Cutter this, Cutter that

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just remember, the Cutter can been seen at twice the distance as the Aurora, Mustang, Avenger and 300 series ships. It is a flying target.

Please lets all stop pretending that seeing and being seen doesn't matter. Only idiots think that.

Lets all please start thinking about how this game is meant to be played.

The Cutter is a FLYING TARGET. Only idiots put valuables in a target.

Looks like many want to see novice players flying shit ships so others have targets.

This ship can't run, it can't hide and it can't fight. So it's great so long as it doesn't run into any hostile players.

What universe is that, exactly?
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
I've been more focused on the weapons load out advertising for this ship. On one hand, CIG says:
The Cutter’s stout weapons package won’t leave you wanting in a fight or on a bounty run.
Then they say:
The Cutter is quite low in the combat rankings; it’s not a combat-focused ship by any metric and its loadout reflects that. It’ll have difficulties against anything combat-focused, such as an Arrow or Gladius, but will hold its own against the other starter ships.
So I'm wondering where that leaves us on firepower really. Is this akin to an Aurora LX or so? Probably makes sense for a starter ship.
Weapons 2x S2 Gimbal; Missiles 2x Dual Racks with S1 Missiles
I see the point on visibility. Here's what is advertised regarding that:
It has a slightly larger cross-section than most of the other starter ships due to just being bigger, but the IR and EM will be very similar as it has the same size and variety of components.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Got me a LTI place holder that allows me to play Space Balls all day long.....I wear a MOG mask(half man half dog) when flying it because I don't want anyone I know to recognize me, after all "Im my own best friend"....Other than that its a decent truck/taxi


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Just remember, the Cutter can been seen at twice the distance as the Aurora, Mustang, Avenger and 300 series ships. It is a flying target.

Please lets all stop pretending that seeing and being seen doesn't matter. Only idiots think that.

Lets all please start thinking about how this game is meant to be played.

The Cutter is a FLYING TARGET. Only idiots put valuables in a target.

Looks like many want to see novice players flying shit ships so others have targets.

This ship can't run, it can't hide and it can't fight. So it's great so long as it doesn't run into any hostile players.

What universe is that, exactly?
Wrong assumptions based on numbers that change on a weekly basis and are out of date by the time they get posted... As usual.

Start thinking about how the game is meant to be played? According to you, that is.
NO. According to me, it's not meant to be played as a hardcore modern military simulator which depends on stealth combat and nothing else matters apart from that.
For you, maybe, for the vast majority? I wouldn't think so. Gameplay experience paints a very different picture to what you keep assuming again and again. I'd tell you again to play the effing game for 5 minutes and see for yourself but you never do anyways...

But to play into your argument, that's just it! We NEED targets to shoot and loot! If everybody is flying around in stealth optimized Freelancers, or whatever you dreamt up as the best choice based on data sheets that have nothing to do with actual gameplay, it's gonna be a pretty stale universe. We need the low-end trucks for low end pirates to shoot at! Not everyone can or wants to afford a 300 dollar ship just to start playing as a pirate ya know...

It's a perfectly viable starter ship that will do just fine until you can get something bigger and better. You won't be doing much bounty hunting in it that's true, and you should run if someone tries to get you, but currently that is the case anyways in almost anything due to the millions of bugs and desync. But that's just it. It's NOT meant to be a combat ship. It's NOT meant to be the perfect stealth dropship. It's a kei truck to start out in, that is all it's purpose is, and it's priced as such.

Do we know the actual armor rating on it? NO, nobody does, armor doesn't exist yet. Maybe it never will. There's ship shields and HP pool and that's it, for now. It's a larger heavier ship so I'm assuming they can balance around that easily later and just give it some more armor if needed.

It can't run? You don't know that, neither do I, because everything will get a speed change and total speed rebalance after the next patch. It's been said by the devs to be rather fast compared to it's class, and even now it's more of a dragster like the Herald, so it will probably outrun it's competition like auroras. Anything bigger and faster comes after it, then yeah you're done for, just like in any other starter...
Also you keep forgetting that how far you can run is a factor. This thing has a large tank, so again, it could outrun others simply by distance in QT, and also it might make it viable as a small cargo ship, unlike the aurora or mustang.

