Civilian Defense Force Mission


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
- 172k aUAC, get a ROC,
- load it into a Cutlass Black/Freelancer Max/MSR/Carrack
- go mine for Aphorite and Hedanite

about 200-250k in about 30', no risk involved, fuel expense negletable

And even with a Cutlass that is the smaller ship to fit a ROC you are not really time limited by the cargo space since you can unload the ROC into standard carryable box and resume mining.
Actually ROC minig is far more profitable then mining Quantanium with a ship considering how easy it is and the income/time ratio
I knew you money-bags would make this comment...
I do Not have any other ship than an Aurora MR and a 300i and a Mustang Alpha (citcon edition). I do have a ROC I bought in-game. So my goal was to grind enough aUEC to get a Cutlass Black in-game to go mining with it and the ROC. But now that Delamar is gone, I don't think there is a way to buy one in-game?
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Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, I won't say ROC mining is really that profitable in terms of profit per hour. If you are lucky, then yet, you can earn a lot, but I've done quite a bit of ROC mining and I wasn't able to find as much minerals as I would like. Hadanite seems to be a bit rare, but it may be random. For example, I was able to do the below in a couple of hours on Daymar near a mining area, and I consider this good mining, as rocks were coming in groups of 3 or 5 and often, i.e. as soon I'm done with one and take off, I almost immediately find another group. The total payoff was about 130k aUEC (couldn't sell Hadanite on that station, so it's not reflected in total cargo value).




Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I knew you money-bags would make this comment...
I do Not have any other ship than an Aurora MR and a 300i and a Mustang Alpha (citcon edition). I do have a ROC I bought in-game. So my goal was to grind enough aUEC to get a Cutlass Black in-game to go mining with it and the ROC. But now that Delamar is gone, I don't think there is a way to buy one in-game?
Well every ship that was in Dalamar's has been moved somewere else, the black for example can be bought at Loreville.
BTW, you can always rent it and use it to move the ROC, it will repay it self with no problem.

Well, I won't say ROC mining is really that profitable in terms of profit per hour. If you are lucky, then yet, you can earn a lot, but I've done quite a bit of ROC mining and I wasn't able to find as much minerals as I would like. Hadanite seems to be a bit rare, but it may be random. For example, I was able to do the below in a couple of hours on Daymar near a mining area, and I consider this good mining, as rocks were coming in groups of 3 or 5 and often, i.e. as soon I'm done with one and take off, I almost immediately find another group. The total payoff was about 130k aUEC (couldn't sell Hadanite on that station, so it's not reflected in total cargo value).
Mining is always less straight forward then other missions, you need to know where to mine and, especially with ship also when and what to mine.
For ROC I find good spot around Daymar, either around Shubing minig facility or at south pole (OM2 and then go to surface), just some advise:
- ROC minable pop up as a contact at around 2.5-3km, so only go foor further away contact if they are BIG, becouse in tthat case usually menas more less contact as you get closer. Scan contact at around 10km are either ships or outpost so don't bother.
- just stop for group of 3 or more rock: the time you spend by landing, pulling out the ROC is usually not worting the single rock...
- Dolevine is not bad, on his own but defenetly less profitable the the other two, I usually skip it unless on big cluster

Just a word of advise on the ROC: the curret power generator are really UNDERPOWERD for the laser output and will overheat if you mine 2-3 rock ina row. Upgrade them with the best industrial generator on the market, it still underpowered but not as much and you cna manage to brake 2-3 rock ina row, after that switch to collecting to have the generators to cooldown a bit.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Thank you, this is indeed very informative!

That depends on your TTK.
If it's 10 seconds to splash like 2 extra targets worth a 1000 each, because you got a big ship and they pop easy, it's probably well worth it.
Spending minutes chasing downs sabers with their bugged shields or taking apart a mustang piece by piece cos the damn autogimbals keep hitting anything but the main hull, then yeah, that usually isn't worth the effort, you could be halfway to your next target by the time they pop for a measly 500creds.

I recently got into doing group threats in my 300i and medium group threats might be worth the time/risk, but I think the high group threats (usually at least 1 or even 2 Valkyries + adds) are not worth the trouble. By the time they pop, I could have easily finished off 2-3 solo medium threats, with almost zero risk to my ship. Although I gotta say, I'm yet to die from someone hitting my double palisades with guns, my only deaths came from them crashing into me (or rather me into them by mistake).

Anyways, combat is getting stale really fast, but it's the only viable method of making sensible amounts of money without having a prospector or hauler, so I guess I'll keep grinding for my 2 mill.
Haulers are not worth a crap at the moment.

The quick sweet spot used to be around Connie/MSR/Freelancer Max, just stop, load up, fly to a TDD and sell. Sometimes I could fill my Carrack, but that usually required sitting around waiting for server ticks for load up. Now getting worthwhile cargo on my MSR takes server ticks as does selling it off.


As for the Call to Arms mission, stick to one area, and just string bounties together. even at the low end 4000 credits is better than waiting for the adds at 500 to 1000 each. Now if your TTK is so high as to let the adds spawn, then sure, kill them on the way out, but they don't pay well enough to wait for them.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
In the current game state, the Connie build I've TESTed takes only a few extra seconds to pop up additional targets as they are coming towards you, so it was worth in my case.
When you are killing them that fast, you are then waiting for the additional targets. Not worth the wait. :)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Haulers are not worth a crap at the moment.

The quick sweet spot used to be around Connie/MSR/Freelancer Max, just stop, load up, fly to a TDD and sell. Sometimes I could fill my Carrack, but that usually required sitting around waiting for server ticks for load up. Now getting worthwhile cargo on my MSR takes server ticks as does selling it off.


