Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
"I enjoy driving fast, no suggestions about speed limits are important to me. If I crash and die in an accident with another vehicle, they should feel like I do. Its better to live your life the way you want, without rules. If I kill somebody, they should accept that people die anyway."
That changes nothing... we all die... assholes get to make that choice to killing someone... that is their choice and it exists everyday all over the world.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The original article is from the Wall Street Journal, but it is behind a is summarized at a number of other sites, this one being one of them...anyway, Sweden now appears to be abandoning it's "hands-off" approach imposing restrictions, due to the massive pointed out in the article, Sweden has had over 7000 deaths due to COVID-19, while the neigboring countries of Denmark, Finland and Norway have had a total of 878, 415 and 354 deaths respectively!


Free, but not the full article


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
"I enjoy driving fast, no suggestions about speed limits are important to me. If I crash and die in an accident with another vehicle, they should feel like I do. Its better to live your life the way you want, without rules. If I kill somebody, they should accept that people die anyway."
I'm sure the internet of 100 years ago was full of anti-stoplight-ers and anti-speedlimit-ers...

"No gubbmint is going to tell me when I have to stop at an intersection!!!!"
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
That changes nothing... we all die.
WTF are you going on about?

Are you part of some death cult or something?

Nobody here wants to die, and to prevent us from unknowingly catching covid and killing grandma (who btw also does not want to die), we simply distance and wear masks.

How is this even a debate?
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Are you part of some death cult or something?
Running around crazy because grandpa and grandma are going to die is insane... 100% of people die, unless they are alien (if you subscribe to that).

A virus is different than genocide, it is a fucking virus. Yes, people are going to die, and we do not choose how, we just do the best we can to keep them alive. Destroying children's lives with lockdowns is not what "my" parents want for their grandchildren, maybe other grandparents are so selfish they only worry about them, and not the generation of their grandkids.

Until people realize they are here for a short time, what our ancestors knew, they are going to lose their minds over this... and that is what is happening.

It is obvious you have never had a mortality discussion other than finances.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
How is this even a debate?
This has been made a binary choice unfortunately, between the elderly and young. The world did not ask for this - China Virus (COVID19) but the world has to deal with it, China excluded, not because the rest of the world is better than China, it is because the rest of the world cares about something other than power, by suppressing the outbreak for their own gain. The world has dealt with these types of regimes before, they will deal with them in 2024-2050. The only defense western civ has is our politicians and wall street - which seem to be compromised at the moment for the US, at least. Laugh now at me... but the world is moving faster and faster with tech... the country that controls the data will be the country in power.

The virus is a product of the world... I get it... as long as it is natural and not a weapon (jury is still out - even if it was made in China, they would not tell us because the world would bomb China into the stone ages - based on popular demand) - which still unknown to the public - I am sure others know exactly if it is terrestrial or manmade.

So is the games of world power, politics, domination and conquest. Welcome to Star Citizen a game where we do not deploy biological weapons because it would be too easy.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
lol... you're right... how many people lost their lives to China during Mao... 100 million, that makes COVID19 look like chump change.

Any political party willing to kill 100 million of their own kin, will not blink to kill 100 million others.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yes, we have, and you have a thick head (joking).
Many a true word is said in jest. I find it very difficult to find hats that a) fit and b) suit me.

Look, lockdowns are like herding cattle, I know the UK does not have many people with 10s of thousands of acres as grazing land... but watch youtube... humans are cattle with the ability to find their way out of a situation... herding cats is probably better than humans at this point. People are going to start getting pissed, because it is not science, it is politics at this point.
In some places you have had willful non-participation with lockdowns, in most places you have not - where there is that cooperation they have stabilized the case load where they have needed to and in a hand full of places have reduced local transmission to zero. To compare people with mortgages and other obligations that force them to put themselves in harms way on a daily basis is not really a direct comparison to cattle or cats. No cat said "Gotta go catch more birds to put bread on the table". Where the lockdowns have been most successful are where countries have taken away the pressure of the obligations causing people to make choices which breach lockdown. If someone is fuloughed and still get paid while their job is shelved but not scrapped, they have no reason to break the lockdown to go to work. It's pretty much that simple. Take away the pressures that make people break the lockdown, and they generally don't break the lockdown.

In some countries yes you are right, it's not science, it is politics. And in some, you are wrong, it is not politics, it is science. In the places where is it just science some have done very very well. And some have not. The same for places where politics is in the driving seat, some have done well and some have done terribly.

Death is death... I made my peace 17 years ago in Afghanistan... so I guess I am jaded at your mentality.
I became subject to Tinitus at the age of 12. Having a raging scream-fest in your ear for over 224,400 hours teaches you how to become at peace with most situations. I am pleased to hear you have also found your peace with existence, however your circumstances appear to be substantially more traumatic than mine which is distressing to know - perhaps both of our mentalities are jaded?