I like this little box, I think the universe and gameplay as a whole needed it. The more we get to see of em around the better, both as ships to escort and as lootboxes.
All hail the Glorious Garbage Truck!


Vice Admiral
Jul 16, 2022
RSI Handle
Just remember, the Cutter can been seen at twice the distance as the Aurora, Mustang, Avenger and 300 series ships. It is a flying target.

Please lets all stop pretending that seeing and being seen doesn't matter. Only idiots think that.

Lets all please start thinking about how this game is meant to be played.

The Cutter is a FLYING TARGET. Only idiots put valuables in a target.

Looks like many want to see novice players flying shit ships so others have targets.

This ship can't run, it can't hide and it can't fight. So it's great so long as it doesn't run into any hostile players.

What universe is that, exactly?
It is a good starter it has a full interior and can carry several different vehicles I really don't see what more you could want from a cheap starter ship.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I think this is probably one of the best starter ships available.

It's the cheapest starter with full living quarters (Aurora has a bed, but that's all) to allow players to feel like it's a "home" and that they can live out of it for extended periods of time.
It can carry some cargo, boxes for missions or a small vehicle (Even a ROC can be squeezed in if you don't plan to quantum with it loaded), giving a wide choice of gameplay options.
It has the look of a "slightly used" ship, compared to the showroom finish many other starters have, helping with the feeling that you are starting out.

For players like myself who have no desire to go looking for ship based combat, but would rather explore, move small amounts of cargo, do box missions, run bunkers, etc. this is probably the best starter ship available (Even hostile bunkers aren't a problem with a PTV or MULE in the back, allowing you to park away from the bunker and drive in). Given it can take the fastest Quantum Drive (vk-00) and appears to have enough fuel in it to easily get between Microtech and Arccorp, it's also the best "disposable" shuttle to use when you need to move between planets, and will be quite useful once Pyro arrives (and, as long as you can run fast\long enough for your Quantum drive to spool/calibrate, avoiding combat shouldn't be an issue).

I could actually see using this, once more systems are released, to do "zero to hero" runs in a different system: Leave my fleet alone in one system and fly into a new one in a Cutter and start from there, building up again (Just need to find a way to store the aUEC so I don't dig into it in the new "playthrough", maybe using a different NPC unless they have shared funds).


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think the MO for starter ships is to creep through Vanduul space on a box delivery mission.
I'm actually pretty sure that starter ships are meant for starter areas for doing starter missions, before you graduate to some more advanced ships, whether by renting or owning.
And at starter areas, the NPC pirates are either nonexistent or just not very strong. As for player pirates... I don't see many bothering with a CR just for 2 SCU of starter junk.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I agree it is a cool ship. It feels like a recreational vehicle you can live out of. It can fit vehicles, which is not true of any of the other starters, but that is the only thing that can recommend it.

Flying this ship will get beginners killed for exactly the reason I gave. This game was designed around the piracy dynamic from the get go. I see other players complain about getting pirated every day. Every day, no exceptions. That is the context in which we recommend any particular ship. It is how the game is meant to be played, despite snarky comments.

if you cannot run, gun or hide, you are prey. That is the simple fact. This ship can be prey to the Aurora, ; it is that bad.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Higher security systems are part of the overall game design. If CIG fails to implement these and everywhere is a constant PvP battle zone, the game itself will flop and we don't need to worry about how poorly any particular ship might avoid detection.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle


unlike a lot of the old starters, it can actually do a lot of things. It may not do them well, but it can do them. That’s the point of a starter, help us figure out what we want to do and then help us get to the point we can buy that next ship. Starters also help us by allowing us to claim a ship when we get stuck out back of beyond and not have to wait around forever.

