I think to get the most from a stealth component, you need more than one. Reducing your EM and IR is only useful if you can reduce your RCS too, and the Cutty likely has a big RCS.
There are no stealth armor options available yet? No "Void Armor"?
Also note if you reduce the size of your powerplant sufficient for it to go stealth, I think you will want to remove all energy weapons so you don't run out of power. Need to go ballistics for stealth, or so it seems.
No stealth armor as of yet.
I think you are on the nose though with the stealth options. Most of the stealth PP's are of lower output by necessity, this means that you cannot run the heavier coolers needed for prolonged energy weapons, or heavier shields for that matter.
I am going to check, but I THINK there might be an actual stealth PP at Levski, it is not at GH. We are talking for size 2's. I did note there were Size 1 stealth PP's at GH though.
The hunt continues, though at a slower pace than normal, buddy of mine gave me a bottle of excellent Kentucky Sippin' Whiskey.
EDIT: Okay, could not find any size 2 Stealth PP's, though there are size 1's. Ah well.