Computer investmant plan (long term)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
My english is not always the yellow from the egg (germans do understand, lets say it could be better)

But what he says is 4790k is almost on par with newer cpu (for gaming). Current 1080TI is decent but not perfect. So what i say is next generation might be worth to look at. Also my 4k display can't handle more than 60 fps anyway.

So what i think is i might take a good volta once it drops a little bit in price ( so probably sommer 2018 maybe / hope those nasty bitcoin miners don't take them all). Good enough for enhanced solo gaming experience (SQ42? :slight_smile: )
Once SC gets closer in 2019/2020 i might want to upgrade the rest of the system and unleash the raw cpu power of the system.

I know this is just rough plan and i will check all things later, again.

I watched the video, and basically he says if you have a 4790K or similar, you are better off by just getting a 1080 instead of whatever previous gen GPU you got. So I came to the same conclusion, I'd wait for next gen.
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