From today's chairman email

November 24th, 2018
This month, our friends at Aegis Dynamics have asked us to pass along another message to Idris-P owners and those amongst our ranks who consider themselves enthusiasts:
The Idris-P's legacy of excellence as an ardent peacekeeper speaks for itself. But sometimes, keeping the peace is not enough.
Aftermarket kits, initially produced for UEE government agencies seeking an improved patrol/protection plan, will be offered to all Idris-P owners.
On Aegis Dynamics' featured day at the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (26th November), all Idris-P owners will be badged and given the opportunity to upgrade at any time, into perpetuity. However, a limited amount of Credit SKUs will be rolled out and offered on a first-come-first-serve basis:
Wave 1 at 16:00 UTC, Wave 2 at 22:00 UTC, and Wave 3 at 04:00 UTC.
For your convenience, we have provided a Q&A regarding the upgrade kits below. Also, look for further details during this year’s Anniversary Special.
We thank you for your loyalty to the Aegis brand and hope you enjoy testing all 26 of our flyable ships, wherever in the 'verse your journey may take you.
Desmond Kilson
Outreach Associate