CIG BLEEDING MONEY?!?! Not according to their financial statement.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think he has a valid argument, I personally don't see this game being able to not be funded in some way unless they plan on releasing new ships and content every year and sales will be their income but even then that's questionable, personally I feel some sort of fee will be one of the promises that gets broken.

I should also say I prefer a monthly payment option if it ensures the stability, quality and longevity of the game I have no issues with it if they do add one.

This game will have a million and one ways for CIG to make money post launch. Exclusive cash shop items and cosmetics being the most obvious.

A navy camo skin for your fighter? $5
A picture frame that you can insert your own custom image into? $5
A Santa Space suit? $5
A lava lamp for your hab? $5

etc etc etc

Making money post launch is the least of my concerns. People already spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on ships that can be earned in-game. They'll sell in game items and cosmetics like a cheap hooker on spring break. And the profit margins for such things will be dramatically larger than current development.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree with your statement. I don't see how they can maintain the quality and innovation that the player base wants, unless they have some sort of subscription. I honestly would be happy to pay $10 a month to play in this sandbox. Another opportunity is selling ad space inside the game at space stations with a futuristic twist. If it kept the game free I'm fine with seeing Monster Energy Drink and others on my rest stop visits. Not much of a difference from them now. I don't see the ship sales being a viable long term financial plan. Maybe have them as limited once a year with LTI. I just don't want it to turn into a pay to play system.
This game will have a million and one ways for CIG to make money post launch. Exclusive cash shop items and cosmetics being the most obvious.

A navy camo skin for your fighter? $5
A picture frame that you can insert your own custom image into? $5
A Santa Space suit? $5
A lava lamp for your hab? $5

etc etc etc

Making money post launch is the least of my concerns. People already spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on ships that can be earned in-game. They'll sell in game items and cosmetics like a cheap hooker on spring break. And the profit margins for such things will be dramatically larger than current development.

It will be interesting to see where they go with the PU. Especially when you think about how much CIG costs yearly to operate. I personally would rather pay a small subscription fee and have access to cosmetics to cover server costs and continued development then see them follow the path of the typical free to play monetary policy.

I know they are banking on the continued success of SQ42 episodes to support both the PU and further development in both games and I hope for success in this. But if it comes down to needing further funding I'd rather pay a monthly subscription then see them continue to sell enhanced ships and new weapons that make the current ship force obsolete which is common in Free to play games.
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