unlike any other starter, you can actually put a ground mining vehicle in the back. Yes, it’s a tight fit, but no Aurora, Mustang, 100, or 300 series can do that. (Technically, the 300 series is a T2 starter)

overall, this is probably one of the better starter ships. It’s not a Nomad, Cutlass, or Freelancer, but it’ also not nearly as expensive. If I had a friend who really wanted to get into Star Citizen (against all my warnings against doing so), but wanted to keep it under 100 bucks, I would absolutely recommend the Cutter as the ship they should buy

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
I agree it is a cool ship. It feels like a recreational vehicle you can live out of. It can fit vehicles, which is not true of any of the other starters, but that is the only thing that can recommend it.

Flying this ship will get beginners killed for exactly the reason I gave. This game was designed around the piracy dynamic from the get go. I see other players complain about getting pirated every day. Every day, no exceptions. That is the context in which we recommend any particular ship. It is how the game is meant to be played, despite snarky comments.

if you cannot run, gun or hide, you are prey. That is the simple fact. This ship can be prey to the Aurora, ; it is that bad.
It's probably wishful thinking but there's a possibility a decent percentage of the pirate community won't be griefers when the game is "officially live". If that's the case, they might also take it easy on pilots of the Cutter. Not really worth their time.

Additionally, maybe it'll be similar to a "jeep thing" with the Cutter. Basically a club of people with huge wangs.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Apart from the aesthetics which I agree this ship is keen on; what recommends this ship past the ability to carry some of the smaller vehicles, and is that really the key to a good starter?

Both the Titan and 300 series are much faster, much more maneuverable, have twice the shield, better guns and literally half the IR footprint. So I have to go to my most common suggestion--if pirates can't see you they can't bother you. This may seem like boring gameplay, but if your hold is full of smugglers goods, or even just nice loot from a cave or bunker, getting killed because you drive a Chevy van from the 80's is a bummer.

Just saying, I get why players like this thing, but I think if the pros here were to drive this ride for a week and get their asses killed repeatedly, they'd make better recommendations to newbies. Every player needs a strategy for coping with pirates. There may be more than the main three--run, gun or hide. Maybe you can fast talk your way out of situations, or maybe you'll just pay the toll. If surrender is what you recommend to new players, please be honest with them and note they can plan ahead to run, gun or hide with the proper pick of a starter ship.

IF. . .if for some reason you require to tote a vehicle around--say you want to mine--wouldn't the Nomad be an obviously superior choice to this?
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White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
I'd say the price tag which is a big benefit for some people.

Right now getting the IAE deal game package is only $45 and comes with LTI. I agree that the Titan and 300i/315p are definitely worth the extra $10-$20 cost to CCU to but it's pretty common that customers are only willing to invest a certain amount initially. You got to get the fish to strike the hook before you can reel it in!


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
I think the pirating thing may be blown out of proportion, either that or I am missing something. It may be that a lot of beginners complain online about being pirated, but are those the majority out of the millions that are now part of the 'verse?

I've been a so-called beginner for years, cuz I never devote enough time to get good at combat flying in the nice expensive ship I got. I do crappy little box deliveries in my Cutty Black, I've gotten killed a half dozen times trying to do the Daymar cave run, but in all these years I've been pirated once, just once, out of probably a couple hundred times out, so I don't think that's as big an issue as one might think. Maybe a couple years ago, I remember the only time I was pirated, and it was when Port Olisar had griefers hanging outside it constantly. I was in a Mustang starter, and didn't have a chance. I laughed and killed myself. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. And I got better at racing into the Armistice Zone to avoid it.

It is a boxy looking thing, but as far as starter ships, it's a lot better than the Mustang I started with. I couldn't do a dang thing with that. If you take this one and stick to low risk missions, odds are you will be able to learn the ropes of the 'verse, and yes, maybe get pirated once, so you can learn that too. LOL.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Apart from the aesthetics which I agree this ship is keen on; what recommends this ship past the ability to carry some of the smaller vehicles, and is that really the key to a good starter?

