Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I was reminded today about perspective. While the Coronavirus is scaring a lot of people it's by far the least effective tool death welds for each day roughly 150,000 pass from this world with 1/3rd not due to old age. Compared to the 10k that have died since this started 4 months ago with a current upward trend of less then a 1000 on March 18th is still a far cry from the typical amount of death we deal with daily. For it is all too easy to become fixated on the rare and overreact to its newness.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK fatalities 144, confirmed cases 3,229, still no testing outside of institutions so when they say "confirmed" they mean "confirmed because they became critical".

Apparently promises have been made to drastically ramp up testing. Schools will close at the end of Friday until further notice and only accept the kids of critical services staff like doctors, nurses and delviery drivers to ensure it does not impact that.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
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One week in to our lock down. The whole family is getting cabin fever. My son is eating, playing fortnight, eating, and eating some more. So is my wife, she lectured me about using one square of toilet paper. Dog got its tooth knocked out paying with the tennis ball, Family calls twice a day and work is slow because no changes to the enterprise. Did I mention the snow storm? This is week one, week three or four is going to be a full blown MMA arena in my house.

School is closed until April 17th, but I think it is going to close the rest of the year.
Wife has to work at home until may.
l've always worked at home, so my peace and quiet is gone.

Thankful for my Test family.


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
Current official numbers for the United States: 9,425 confirmed & presumptive positive cases; 150 deaths.
[Though unofficially, worldometer is reporting higher at 13,737 and 201 respectively]

Canada: 727 confirmed & probable cases.
Mexico: 118 confirmed cases.
Worldwide: 239,835 cases; 9,953 deaths; 84,960 recovered.
[As of 4:22pm today from the CDC]

The National Response Coordination Center has activated at Level 1 (it's highest), shifting the lead response agency from Health & Human Services (HHS) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 50 FEMA teams are preparing to deploy to the states and territories.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
One week in to our lock down. The whole family is getting cabin fever. My son is eating, playing fortnight, eating, and eating some more. So is my wife, she lectured me about using one square of toilet paper. Dog got its tooth knocked out paying with the tennis ball, Family calls twice a day and work is slow because no changes to the enterprise. Did I mention the snow storm? This is week one, week three or four is going to be a full blown MMA arena in my house.

School is closed until April 17th, but I think it is going to close the rest of the year.
Wife has to work at home until may.
l've always worked at home, so my peace and quiet is gone.

Thankful for my Test family.

I have a strong feeling some families will kill each other during this time. The virus is the least of their worries. I've already seen articles predicting a high number of divorces coming out the other side of this. Good luck man!


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
Apparently this author is a Pulitzer Prize winning science writer and has covered HIV/AIDs for decades. So basically... she knows what she's talking about.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle

Banks have deferred small business loan repayments for 6 months.
Reserve Bank has approved $90 bn AUD fund for Banks to offset the pressures from deferring loans.
Reserve Bank has approved quantitative easing and lowering Australia's cash rate to 0.25%
Details here:

Age/gender breakdown of cases in NSW released by the NSW health department

Australia has recorded 7 deaths with 876 total infections. [updated]

Health department has released an advertising campaign around the virus
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle

The TL:DR is, there are two good things here but some issues too, notably about time required to get these to doctors to help us. Probably a minimum of a year, but we have a lot of activity going on by the pharma research industry.
Let's put this in perspective. The normal duration of a clinical trial process is ~ 9-10 years. They can shorten that considerably for an emergency situation, but probably not less than a year and that's only if the clinical trials are successful. It doesn't do us any good to give people a treatment for this virus, only to have the treatment itself cause people to get sick - and that can and does happen. This is the second group talking about clinical trials, the other is for a vaccine. They are similar in some respects, but there are differences between vaccines and antibody treatments, but they work in our favor - assuming everything works as hoped.

You don't usually give a vaccine to someone who's already sick. You give it to people to prevent them from getting sick. It is a little bit more complicated than that but you get the idea. For people who are already sick, a vaccine would just get lost in all of the other defences that are activated. The vaccine contains molecules that look like the virus, but are inactive. They teach the body what they can produce to identify and kill just the cells that have the disease. It's sometimes very effective, but it takes time.

You give an antibody treatment to people who are already sick. The idea is to get something into the body that already knows how to target and kill the viral infection. It may require several treatments to be effective. Then you might have to wait for a while before the patient can be given a vaccine, but if you can control contact with other infected people, the patient has a chance.

Expect more of these kind of announcements in the coming weeks. Virtually every large scale pharma company is working on it, and some small ones (like the one in the video) too.

This is amazing science btw. Our problem is, we don't exactly know a lot about how viruses, and antibodies work. Sometimes we get lucky though, and that's why there needs to be a bunch of these studies and trials going on.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
She could not have put it any simpler to understand.

“Feeling confused as to why Coronavirus is a bigger deal than Seasonal flu? Here it is in a nutshell. I hope this helps. Feel free to share this with others who don’t understand...

Everyone if you guys didnt read this thread fully up to today it seems this was based on alot of rumors going around right now and the story is constantly changing from ear to ear The lady who sited all this today admitted when she tried to source all the information that the information didnt come from who she was told originally but actually just a nurse who was told by someone else. So id wipe this one off the board until facts are stated publicly about all this by someone in the field.

Misinformation is a dangerous weapon.
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