Daily ops - prep and schedule - 12pm EST and 7pm EST


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Where: Port Olisar
When: 12pm EST for Euro TESTies and 7pm EST for normal TESTies
What: Planned ops, FPS combat, fighter escorts, PVE shit, earlier stuff for Euro members

This thread will be updated, bookmark it and refer back for additional instructions and information.

We are going to start running regular ops soon. At the moment we have them on weekends, but there is no reason we can't have drop ins during weekdays too.

I dropped into a scheduled op recently and what I saw disgusted me. You all disgust me. All weird armor combos, nobody had weapons or ammo, just a clusterfuck of incompetence, which should not really surprise anybody, but we can do better!

We are going to start planning some fun PVP with each other. Yes, we like to play with each other and you should jump into the pile!

We like taking video and screenshots for propaganda. We will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies if we take a few minutes to follow these 10 easy steps to prepare:

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Getting prepared for an event - by Marcsand2

(Please note this is an in-depth, best practices, most likely to work system in the current patch 3.5.1. It is likely that future patches will greatly simplify this system and make it a lot easier. Thank you Marcsand2 for writing up the small details. All insults and disparaging comments are by me, not Marcsand2 who is a nice person!)


1) Set a spawn location before the event!

Currently (3.5.1) the default spawn for new players is Port Olisar. If you are on Hurston or ArcCorp at the start of an event, you are too far away and we will not
wait for your fat ass. Go to the terminal room at Port Olisar and await instructions.

2) Have correct armor before the event!

Default armor for TEST events is our black and yellow color scheme. If you do not have the correct color armor, it means you are incapable of following instructions, which means you are not meant for this event. Go play Skyrim instead.

If you have the correct armor, also keep another color like green or red. Reason being is that we split into two teams. One team is yellow, the other team is not. Having a different color armor will make it a lot easier to differentiate who we are shooting at since team icons do not work at times.

3) Standard rules of engagement - no grenades, rail guns or snipers. Have multiples of your primary weapon!

Unless specified otherwise by the CO, standard weapons for an op are pistols and rifles. No AOE of long range weaponry unless the commanding officer specifically asks you to bring it.

In this current patch (3.5.1), dying with a primary weapon makes it despawn and you lose it from your inventory. Be sure to carry 3-4 of the same weapon so you can keep running more ops without having to go buy a new weapon upon death.

4) Be in Discord voice channel before the op, add contacts

Gather in voice channel, be present some time before the event. Everybody who joins add the party leaders as contact.

Party leaders add everybody to their contact list.

If you are special cupcake that has an RSI handle different from their Discord handle here in TEST Discord, guess what? You can't be added to the contacts list! If the party leader has to start asking you how to spell your RSI handle xXx_734t_N0ScOp3, he will sooner eat cat poop than bother doing that. Have fun playing more Skyrim.

But wait! If you really want to join up but have a different handle, do not worry, you can try post your RSI handle in #ops-comms channel and if the party leader feels like being nice, they will add you as a contact from there.

5) Restart the game and launcher, wait in main menu. Wait in main menu until further notice!

In 3.5.1's current state, getting everybody into the same instance without crashes works best if everybody starts a fresh game launch and waits in the main menu to get an invite from the part leader. Watch for the invite to pop up and press left bracket " [ " to accept. This way, when the party leader launches the game, everybody will start off in Port Olisar in the same instance! Magic!

6) Party leaders and members can restart game launcher without breaking the party

If your game does freeze or crash because Star Citizen is a giant scam, do not worry! When you rejoin you should still be in the party! If you are dropped, it may still be possible to re-add you to the existing party as long as you can see the party leader online.

7) LETS DO THIS! Everybody go “Main menu” to “Universe” to “Stanton System”, wait there!

Yeah, we know this sounds complicated, but this party system will be improved upon in upcoming patches, so let's just enjoy this over complicated system so we can look back at this time and lauch! Haha haha haaa... hmm.

Everybody select “Region: USA”

Party leader does a role call to check if everybody is ready.

Party leader lets get everybody prepared to hit the “Visit Location” button after a countdown

Countdown begins, probably in some weird language.

Party leader does NOT hit “Visit Location”. Party leader checks which server the most members land and where the most free space is available.

Party Leader lets everybody who is not in the selected server, return to main menu

Party Leader joins the selected server with “Join Friends”.

All members in the main menu join party leader with “Join Friends”.

Gather at PO and get ready to have some fun!

Everybody laugh at the fuckwad wearing the wrong color armor and has not picked up a weapon, medpen and ammo. Keep laughing at him as you all leave and he is still at the kiosk making his purchase.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
one small thing...if you are on a ship, shotguns are much more effective than other guns at close range for evicting unwanted guests. So, make sure you get a shotgun too...
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
More seriously tho, this is cool.
I like the graphic
Do we have any idea the avg amount of UEC that'll cost?
I don't recall personally, maybe I can put together a video on the various yellow armor suit options and their cost.

It's not terrible, a few or 5 mercinary missions should cover the cost and leave you with extra.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's a lot, but not a huge amount. If you can do some covelex missions, you will be able to make the money in a play session or two.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't recall personally, maybe I can put together a video on the various yellow armor suit options and their cost.

It's not terrible, a few or 5 mercinary missions should cover the cost and leave you with extra.
You can get mac flex armor for a fairly low cost.

Also, you forgot to get a yellow and black flight suit
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
The cost for the whole kit is something like 8 or 9,000 auec, which you can earn quickly. er. maybe 10. It's not that much.

The quickest way to make that if you have a Prospector is just run 1 to 3 mining expedition, either Port Olisar to Daymar or Lorville to Arial. It may take a while... sometimes quite a while to find the right rock to mine. But if you're lucky this can be 20 minutes. If you blow up, you haven't lost anything but some pride. time. [Edit... Sorry , usually you notice you were in combat by blowing up.]

You can also run missions, seems to me it takes around 5 or 6 missions, and you get to discover areas you might never have visited before.

The third way currently available is to do some trade runs. Risk can be quite high, and you want to never use more than 50% of your available cash in case a potential risk becomes an "Oh Shit". Even then, it is by far the fastest way to raise a lot of aUEC. High risk comes with high returns.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Just a few point to consider:
- Time: please report a UTC time also, for euro gamers isa lot better to do calculation of our specific time (I'm for example, actualli UTC +2).
- Starting point: for every event please, state what the starting poit will be and set it up accoring to the activity planned: If we are going to run mercenary mission opn Hurtson there is no need to place the rally point in PO.
- Armor: please consider also the medium inquisitor set, you'll find the TEST version (yellow and black) on GrimEx. Also need a totally black variant for PVP mission where we will have two team facing eachother.
- Weapon: actually if you die with a weapon in your hand you'll loose it, so buy at least two copy of you favourite shooting device. Also stuck up on ammo: a medium marmour carry 6 clips, buy, and equip them.

Finally: alsways have a beer on hands while playing:drunk:


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
We are going to start running regular ops soon. At the moment we have them on weekends, but there is no reason we can't have drop ins during weekdays too.
We are going to start planning some fun PVP with each other. Yes, we like to play with each other and you should jump into the pile!
I will be in most nights in my god-forsaken time-zone PLAYING WITH MYSELF if you WANT TO JOIN IN. It’s hard to PvP on your own.

But, heavy armor makes me look fat!
It’s totally the armour.
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Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I have this armor but its green. It will do nicely :)
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