Crytek wants to sue later, CIG says nuh uh


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, even if not considering all the point that Crytech has take to the case and that has been pointly dismissed, this is still a bad move.
First of all Crytech should have know their own term of contract on witch they sold the License con CE to Amanzon, so they shoudl have kwno that Amazon could license oot CIG even the previus version fo the engine.
Second, if you are beaten to the ground on every single point you have bring to the court so far maybe a little check BEFORE bring even this point to the court should be a common sense behavior for e
every person.
Third: since Crytech is still a company (at least on paper) you they should know how marketing operation are conducted: CIG have the potention to bring in the Amanzon poket some big buck, so licensing them some older version of CryEngine for a simboliic amount of even free to allow them to, formaly, switch to Lumbiard is a freaking win solution, both for Amazon and CIG.
I'll exepct that a company owner consider this... but do to the actual state of Crytech may be I'm wrong...

That is true, but a company like CIG, and any other company that work with a propertaty software on a big buck work also expect a suppoort form the producer of mentioned software. Since Crytech was (and still is) running on finacial problem and several programmer are fleeing them taht part of Crytech suppoort is, in fact, not possible anymore, so CIG looks elseware, to someone that maybe lack the software support (I doubt they need it anymore sicne they acquire lots ox ex-Crytech programmer) but offer something else.

That is a terrible behavior for a company: legal action, everywhere in the world, cost a lots of money and take a lot of time, you have to be very un-responsable to use them as a stupid revenge method like a 6 years old child becouse "you don't play anyomre with me", especially on very poor accusation like Crytech has done.
Who said people were logical? Humans do a lot of things based on the heat of emotion, and some of those things can end up being poor decisions. CIG uses this very concept to drive ship sales.

Again, it’s all speculation on our part. We have the redacted court filings, but really, we don’t know what Crytek was thinking when they decided to sue. People convince themselves of incorrect stuff every day. It’s not hard to question someone’s motive and come up with ‘they are trying to screw us over’ when something bad happens to you (for example, you lost a customer for your engine). Unfortunately, people Sometimes don’t have the information needed to fully understand why something happens, so they make something up to fill in the blanks. With the rocky relationship CIG had with Crytek trying to get fixes and hiring away staff, plus the financial pressures Crytek was facing at the time, it’s too easy to assume the worst.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Thank you, Glorious Leader!

"That is why Skadden stopped representing Ctytech"

Scoop of the century! Do you have some official sources? I mean... that's not unsubstantiated conjecture is it?
The words you are using are too big.

You are a big expensive law firm. Your client looks like their case is dead in the water. Your client keeps on racking up billable hours that they will probably not be able to afford.

What do?


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I do and I wonder when we can come over and enjoy wings and beer with you.
If you're in the area stop by, we'll sort something out! I did make a weird discovery though - there were either some kind of rodents, or perhaps some Critek executives in my grill the last few weeks. They left some of their shit behind. I'm looking for a replacement before I grill anything.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The words you are using are too big.

You are a big expensive law firm. Your client looks like their case is dead in the water. Your client keeps on racking up billable hours that they will probably not be able to afford.

What do?
I don't think you are wrong oh Glorious Leader, I was just wondering if it was opinion based on the available evidence or if TEST had some Corporately Efficient contact who was able to provide the Skadden skinny to you who then provided it to us :-)

But then, after all the years of YouTubers making unsubstantiated claims about this case I suppose it would be just desserts for us to do the same in our apparent victory?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Thank you, Glorious Leader!
"That is why Skadden stopped representing Ctytech"
Scoop of the century! Do you have some official sources? I mean... that's not unsubstantiated conjecture is it?
there's truth, and then there's TEST truth

sorta like 'Murican politics, when you think about it


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Jeeezus Crytech are clingier than my first Ex.


If I or anyone else I know ever makes a game I'm going to advise them not to use CryEngine OR Lumberyard because that things got baggage, yo.
I couldn't listen to it with all my attention, but what I got sounded like this:
Crytek wants to pause the lawsuit cos they want SQ42 released so they can sue later, to prove that it is Developed as a separate game. So in this case, the way it is released (separate or not) doesn't matter, or even if it releases doesn't really matter for their case cos they care about how it was Developed.
Wtf is this new garbage?? Let's ignore the fact that up to this point they argued about the way it's going to be released. They just negated their own argument for dropping the lawsuit with saying that the fact if it releases at all doesn't matter! So why the hell would they want to wait until it's released, if they just admitted that it does matter if it does at all? Seriously, are they this stupid or did I misheard something?
Also, wasnt this whole "1 licence for 2 games" bullshit already dropped??
And now it's hinted at that CIG won't release SQ42 until the lawsuits fully over and finished with!!
Dear Crytek, I want my game, you want some money. Here's an idea, how about you sell your fucking personal yachts to get the money to pay your employees, and leave my game alone!! FFS
I hope the judge can stay on top of this level of bs, which must be pretty hard by now, going for so long, and her staff can remind her in case she doesn't, and do the right thing by dismissing the whole thing with prejudice.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
there's truth, and then there's TEST truth

sorta like 'Murican politics, when you think about it
Well there is that.

Lo, the Glorious Leader spake some words, and those words were good. Especially when he was drunk, because that was well funny.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
There's still something I can't wrap my head around:

If your business model is licensing your game engine to dev's, and then you sell the whole thing lock, stock and barrel to Amazon (as in AMAZON -- the 8000 ton gorilla in the room), which lets them (Amazon) license everything (past versions included) as well as post the code on the web, offer it free...etc. ... then you don't have a business anymore!
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Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
They probably didn't consider it as a possibility. Or they ignored the thin ice signs because they were so desperate for some revenue they jumped at the opportunity,

Friday is where it gets interesting, because the Judge rules on the dismissal.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
There's still something I can't wrap my head around:

If your business model is licensing your game engine to dev's, and then you sell the whole thing lock, stock and barrel to Amazon (as in AMAZON -- the 8000 ton gorilla in the room), which lets them (Amazon) license everything (past versions included) as well as post the code on the web, offer it free...etc. ... then you don't have a business anymore!
Sort of. They were on the verge of being bankrupted and so needed cash. They still own licenses for the games they have created and it still allows them to make new games using the engine as they did not give up their rights to it. As I saw it originally it was a gamble to allow them enough revenue to bring forward a new game that has not manifested and so they are looking under the couch cushions for any leftover change.
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