CIG Suspends over 600 Accounts


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm safe, the only "exploits" I've ever used in SC were in making use of the insurance for vehicles after I've shown my expertise in TEST piloting / landing as well as having to periodically use the [Backspace] to get down from the habs when the elevators are bugging out. Neither of which caused me to gain anything.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Have seen a bunch of reports and re-reports over on TwittX:

The screenshot in the above (not their own screenshot so take that with the reliability of a third party report) says a suspension of 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days.

Other user "Relic" had their account suspended as they made 200 million legit, but has been able to prove their innocence and had their suspension lifted. If you have been effected and didn't duplicate your cargo with the exploit, please contact support to contest the suspension.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Official Announcement on Spectrum:

Hi everyone,

We've completed an investigation into multiple exploits within Star Citizen that compromised stability and negatively impacted the in-game economy. As a result, we have resolved multiple aUEC exploits in 3.23.1a, and we've identified and suspended over 600 accounts involved in exploitative behaviors while also removing the illicitly gained aUEC from the Star Citizen ecosystem.

Cheating and exploiting undermine the integrity of our game and the efforts of our dedicated backers who help us build Star Citizen. We take these actions seriously and assure you that we are continuously developing additional measures against cheating and exploitation. We will continue to prioritize triaging exploits with the highest urgency to isolate and address these issues as they pop up.

At this stage of development, exploits and issues like these are likely to arise, which is one of the benefits of open development and working closely with our community. Identifying, testing, and reporting exploits is acceptable and encouraged. We've gained valuable insights through your issue council reports, and we thank you for that. However, once an exploit is identified and confirmed, continued abuse for personal gain will not be tolerated and will result in action on our part.

Once again, we're super appreciative of your efforts in flagging recent issues and your general support in utilizing the Issue Council. We'll keep you updated as we continue to develop measures to ensure fair play.

Thanks and see you in the 'Verse!

Will "Soulcrusher" Leverett
Senior Director of Player Relations


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
it also “compromised stability” in the game.
I can confirm when flying over Area 18 there were in some servers hundreds of C2's littered all over the floor. I have no idea how the dupe worked but that seemed to be part of it and performance over that area was... much lower... than in other parts of the system, doubly confounded by being the venue for the Invictus too.

If one were being cynical, Invictus might be one of the reasons suspensions have happened this time - you intentionally or otherwise mess with CIGs second biggest cash event of the year you really do tick all the ToS boxes for a big ass ban.


Sorry for the infodump, I can confirm many Bothan spies died to bring us this information.
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Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Good. If CIG are ever in a position where they can be reasonably confident these exploits are fixed and are unlikely to reappear in the game, I would be super interested to hear what the bugs/unintended features being exploited were, what was not working as intended, what actions players took to exploit the bug/feature, some necessarily more vague idea of how the dupers were identified (without revealing so much that it might lead to cheaters evading detection in future) and how they decided what appropriate remedial action was. I'm not holding my breath, of course.

It'd make a good development story, and provide a bit of satisfaction for players who experienced artificially poor performance, especially around A18 in the last patch, due to people deliberately using the exploits. I have not really found an explanation for why there were C2s all over the surface of Riker Memorial Spaceport, and it seemed in some other locations too. Where did they come from - rentals? players own ships? I gather it wasn't ships being duped that was the issue - or was it? How come the abandoned ships weren't cleaned up, what part if any did they play in the exploit. (If anyone knows, please think before answering, this info might be better coming from CIG who can consider what they want to reveal and what they don't, rather than helpful players who might inadvertently help the cheaters). Let's not make things worse.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Best part about people being greedy enough to exploit now is that it has nothing but positive impact in the long run. To paraphrase Lord Farquad "Some of you may be banned, but that is a price I am willing to pay".


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
As per how the cheaters were identified, the exploits were common knowledge and topic of open discussion in two separate SC groups on FB. Loose lips sink ships.
Data. Lots of data. PTU runs like it does because there is a metric ton of analytic code running which is dramatically reduced for Live.

I have it on very, very, very good authority that they can recreate the game session of any player that catches their interest.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Data. Lots of data. PTU runs like it does because there is a metric ton of analytic code running which is dramatically reduced for Live.

I have it on very, very, very good authority that they can recreate the game session of any player that catches their interest.
What an amazing piece of kit if that's true - I wonder if it can recreate their F12 slam talk?
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
What an amazing piece of kit if that's true - I wonder if it can recreate their F12 slam talk?
Chat logs are logs. The real question isn't if, it's for how long they want to keep them.

Do you remember back a while ago when CIG announced that they were adapting the A.I. in the game to mimic the behaviors of skilled PvP pilots? It's trivial to capture every input that a player puts into the game. The work becomes parsing out the decision process that led to those inputs, which includes comparing it to the positions/vectors/abilities of the opponents. Indeed, the tools used to gather this data would look very much like.. say... the Replication Layer we have now 😏


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I have it on very, very, very good authority that they can recreate the game session of any player that catches their interest.
I hope that they won't recreate my average experiences in game, I seem to be a magnet for bugs & glitches that are rather frustrating. Then again, maybe that would help them figure out how to resolve them.
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