Chen got hit by a car


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Chen first of all go back and try to get everyone's contact including the police officer. Get a witness statement from every one of them, even if they didn't see the accident what they saw afterwards, ask them to be detailed as possible, get their contact information. If the person is pressuring you to pay, tell them you want to contact with the police officer first so you can get a copy of the report. If they keep contacting you then contact the filing officer and say you told them you were awaiting the police report/legal advice and told the person. This will buy you some time to get legal advice, and if they are harassing you it will put the cops on the offensive and not you. Also get a physical report from the paramedics so that your statement about how far you were in the lane when you got hit can be confirmed, that way driver can't say it was your front wheel or something but a full t-bone. ask police if any surveillance camera's are in the intersection. Ask the shops around there if any cameras view that street. This will give you more evidence and 3rd party view that hasn't been tampered. Be nice to the person that hit you, during meetings with police/attorney/witness if you maintain your cool and he does not it will work in your favor. do not be smug, just simply chen.

Your report, do not put your brakes were not braking fast enough and such, they will think you did not properly maintain your bike. Do not make it sound like any part of it could have been yours. Your bike was in working condition. Be confident, do not use maybe/supposed to/i could have etc, you saw the car and stopped as much as you could. short and sweet.
and don't cuss as much as i did :/


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I didn't know that auroras had a 2 wheel option.

But seriously, listen to salt a bit on this. and use an attorney. consults are free, most likely one would take your case for no money down. if he is hounding you now for repair money then something doesn't sound right. and in all honesty, his ins company should be the one contacting you, not him, about any repairs you may be liable for (if any). most of the time a car is at fault in any car bicycle accident.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I am ok physically, however The driver is starting to ask for money to repair his car. I'm not quite sure how everything is going to pan out. as a student with no real income. So far I have started to take precaution like getting a checkup with the doctor, witting a recount of the events that happend linked here, seeking legal advice and confirming with the thirdpartys that he did say "I was not looking left" (in the blind spot that i was in).
Okay, thats...funny. Here in Germany, car drivers are put under general suspicion. Means, that whatever happens you first can sue the car driver for personal damage. He than can try to avoid that by starting a countersuit - but normally has no chance to win that fight against cyclists or pedestrians.


Vice Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Glad to hear you can still drink beer Chen.

Chen, your supposed to crash into them not them into you.
We just have to redefine the frame of reference to make Chen be the one to crash into them.

Okay, thats...funny. Here in Germany, car drivers are put under general suspicion. Means, that whatever happens you first can sue the car driver for personal damage.
AFAIK in the US car drivers are assumed at fault for hitting pedestrians and I think cyclist too.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
Get well mate. Also fuck the asshole. Fuck him right in the pussy.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
First and foremost, get well. I'm glad to hear you're not seriously hurt.
The driver is starting to ask for money to repair his car
Man oh man. Don't let him intimate you. Some people will utilize intimidation, as it works for them. These people are called assholes.

We don't like assholes. Nor do we tolerate them. And we certainly don't let them push us around, or one of ours, around.

Let us know if you need anything.
Cheers mate.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
I wasn't worried :P it would take a lot more than a car to get rid of @ChenAU ! Also if hes trying to get money out of you just tell that asshole you are seeking compensation for your personal injuries/time/pain/trauma and damage to your property, that should change his tune quickly (at least in the states it does)


Vice Admiral
Dec 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Today I went to see the damage of the car and to seek a police officers opinion.
The guy wants me to pay for the repair of the minor dint on the hood possibly a $500-600 job.
The police stated that I am in the wrong as I am not to cross there.
going to seek the lawyers advice which is probably going to be the same, pay for the damages.

If that is the case then I am going to either take a student loan or sell a couple of lens and my lti bmm.
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