CIG wants $20 for the Citizencon livestream


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, overall bad communication. My immediate thought was that they could have done a better job of selling this.

If they would have said, "Pay $20 (or $30) to receive a Special JPEG Machine Gun, Special JPEG Pistol, Special JPEG Space Suit flair & Hangar flair *AND* all access to live streams" it would have gone down a lot better.

People don't mind paying extra if they think they are getting something special. However, people don't like feeling they are being nickeled and dimed...I get it, it costs money to stream, so they need to keep things revenue neutral. But there will always be people getting enraged about stuff like this.

Also, along with Subscribers, all "Chairman's club members" & Admiral's get free access to the stream....I saw the "TESTie formerly known as Blind Owl" posted the subscriber thing, not sure anybody mentioned the other levels....
Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at 7.11.11 AM.png

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I would be upset if they were charging people to see CitCon, but they're not. They're charging only to see it live. I think that is fair. They don't need to broadcast live. That diminishes the value of the actual seats. If you want to view live, pay $20. No big deal. If you don't have the cash watch it a day or so later. No big deal.

If you could not get it on YouTube, THEN this would be a big deal.


Oct 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Wednesday is weird, agreed. I’ve never been to a CitizenCon, but I doubt it’s on scale with BlizzCon which probably justifies the cost.

But... why are we breaking out the torches and pitchforks over $20 when a good amount of backers already have a lot more invested, may already be subscribers or Conceirge, and you get Imperator access for a month. Or... just wait for YouTube the following day when most content providers will parse out the nonsense so you get what you want to see for free.

We should start a TESTcon and boycott this dirty CIG plan. Free streaming, BYOB, and keep the hookers behind the pay wall lol.


Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
Should i be ashamed to be a subscriber?
Should i be upset for beeing a working european therefore i cant see the live stream?

It doesnt matter to me i will just get to see it on youtube at my pace.

The only thing i have to say is that CR did it the wrong way :

1- i got an idea!!, i will do it beaucause it s awesome and then i will charge 20$ for the livestream because my idéa is great but cost a lot more than the standard events

2- I got an idéa !!, well it will cost a bunch to realise it but i realy feel like it s the thing to do. i will ask the community what they want dsiplaying the pro and the con and informing them that the realisation of this new thing will have it s cost compensated by a little extra participation for the live stream.

Now pick your answer.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah, but look at CR's explanation. They're adding six figures for a pro vid team, just so people can have higher quality in the YouTube vids, which is where most people see it.

I'm satisfied. This isn't for making money. It's for providing the best value to the patrons. CR still rocks in my book.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It's for providing the best value to the patrons. CR still rocks in my book.
Question, is it ok to spend unlimited money in order to increase the quality of our streams and YouTube videos to cinema quality.

Is the quality of youtube videos really the main thing we need right now?

What does this contribute to the game, and wouldn't they be better off spending that 6 figures on the actual game development?

I just think - I'd rather get on with the game and yes, stay with semi-amateur youtube vids and streams.

Frankly I just think they need to hire one pro person to do the video content alongside the existing team. I mean there are youtubers and streamers out there who create more professional content all on their own, than we've had from CIG. Just nab one of them pay 'em $50k a year.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
After reading Chris' letter, and thinking about it, I've reversed direction. It makes sense to me, and I have no issue with it. My initial mob mentality reaction has worn off, and I actually decided to re-subscribe. Of note: I also won't be able to watch it live, as I'll be away on course, but I do still believe in the project, and my 20 bucks a month means something to me.

CIG's biggest failing is communication. Gunny spells it out beautifully in the below quoted post.
Just all around bad communication/presentation again.. they don't seem to understand how the community reacts.
They could have just said right away earlier:
  • Live keynote free to all backers with an account
  • Rest of live event free to all subscribers and new subscribers
  • Quality for YouTube content will be uploaded the next day
Boom! Bam! problem solved.. which would have made a lot less pitch forks.
Amen Gunny, amen.
I'm having beer while I watch the streams.

If you can not join me..... You can Purchase a Digital Drink Ticket.....
Just send $5 USD via PayFriend

This includes:

A Free Digital Beer Mug
A Free Digital Beer Mat
One Free Burp

*** Digital Snacks are Optional ***
Hahaha, I freaking love you @CosmicTrader. Too funny.
"TESTie formerly known as Blind Owl"
My God, did I change my name? ;) What happened?

