Creatives vs. Engineers


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I just realized that my collogue, the most talented artist at the studio I freelance for, is actually an architect by degree. I also did 3 years of engineering in uni, and became a CG artist cos learning engi was effing boring and I can still make good use of logical problem solving while getting a tangible result... So yeah, sure, "creatives are all stuuupid, engineeees are bestest"!
Someone I worked with on the Design Team of the business I previously worked in (I was in customer care so not design team myself) before they were an email designer used to engineer industrial fire suppression systems for oil rigs, and before that and worked on EM shielding for computer components which were destined for spacecraft.

Life takes one in all sorts of directions, doesn't it?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Someone I worked with on the Design Team of the business I previously worked in (I was in customer care so not design team myself) before they were an email designer used to engineer industrial fire suppression systems for oil rigs, and before that and worked on EM shielding for computer components which were destined for spacecraft.

Life takes one in all sorts of directions, doesn't it?
Lies and more lies! If it doesn't fit my world view then it can't be true. Creative types all wear purple hair and glue their hands to the road in what ever popular protest is going on.

It's entertaining how quickly binary classifications break down. While there can be some generalization made due to bell cure distributions there be enough overlap to not give it much use beyond a punch line in a warmup joke.

While where I work the people tend to skew more towards the hard-core engineer view and it shows in the release product, it doesn't mean there is no place for the creative and in fact their view is missing and it shows. Especially in the unwillingness to compromise views that have become so preventing.

Like I'd be terrible in designing a house or even my spaceship in starfield as it was always function over form and there should be a balance.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
During my years in aerospace I many times made the argument that physicists and engineers need each other. They each think they can do the other’s job but experience shows that’s all ego talking. While a creative (physicist) thinks he can do the job of an engineer, it always turns out fubar. Likewise, the engineers always think they can do what physicists do, and most often find they just don’t have the skills.

I dunno why both seem so insistent they can replace the other. Just because you can understand what someone else does, doesn’t mean you can do that job well.

Seems to me most complex tasks require teamwork. Big surprise.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Could be, it could also be strategic genius, time will tell.
If they turn StarEngine into something that can compete head-to-head with Unreal Engine and Unity Engine, that other developers pay them for licenses and support, then it could potentially fund their operations for decades (as long as they continue to update and maintain it) all by itself.
To my understanding, they had originally stated they intended to make it a marketable tool for CryEngine, then for Lumberyard, but with how things went with both of those I can't say I'm surprised they've cut ties, and with how much technical debt they've already absorbed from CryTek and Amazon, due to those two not doing the things they said they would, CIG is kind of tied to the path they're on now (O3DE does not have enough open source industry support to take up any slack for them and CIG is way too far into development to switch to some other engine.)
Even a clock is right 2 times a day... with CIG's performance maybe once every 10 years. 10 years with lumberyard - really - it took them 10 years to figure out something was not working. In my business - if I don't get it right in one or two months I am fired.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
BTW, in technical startups, the business people all assume the technical people (both physicists and engineers) are a dime a dozen and easy to replace, and the technical people tell themselves the business people are just there for the money and are easy to replace.

None of this leads to the good team building that is necessary. All these positions are necessary. Surprisingly, those who deprecate everyone by treating them the worst, are investors. They think there’s nothing their money can’t buy, and they’re totally wrong.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
@ColdDog Bro, thinking you might owe the thread a beer. There is always a place for rational criticism, but some of your callouts are clearly interpreted and not really supportable after this CitizenCon.
I get it... but from where I sit... When was all the bullshit propaganda at CitCon offered as anything of real substance? If I really cared or wanted to take the time to write out all the bullshit that has come out of CitizenCon I'd fill this thread with it. I care about playing the PU and completing a mission without a 30k. Pryro is cool... but does nothing to stabilize the system. The day that 30ks are a thing of the past will be the day I move to target another deficiency in this game that hinders its playability.
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