@CrudeSasquatch swears into the CF tomorrow.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
@CrudeSasquatch, @Blind Owl I want to see you guys on this show. Maybe they can add a water purification challenge.

There's no way these guys could be in TEST.
I watched that a bit then the movers showed up so I had to watch them UNPACK EVERYTHING and repack it! I was like WHAT THE! I DIDN'T GO OUT PARTYING SO I COULD GET THAT DONE!
Anyways. ... Go CANADA!
If they ever have a water treatment challenge I hope Paulie Shore and Adam Sandler are a team.

Best of luck to you! We'll miss you here, but soon you'll be back in your new form, more powerful than the last!
I feel tougher already!

I wrote a poem for the occasion.

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go...
The movers are taking my things out the door...
I have no computer... but three more days until I fly....
I'm leaving on a jet plane
No Internet until maybe May
I'm so nervous I could cry!
All my bags are packed
Off to the Can Force
Demographically I'll have at least one divorce. ..
But worse. ..oh worse. ..
No meme's foooooor me!
The Taxi's waiting, dads honking the horn.
First week of Basic
Why was I born?
No Reddit.com slash r slash funny
But babe I's gots to gooooooo....

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Despite that I'm still allowed to vote, I don't think I'm allowed to comment on political things anymore. I shall endeavour to serve Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, her heirs and appointees, and the duly elected members of Parliament.
I guess since you're talking about a rebellious colonial government, I should have to point out that one day, we shall make America Great Britain Again! Elizabeth II 2016!
Hey @Blind Owl am I allowed to say that?
Uuuuuuuum, yup? Haha.
@CrudeSasquatch, @Blind Owl I want to see you guys on this show. Maybe they can add a water purification challenge.

There's no way these guys could be in TEST.
Haha, the Canadian's should have won that one. ;)


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Well, he's gone. Should be landing in about an hour or so, onto the bus, and off to the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recuit School.
He's probably better prepared than most with your tutelage. Be sure to have lots of junk food, beer, and cigarettes waiting for him when he graduates. Maybe you can get him to puke!


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
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