As for the Call to Arms mission, stick to one area, and just string them together. even at the low end 4000 credits is better than waiting for the adds at 500 to 1000 each. Now if your TTK is so high as to let the adds spawn, then sure, kill them on the way out, but they don't pay well enough to wait for them.
Waiting? Nooo, that's deffiently not worth it. I'm talking about run n gun vs sweaping the field. So if you have adds there, kill em all if you can do it fast enough to be worth it, otherwise move on. I had multiple times when an add showed up as I setting up my jump in nav, or finishing the last original add.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Haulers are not worth a crap at the moment.

The quick sweet spot used to be around Connie/MSR/Freelancer Max, just stop, load up, fly to a TDD and sell. Sometimes I could fill my Carrack, but that usually required sitting around waiting for server ticks for load up. Now getting worthwhile cargo on my MSR takes server ticks as does selling it off.


As for the Call to Arms mission, stick to one area, and just string them together. even at the low end 4000 credits is better than waiting for the adds at 500 to 1000 each. Now if your TTK is so high as to let the adds spawn, then sure, kill them on the way out, but they don't pay well enough to wait for them.
I tried my old trade run that used to get me 60k UEC for a 45 minute run... got me 16k. Not even worth getting out of the Hab bed for, have gone back to silly-sodding about in my 350R.

I'm waiting for trading data to become publicly available via ships comm systems, and for trading/cargo contracts to become available on the mobiglas beyond the uninteresting single box courier tasks. I'm thinking about the "We need 100SCU of medical supplies or Lorville production will drop 1%! We'll pay you double our usual paying rate!" you fly out and find the supplies at the best price to make your profit even bigger.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Well every ship that was in Dalamar's has been moved somewere else, the black for example can be bought at Loreville.
BTW, you can always rent it and use it to move the ROC, it will repay it self with no problem.

Mining is always less straight forward then other missions, you need to know where to mine and, especially with ship also when and what to mine.
For ROC I find good spot around Daymar, either around Shubing minig facility or at south pole (OM2 and then go to surface), just some advise:
- ROC minable pop up as a contact at around 2.5-3km, so only go foor further away contact if they are BIG, becouse in tthat case usually menas more less contact as you get closer. Scan contact at around 10km are either ships or outpost so don't bother.
- just stop for group of 3 or more rock: the time you spend by landing, pulling out the ROC is usually not worting the single rock...
- Dolevine is not bad, on his own but defenetly less profitable the the other two, I usually skip it unless on big cluster

Just a word of advise on the ROC: the curret power generator are really UNDERPOWERD for the laser output and will overheat if you mine 2-3 rock ina row. Upgrade them with the best industrial generator on the market, it still underpowered but not as much and you cna manage to brake 2-3 rock ina row, after that switch to collecting to have the generators to cooldown a bit.
This is exactly what I did when I did mining and provided the screenshots: Daymar, Shubin Mining Facility, Groups of 3-7 rocks, small signatures (fly slow), rocks appearing almost instantly after I take off when done mining, no laser overheating (and never had one even when mining 7 rocks in a row), and you can see the results in my screenshots.
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Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
When you are killing them that fast, you are then waiting for the additional targets. Not worth the wait. :)
In my missions additional targets spawn at the same time as the main one, or 10-15 seconds later. I don't have to wait for them. Typically, when the main target is down, the additional targets are in range. Otherwise, I would agree, it's not worth waiting if it takes long for them to spawn.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
In my missions additional targets spawn at the same time as the main one, or 10-15 seconds later. I don't have to wait for them. Typically, when the main target is down, the additional targets are in range. Otherwise, I would agree, it's not worth waiting if it takes long for them to spawn.
I haven't seen that, though I am only at High Threat targets. By the time the bounty's friends show up, I am already leaving. Then, again, I open the engagement at 5500 meters with a CF-557.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
This is exactly what I did when I did mining and provided the screenshots: Daymar, Shubin Mining Facility, Groups of 3-7 rocks, small signatures (fly slow), rocks appearing almost instantly after I take off when done mining, no laser overheating (and never had one even when mining 7 rocks in a row), and you can see the results in my screenshots.
Never mine too close to the POI, not only tohse are the most obvius starting point for miniers (so less chance to find something intersting) but also a good spot for PK to find easy pray.
I suppose the bad income was due by a combination of bad luck do to the location and rush tipical of the rookies miner that just jump on the first rock or cluster no matter what.
Just move 20-30km away from the POI (or drop to the planet in a "whild area") and you'll usually start to find more interesting stuff.

To came back in-topic: be aware that additional target on BH mission have a spawn time that is very dependent on the server status: in more light stressed servers they spawn basically with the main target, on more congested ones could take some time, tha the difference on the experience about them.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Never mine too close to the POI, not only tohse are the most obvius starting point for miniers (so less chance to find something intersting) but also a good spot for PK to find easy pray.
I suppose the bad income was due by a combination of bad luck do to the location and rush tipical of the rookies miner that just jump on the first rock or cluster no matter what.
Just move 20-30km away from the POI (or drop to the planet in a "whild area") and you'll usually start to find more interesting stuff.

To came back in-topic: be aware that additional target on BH mission have a spawn time that is very dependent on the server status: in more light stressed servers they spawn basically with the main target, on more congested ones could take some time, tha the difference on the experience about them.
Yes, I've mined 20-30km away, it's still a matter of luck. I don't believe you can do the same amount of credits per hour in mining as in bounties in this build.

Agree on BH - on a fresh server additional targets spawn very quickly.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
To came back in-topic: be aware that additional target on BH mission have a spawn time that is very dependent on the server status: in more light stressed servers they spawn basically with the main target, on more congested ones could take some time, tha the difference on the experience about them.
Well that demonstrates the net code needs serious work, regardless of which behavior is correct.
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