On that note, I should be able to change my handle on RSI now, back to Blind Owl. Yay.
Hi mates, long time no see! What's going on?
Looks identical to your avatar. Also, that's the look I get when I open an empty beer fridge.

Zapper Weisman

Vice Admiral
Apr 14, 2018
RSI Handle
I know I may get hated on for this but...I wonder why there is a convention for two unreleased games. IMO, unless you have at least one well established game you probably shouldn't have a whole convention based around unreleased products. Just seems perverse to me. I get BlizzCon, they have a bunch of fully released games. This never made much sense to me...
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So Concierge members can watch for free right? But we won't get the digital goodies?

(am a concerned Concierge member)
Yep but the goods are on sale in a separate pack for $12 for those who already have free access. (I think it's $12?)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I wonder why there is a convention for two unreleased games. IMO, unless you have at least one well established game you probably shouldn't have a whole convention based around unreleased products. Just seems perverse to me. I get BlizzCon, they have a bunch of fully released games. This never made much sense to me...
I think it concerns the nature of crowdfunding more than anything else. To build the game CIG not only needs a huge chunk of cash, but a continuing revenue stream, and if the fans as a mob make the decision to walk away, the project would go tits up. CIG therefore makes every effort to involve the fans as much as they like so no one can complain that they're isolationist, or take the fans for granted, etc. They seem to me extremely open to criticism and take it all seriously, hence why when he dropped the ball through poor communication, CR himself shows up to explain in such detail what happened.

What we see if we read that long post is that he does care, and is doing his best to provide for the needs of the patrons. Seems the very last ting form taking the community for granted. More power to him.

Now he just needs to get the Redeemer, Carrack and Polaris in game.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Question, is it ok to spend unlimited money in order to increase the quality of our streams and YouTube videos to cinema quality.

Is the quality of youtube videos really the main thing we need right now?

What does this contribute to the game, and wouldn't they be better off spending that 6 figures on the actual game development?

I just think - I'd rather get on with the game and yes, stay with semi-amateur youtube vids and streams.

Frankly I just think they need to hire one pro person to do the video content alongside the existing team. I mean there are youtubers and streamers out there who create more professional content all on their own, than we've had from CIG. Just nab one of them pay 'em $50k a year.

As Chris said the Convention itself is paid by those attending the convention and stream will be paid for by those who are subscribers or willing to pay the $20 in both cases the fund pledged to the game are used for game development. While the yearly keynote on top of the road map are a critical part of a crowed funded game were we the players are also the investors anything more is bonus.

Pledging to the game does not entitle you to anything more then the game. Thinking it does does not make it any more so, and only really accomplishes showing yourself to have a entitlement attitude. And while I agree the initial assumption that they keynote would be behind a paywall and thus would justify a degree of upsetness the rest is not part of the game pledge and thus we have no entitlement to it. In fact none of it could be streamed or provided online and merely be a convention or even no convention. And all would be justifiable.

There is a convention which continues to grow in size because people have shown an interest in its existence and a willingness to pay for it. The same now goes for a online streaming of the convention for those who may not be able to attend in person but still would like to participate as long as they pay for the cost of such service.

TLDR: Don't pay for a game package don't get to play the game. Didn't buy tickets don't get to go to the Citcon convention. Don't buy the digital subscription. Don't get to watch the live stream. Don't buy food, don't get to eat. While you get to choose what you do and do not participate in buying the game should not come with the expectation that you get access to everything.

Frad in'Ryth

Vice Admiral
May 25, 2017
RSI Handle
... Pledging to the game does not entitle you to anything more then the game. Thinking it does does not make it any more so, and only really accomplishes showing yourself to have a entitlement attitude. And while I agree the initial assumption that they keynote would be behind a paywall and thus would justify a degree of upsetness the rest is not part of the game pledge and thus we have no entitlement to it. ...
You beat me to saying the same thing.

Most times there is outrage over the new flavor of Star Citizen drama I generally feel like both sides are wrong. I stopped subbing to CIG because I've felt their communication sucks moose balls and they have no interest in improving it. I also realized along time ago that a fair body of backers feel they're entitled to more than they really are, like there is some wink and nod agreement that "We know CIG said X but clearly that's not what CIG meant, and it's really going to be Y."
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