Cotarque article generating grief in the twittersphere


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Looking at mah twittrz there is some kind of Cotarque article (mispelling intentional because I worked for a company that used an internet monitoring system called Meltwater which searches the web for any mention of its own name and highlights it) that's pissing on CIGs cornflakes saying they tried to get the Austin Devs to continue working through the prolonged power outages and risk to life during the storms recently or something like that.

Several devs tweeting that they are confused as that is not what they experienced, lots of people saying it's clickbatey bovine excrement.

I've not read the article nor sought it out because if I wanted to cause myself grief I'd just look at my life choices.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Well notihing new under the sunz I suppose: CIg is not new to this kind of trash article written just to click bait or to spit shit on something without any knowlage of it... Interesting that the programmers them self replayed to that shit post.

Personally I found much much more interesting the fire that blow up and burnt to the ground one of the OVH's datacenter at Strasbourg:

I mean it's a F datacenter with several thousand of €/$ of hardware in it how is that possible that a structure like that doesn't have fire suppression system???
There are far far smaller company that equip theyr server room with inerth gas estiguishers if not in-rack solution for that and a freaking datacenter burn to the ground and need to call for a fire department??? I mean it's ok calling for the fire dept. but the fire should be already out by the time they've arrived...
Most shoking is that the entire structure appear NOT to have a disaster recovery plan or an off-site backup.... Really??? You provide a datacenter solution and you are NOT worry about the integrity of the data in case of some accident on YOUR hardware???

I'm ashame of how un-professional some people can be and how they manage to stay in business, I was hoping that the Arub's case of some years a go where theys UPS, installed right next the server, gone flambè was a learning lesson for all the datacenters... I think I'm still to confident in people's proferssional integrity...


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Well notihing new under the sunz I suppose: CIg is not new to this kind of trash article written just to click bait or to spit shit on something without any knowlage of it... Interesting that the programmers them self replayed to that shit post.

Personally I found much much more interesting the fire that blow up and burnt to the ground one of the OVH's datacenter at Strasbourg:

I mean it's a F datacenter with several thousand of €/$ of hardware in it how is that possible that a structure like that doesn't have fire suppression system???
There are far far smaller company that equip theyr server room with inerth gas estiguishers if not in-rack solution for that and a freaking datacenter burn to the ground and need to call for a fire department??? I mean it's ok calling for the fire dept. but the fire should be already out by the time they've arrived...
Most shoking is that the entire structure appear NOT to have a disaster recovery plan or an off-site backup.... Really??? You provide a datacenter solution and you are NOT worry about the integrity of the data in case of some accident on YOUR hardware???

I'm ashame of how un-professional some people can be and how they manage to stay in business, I was hoping that the Arub's case of some years a go where theys UPS, installed right next the server, gone flambè was a learning lesson for all the datacenters... I think I'm still to confident in people's proferssional integrity...
YIKES!!! ...and they have four data centers all at the same location close enough that it is realistically possible for a catastrophe to take them all out at once? With that kind of risk management planning they should look into branching out into making fireworks and processing flour at the same location!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I think they just have a list they keep in a red safe next to the doomsday clock that counts down to their inevitable closure, and whenever they need to add a couple of minutes to it, they open the safe and consult that list of games that if they lie about, will generate the most clicks in times of desperation.

Whoam.I kidding, they've been using this list exclusively for the last 5 years lol


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Can you tell me more about this fake scandal?
RPS once made an article before CK3 release, about the "Deus Vult" sentence, used for the crusade.
6. There's no "Deus Vult".

In the years since CK2's release, "Deus Vult" - an eleventh century crusader battlecry - has become a vile meme beloved of racists on the internet. I asked how Paradox's community team felt about this, and was told emphatically that the words will not appear in Crusader Kings 3. That's refreshing, but in a game set during a time of conflicts fetishised by modern fascists, it's the tip of the iceberg. I'll be writing more about how Paradox are handling the political sensitivities of making a game about the crusades, and how they're handling the representation of non-European cultures, in the weeks to come.

Update - Henrik Fåhraeus offered this comment: "I feel like this issue has been miscommunicated thus far. We have not specifically considered which terms are used in the game apart from making sense in the historical context. The team will decide how any text fits or does not fit into CK3 in a way that feels appropriate."

This generated a lot of "heat" on the Paradox forums against RPS and others like Kotaku who reproduced the news and inflated this fake scandal, because it implied all CK players were modern fascists. This censorship claim was not welcomed by the players which are for most historic game aficionados. Deus Vult made it in the game anyway, it was a false claim by RPS and others that this middle-age battle cry was not included.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
RPS once made an article before CK3 release, about the "Deus Vult" sentence, used for the crusade.
6. There's no "Deus Vult".

