Start Location: TEST Discord #CFT Briefing channel
Gathering time: 20:00 UTC
Start Location: PU PORT OLISAR
Start time: 20:15 - 20:30 UTC
Destination: PORT OLISAR
- TEST armor (yellow/black)
- Black armor
- Weapons
- Medipack
This Saturday we will provide the following training:
1. Master class hint by Senior Flight Leader Marcsand or Serious (5 min)
2. Fly in formation and engage hostiles
- Brevity use during session.
- Flight in formation till engagement.
- Engagement of a hostile Player fighters force
For AIRMAN (first time with us) we will provide basic training, which means brevity, equipment and dog fighting. It is important that pilots knows what is expected from them during a fight.
Before the event starts, we will gather in TEST Discord #Squadron #6 voice chat channel, 20:00 UTC.
During the briefing everybody needs to go to the main menu.
Everybody stays in the main menu until they get a party invite.
Kindly wear official TEST ARMOR, fit at least 1 weapon, medpacks, oxigen,...
Further instructions will be given in the TEST Discord #CFT Briefing channel.
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TEST Combat Flight Training SATURDAY October 3rd 20:00 UTC