I must admit I still have faith in Humanity as a whole. Not groups of humans, those guys are jerks. individuals and as an entire collective, I still have faith in Humanity. If we could just stop you all from hanging out together it'd be great. Some kind of Lockdown, perhaps...?

People die, it is what we do, we live to 70 or 100 and then kick the bucket. To my knowledge, no one other than Abraham lived 205 years (if you subscribe to that). So, truth hurts, sooner you understand, sooner you will become whole. If you want to blame someone, some country, blame China.

Economics is a function of how much panic (uncertainty) you induce into a system. It is in the interest of rational people not to panic.
I apologize if I have misinterpreted here, however you appear to have contradicted yourself - You say "People die, it's what we do" but then you say "blame China"?

I find this interesting and would appreciate it if you helped me understand: If people die, because that is indeed what we do, what has China got to do with how your country chose to react to the contagion, unless you live in China? Does the man who comes last in the race get to blame the person who fired the starting pistol?

And if it had emerged in Brazil, would you be saying "Blame Brazil"? if it had emerged in the USA would you be saying: "Blame America"? If it had started in Canada, would you be saying "Blame Canada"?


I am not defending Chinas initial response to the epidemic which originated there, however once it left their boarders, it was in the hands of wherever it landed to respond to the crisis. Some places did and are doing great. Some places did not and are not doing great. If we are to blame China for the places where the pandemic is raging out of control, are we to give China credit in the countries that have done well like New Zealand?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 8th of December:

- World: 67,803,057 confirmed cases and 1,549,332 confirmed deaths.

- UK: 90 year old Margaret Keenan first person in the country outside of medical trials to receive Pfizer/BioNTec vaccine. Second person was William Shakespere who is 81.

- US: Armed police raid home of Rebekah Jones and seize two computers. Jones, a data scientist in Florida, had been in a dispute with the state governor after claiming she had been fired for refusing to alter data to support reopening the state earlier in the year.

- Indonesia: Trials of Chinese Sinovac Vaccine indicate a 97% effectiveness.

- UK: Oxford/Astrazenica vaccine trial data indicates 70% effectiveness.

- US: Cases and deaths continue to surge as the country awaits the fallout from Thanks Giving travel to show itself.

- UK: London sees spike in cases which shoes parts now have a higher infection rate than some areas of England in the top tier of restrictions.

- India: City of Eluru in Andhra Pradesh provence struck with mystery illness which caused 546 people to have symptoms including convulsions, and has killed one person so far. Current theory is food potentially contaminated with pesticides, however no cause has yet been found.

- Denmark: Reinstates tougher restrictions across 38 towns and cities.

- Scotland: All 11 Teir 4 areas to lower to Teir 3 as case rates begin to drop.

- China: Fears rise of a new outbreak as 5 symptomatic cases discovered in city of Chengdu, home to 16 million souls.

- Japan: Approves $700 billion in fresh stimulus “We drew up (the stimulus package) to pave the way for new growth, to protect people’s livelihoods as well as maintaining employment and keeping businesses going,”

- Spain: Four lions in Spanish Zoo test positive for COVID-19.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I just want to reiterate that china failed to stop this virus at the source in the name of protecting their own self interests. Now look at the entire world. Do not tell me were all going to say this is a global problem and forget that their negligence and self interest crippled the entire world.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I just want to reiterate that china failed to stop this virus at the source in the name of protecting their own self interests. Now look at the entire world. Do not tell me were all going to say this is a global problem and forget that their negligence and self interest crippled the entire world.
Nope I'm not telling you that, as I put in my original post as quoted below: 🙂

I am not defending Chinas initial response to the epidemic which originated there


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Nope I'm not telling you that, as I put in my original post 🙂
I apologize, i didnt even read most of the posts. I just needed to vent. I just don't ever want anyone to forget what happened just because they want to be civil about it.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I apologize, i didnt even read most of the posts. I just needed to vent. I just don't ever want anyone to forget what happened just because they want to be civil about it.
No problem, I've half read my fair share of posts :like:

Also, who'd read past the South Park clip? You'd just get sucked down the Youtube Rabbit Hole.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Destroying children's lives with lockdowns is not what "my" parents want for their grandchildren
LOL, please give me the list of all children we have been destroyed by staying home playing Mario instead of going to school. In my case my kids are in school and its going well. My friends have virtual learning and others are home schooling. Nobody got destroyed.

The reason why we keep having these very strange interactions is that you have a skewed perception of what is really happening due to your preference in news sources.

I know this because my wife's family all watch a news source that says the exact same thing you are saying. I could not tell if its you or them making the post, because the language is the same.

The talking points are very cliché :

- China bad, China communist, China make bioweapon
- Virus not a big deal, don't be controlled by govt telling you to be scared
- Weak, stupid liberals are scared of virus, love China and communism
- Strong independent thinkers hate communism, love freedom
- Hardly anybody getting sick from China virus, numbers made up
- China enemy #1, needs to pay for making world sick

I can play bingo with your talking points because I watch the same news source just to be on top of what my parents and in-laws are watching.
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