@Blind Owl thanks for the great thread. I wish everyone the best of luck during this time of uncertainty.
The adjustment has been easy. I've worked at home as a consultant for 15 years now. What I miss is my morning coffee shop time. Several mornings a week I'd work from a local coffee shop for the first 2-3 hours of my day. Good change of scenery. Haven't done that for almost a month now. And funny, the liquor cabinet seems to have an echo forming...
I worry a ton about my Mom. She's 90 years old, and fit as a fiddle, and until a couple days ago just REFUSED to stay at home. I'd go shopping for her, clean everything, leave it on her porch, call her the next day and hear "Oh, I had to run to Target just for a couple things. I was careful." She worry's the hell out of me. Will drive me to drink. Oh, I already drink!

She'll drive me to drink more! I finally scared her enough that she's staying home. Now I have just 2 more weeks of worrying about her.
My recently ex-wife works at the Costco just a few miles up the road. They had a positive test for one of the cashiers just yesterday. Cross that store off my list. Now I have to worry about my ex for the next couple weeks. My daughter, who lives with me, is not even leaving the house anymore. Online college courses are a saving grace!
Stay safe everyone!