In the years since CK2's release, "Deus Vult" - an eleventh century crusader battlecry - has become a vile meme beloved of racists on the internet. I asked how Paradox's community team felt about this, and was told emphatically that the words will not appear in Crusader Kings 3. That's refreshing, but in a game set during a time of conflicts fetishised by modern fascists, it's the tip of the iceberg. I'll be writing more about how Paradox are handling the political sensitivities of making a game about the crusades, and how they're handling the representation of non-European cultures, in the weeks to come.

Update - Henrik Fåhraeus offered this comment: "I feel like this issue has been miscommunicated thus far. We have not specifically considered which terms are used in the game apart from making sense in the historical context. The team will decide how any text fits or does not fit into CK3 in a way that feels appropriate."

This generated a lot of "heat" on the Paradox forums against RPS and others like Kotaku who reproduced the news and inflated this fake scandal, because it implied all CK players were modern fascists. This censorship claim was not welcomed by the players which are for most historic game aficionados. Deus Vult made it in the game anyway, it was a false claim by RPS and others that this middle-age battle cry was not included.
Yeah I was kinda surprised when this crapaku SC article didn't have some very "smart" analogy about CiG management being exactly the same as nazi officers running the concentration camps back in WW2. That would fit their "style" perfectly...

This is the reason I stick to the smallest possible gaming sites and smaller youtube channels for actual information, or in some cases the local versions of big ones like IGN Hungary. The differences are night and day. On our local site they just write about the games like they did 20 years ago, no bullshit ideology included cos it's ran by underpaid gamer kids, so I actually get to learn something useful about the games instead of being called an -ist or -phobe. Ofc they are overly positive in the scoring just like on their main site, but it's easy to ignore that bit.

Crapaku should just give up and die already, along with RPS, PC Whiner and the rest of the "big ones"...


Feb 21, 2021
RSI Handle
RPS once made an article before CK3 release, about the "Deus Vult" sentence, used for the crusade.
6. There's no "Deus Vult".

In the years since CK2's release, "Deus Vult" - an eleventh century crusader battlecry - has become a vile meme beloved of racists on the internet. I asked how Paradox's community team felt about this, and was told emphatically that the words will not appear in Crusader Kings 3. That's refreshing, but in a game set during a time of conflicts fetishised by modern fascists, it's the tip of the iceberg. I'll be writing more about how Paradox are handling the political sensitivities of making a game about the crusades, and how they're handling the representation of non-European cultures, in the weeks to come.

Update - Henrik Fåhraeus offered this comment: "I feel like this issue has been miscommunicated thus far. We have not specifically considered which terms are used in the game apart from making sense in the historical context. The team will decide how any text fits or does not fit into CK3 in a way that feels appropriate."

This generated a lot of "heat" on the Paradox forums against RPS and others like Kotaku who reproduced the news and inflated this fake scandal, because it implied all CK players were modern fascists. This censorship claim was not welcomed by the players which are for most historic game aficionados. Deus Vult made it in the game anyway, it was a false claim by RPS and others that this middle-age battle cry was not included.
Why so many journalists are hellbent on ridiculize themeselves?
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
They are generally as likely to tell the truth as Alex Jones/Infowars.
To be honest, at this point they are worse than AJ. He was at least kinda right about the frogs lol

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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle

This generated a lot of "heat" on the Paradox forums against RPS and others like Kotaku who reproduced the news and inflated this fake scandal, because it implied all CK players were modern fascists. This censorship claim was not welcomed by the players which are for most historic game aficionados. Deus Vult made it in the game anyway, it was a false claim by RPS and others that this middle-age battle cry was not included.
Every time I see some behavoir like that it confirm one of my assurance in live: people ware smarther in the '80.
If you look at games, movie and tv series of those years there ware plenty of "rascist", stereotiped people and sexualised character... and still no one complain about those things becose people ware able to separate fiction foorm reality and, I suppose, they ware able to think on theyr own mind without the fear of "the bad game (or movie) influence" on the mind of the chileds...

Now everything need to be "politically correct" otherwise you'll be sure that the random idiot will complain and rise a "sacred cursade" against the "scandalous behavoir" of this and that...
and of course thanks to the web, while before those idiots were limited to theyr own bar, they can now have a world wide visibility... and general public is too stupid to just ignore them.

As someone else says: "Idriocracy is not a commedy, is a documentary"


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Why so many journalists are hellbent on ridiculize themeselves?
Becuase they are not journalists.
They are paid bloggers, urinalists as we like to call them, who get paid if they can make the most clickbaity and outlandish lies, because it gets them clicks. Clicks gets the company money. Going along with the narrative, even when it obviously means lying about things, will get them more money (and also job safety) than trying to find and tell the truth. It's how modern "journalism" works, whether it's about politics, crimes, pandemics, or video games.
Making up bullshit that generates clicks and comments, thus engagement and ad revenue, is much easier and takes no talent or effort. Most of these "journalists" never truly worked a day in their life, and couldn't even if they had to. Doing actual fact checking and sourcing would require effort, and for some reason, today's journalist think they are a higher class of ppl who don't have to do that kind of "dirty" work.
They are the worst thing the 21st century has so far produced, including covid...
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