to fly Hornets and pew pew pew instead of lugging water to a far off outpost?

[Question 3] If you've ever seen the film Hudson Hawk (an underrated Bruce WIllis Classic) there was a plan to destroy the World economy by flooding the market with artificial Gold. If the UEE has no stock-control, whats to stop a pennywise non-combatant race with loads of resources from smuggling in loads of whatever is the cornerstone of the economy (gold, diamonds, wheat, unobtainium, or whatever) and saturating it to the point the UEE can no longer afford to wage war/repel its boarders against other species that ARE aggressors?

To be honest I would expect ALL races to be after us after what we did to the Tevarin and use their own special skills to make our downfall happen. Yeah the Tevarin would have done the same to us, but hey-ho it would have been them having to live with the legacy of it, not us.

And [Question 4] just what industries do you have planned? Agri? Macetree? Ores? Brewing? Fuel/Energy? The Jump 890 suggests Tourism is going to be on the cards, how exactly will that work in a game players will at tops only be able to have a go on for a few hours a day? NPC's?
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Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
They would just tax it. Most would be electronic pay so it would be a transaction fee of some sort. It was mentioned on the forums that NPC would outnumber players to the point where the players contribution to the economy overall would be 10% so no one can per say rock the economic boat in a huge fashion. And should events need a Admin intervention, they could artifically create some circumstance or war or random NPC that regularizes the market


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Not exactly Industry related, but it's important to all functions of multicrew ships.

If a station is manned by an AFK player or an NPC will we be able to kick them off to continue working that station's step in the line? If the owner of the ship can, what happens if he is AFK?


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
In Black Desert Online, all crafting and taming was done through a mini-game and it brought it to life. I.E. you had to manipulated keys on the keyboard and tap the mouse to raise a bar for tension. To add to WarrenPeace, can we expect that level of interaction with all the industries and not just mining and also will auto pilot have a penalty so as not to make the mini-games pointless


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As i will have quite a few spare ships, and hopefully a station one day, will i be able to set my ships to Auto to keep my industry running like i could in X2, or will i have to employ NCP's/players to make that happen?

Also, if i get enough ships, can i start my own industry of Ship Rental, or will this be something available in the game so i won't have to buy a fully fledged mining ship to give it a go, only to find i don't like mining... (I presume ship rental only to be available through ORGs as to not make buying your own ship pointless - Org ship for Org business or take a healthy % of your industry profit in return for the loan...)
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm closing this now. I'll go through this week and pick out 10-20 questions to give to Richard. I may reword some of them but the spirit will be the same. In addition I'm adding these to whatever list happens to be made:

1. Will organizations be able to own assets as organizations? Ex. The organization buying a couple Idris Frigates for combat operations.
- If yes, how can those assets then be given to organization members for use? Contract system? Loan system? Rent System?

2. Will organizations be able to designate Divisions and Subdivisions within the organization that people can join if it suits their interest? Ex. Logistical Services, Fighter Squadron, Capital Operations, Resource Extraction, etc
3. As a followup to #2 how will money be managed in the organization? Will there be separate accounts we can create on the fly and assign security permissions to or will it just be one large pot of money?

4. Can organizations capture large permanent structures in the game such as a Shubin Mining Station? Would they be able to run and maintain such an asset and use it to generate money for them?

5. What kind of storage systems will there be in Hangars? Will an Organization be able to store assets such as ships and goods such as modules/ammo in an Organization hangar for member usage depending on their security clearances?
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Seung's Bestie Testie
Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
[Question] Any more detail on how industry factory nodes will work and what types we may be able to purchase?
I know we're only supposed to "Like" to show our support for a question, but I had to quote this as well. I give it ALL THE VOTES!
Question 1 or 2?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The list is being worked on and will be given to Richard this weekend. Thank you to everyone that submitted questions.


May 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Just to make you guys aware, we have an official TEST Podcast later rebranded to Perverse the Verse. We tend to have at least one CIG official every other week. Tune in every week on Sunday 3pm EDT to watch it live, If you check out the Hightlights on the profile you can check out the previous cast.

Here are some highlights

Recent Disco Lando:

Adam Parker from Foundry 42 Q.A

Community Manager, Zyloh:

Disco Lando Pax South:

Pax South Will Lewis:
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