Both the Titan and 300 series are much faster, much more maneuverable, have twice the shield, better guns and literally half the IR footprint. So I have to go to my most common suggestion--if pirates can't see you they can't bother you. This may seem like boring gameplay, but if your hold is full of smugglers goods, or even just nice loot from a cave or bunker, getting killed because you drive a Chevy van from the 80's is a bummer.

Just saying, I get why players like this thing, but I think if the pros here were to drive this ride for a week and get their asses killed repeatedly, they'd make better recommendations to newbies. Every player needs a strategy for coping with pirates. There may be more than the main three--run, gun or hide. Maybe you can fast talk your way out of situations, or maybe you'll just pay the toll. If surrender is what you recommend to new players, please be honest with them and note they can plan ahead to run, gun or hide with the proper pick of a starter ship.

IF. . .if for some reason you require to tote a vehicle around--say you want to mine--wouldn't the Nomad be an obviously superior choice to this?

So basically what you recommended is getting a superior more expensive ship that might give you a better chance, but is also a much more obvious target.

Every ship you listed costs almost twice as much or more as this box. Those are NOT starter ships, those are the ships you step up To from a starter ship like this.

This is not a ship you will spend months playing, the ones you listed are as you dive into the professions you like. Think of this as your typical jack-of-all tutorial ship which you ditch as soon as you can, because while it's kinda useful, it's limited in every aspect, just like an Aurora.
The ships you list are already somewhat specialized. The 300 is fast agile but it's made of glass and a pain for ground loot/box stuff. The Titan is kinda okay for anything and it has a convenient ramp to do bunkers with but it's not that great at anything either. The nomad is literally a pickup truck, you can get into ROC mining or a bit of trading with it but it flies like a brick and is a nice chunky target, especially if you see that ROC parked in the back.

As others have pointed out, this is a no value target. On the other hand the others above are an entirely new tier as targets go, with higher respawn time, higher value parts and most likely better cargo. I know I wasn't ever pirated in my aurora (even griefers around PO didn't give a crap me sitting there), neither in my mustang, but I was attacked a few times in my 300i over the years. Like 3 or even 4 times in however old the PU is.

a bit off topic but as the op describes this ship basically as the one we will find many many maaaaany wrecks of:
It's a rather large body, I wonder how good of a wreck does it make. Could we abuse the salvage system by repeatedly spawning these real fast, flying em outside the armistice, blowing it up and scraping it? This basically goes for all starters currently.
How CIG will tackle this issue of insurance fraud in the future, or if it will be neccessary at all as the price of wreck material starts moving... Anyways, this is a topic for another thread when salvage goes live next year.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Apart from the aesthetics which I agree this ship is keen on; what recommends this ship past the ability to carry some of the smaller vehicles, and is that really the key to a good starter?
If you look forward in the direction the game is heading, there is one other feature it has which will likely become very important in the coming months (years?) - This has a huge Quantum fuel tank for its size (and the 17th largest of all flyable ships in the game at present).

As far as "starters" go:
Hull A (not really a "starter") - 10,000
Cutter - 6,000
Cutlass Black - 2,500
Freelancer - 2,500
315p - 830
Nomad - 771
100i - 700
C8X Pisces - 645
Aurora MR - 583
Avenger Titan - 583
Mustang Alpha - 583

With the rumors of a new system (Pyro) arriving "soon" which is at least 3 times the diameter of the existing Stanton system, the Cutter is in a position of being able to fit the fastest Quantum drive in the game (VK-00) and still likely be able to travel from one side to the other and return without requiring refueling... According to Erkul, the Cutlass Black cannot even manage a return trip between Microtech and Arccorp on the fastest drive it can fit, and the Avenger Titan (One of the previous "best starter" ships) cannot even manage a one-way trip between Crusader and Hurston with the drive.

If a new player wishes to play solely in Stanton, there are a range of ships to choose from - If a player wishes to explore Pyro (and other systems as they come online), they will either need a ship like the Cutter, or they will have a lot of travel time to get to (or may even be unable to reach) places they might want to see.
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