"Which brings me back to my flippant question - why did you not get in Discord and request TEST RESC"I think there’s a fundamental difference of opinion presented in this thread.
On one hand there are people looking for game systems to protect them from “bad people” - those looking for a single player experience. In my opinion CIg has little reason to make this approach 100% reliable.
This approach ignores the reason to join Test, or to engage with other players, or to play Star Citizen - flying with friends for fun and fury.
Which brings me back to my flippant question - why did you not get in Discord and request TEST RESC?
How would you get someone from TEST on to your server while it's crashing? Or legit question how would you get someone from TEST on to the server when it's NOT crashing?
"I think there’s a fundamental difference of opinion presented in this thread.
On one hand there are people looking for game systems to protect them from “bad people” - those looking for a single player experience. In my opinion CIg has little reason to make this approach 100% reliable."
I don't recall saying PvP or people making uncivil choices in their actions won't/shouldn't happen. At no point did I say "This guy killed me and he shouldn't be allowed to" or that the game should not be freeplay considering it's a sandbox.
I'm saying in UEE jurisdiction space where there is what must be accepted as being an overbearing government (Citizenship Must Be Earned - No Vote For You And No Democracy For You Until You Kill Or Die For Us https://starcitizen.fandom.com/wiki/Citizenship), even in Stanton where they don't officially patrol trusting to the resources of four mega-corporations, they will still have that controlling overview of their populous and there will be consequences to your actions no matter how they were originally motivated. You smuggle drugs and someone detects them on your ship hell yeah you should fight and potentially get blown up, but if the dude you were fighting off dies prepare to be in a hell of a lot more trouble than if you'd simply been moving some skunk for a mate, you're a murderer now. But also I'm saying that should that vigilante get trigger happy and kill an innocent they too are not exempt from the consequences of that just because they were doing a good job of stopping criminals ten minutes earlier.
A cops stray bullet hits a kid, it's pretty much the end of his/her career. A criminal kills a cop when running from the law they are looking at Death Row. Actions and consequences. If you're a bounty hunter and kill the guy stood next to your bounty head? Well there goes your pick of the jobs and probably your license to operate and you may be looking at jail time. You're a vigilante and blow up a Connie full of nuns? You're on the run, until your next life where I'm sure you'll make sure to comm them before you bomb them. You deliver your cargo of Rum to the center of a sun rather than the pub? Back to hauling Human Waste for you until you can make it back to the pub owner.
The UEE doesn't give you freedoms until you have provided servitude and earned them. You act in a brash manner, especially to other UEE citizens, and you're not going to be able to use "but i'm playing PvP!" as a defense when you have your citizenship revoked and are exiled and have to go live on Spider where you can have all the PvP you can eat.
Death of a Space Man will be a thing. Without consequences of an Bad Choice being a thing as well, DOASM will mean a lot less to a certain but active core of the player base to whom it will become merely an inconvenience rather than something you wish to avoid and Ganking or the SC equivilent of it will become the norm because no consequences.
So my original question - how will the UEE views Vigilantism, and if they endorce it how can they stop that endorcement from begin corrupted for a players own agendas, as with my evidence planting example or for instance if they kill enough criminal NCP's and build enough rep will they then be able to go on a PK rampage through Area 18 with only that rep earned lost, while all the players they shot have to deal with DOASM... or will it be like real life and once you make a stupid decision because you are "bored" you have to then live with the consequences of it for the rest of your life.
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