Destiny 2: Warmind, Season 3, and so much more!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Im not sure how to feel about this system.

It seems to thin the herd with every expansion, but it also forces you to keep buying it to keep up with your friends.

Getting level capped at 240 unless you paid the money to get the Osiris expansion sucked.

Then all your friends are running around on other planets you can't even visit.

Sneaky sales tactic.

I would offer the expansion for free, but then put up some super exotics for sale, clearly marked as "support the game, but this bow and arrow!".

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Im not sure how to feel about this system.

It seems to thin the herd with every expansion, but it also forces you to keep buying it to keep up with your friends.

Getting level capped at 240 unless you paid the money to get the Osiris expansion sucked.

Then all your friends are running around on other planets you can't even visit.

Sneaky sales tactic.

I would offer the expansion for free, but then put up some super exotics for sale, clearly marked as "support the game, but this bow and arrow!".
That system would work, but I feel like people would then start bitching about a loot box style or pay to win system. This community (Destiny, not TEST, lol) is quite vitriolic. They whine about everything. I bet if I cared enough to look, there would be people thinking that they should get all the additional year 2 content for free because Bungie "fucked up" the game so much at the beginning. The same thing happened with D1: people bitched and complained, and then the year 2 expansion revamped the game, and it was phenomenal.

I like the game enough that I will continue to buy content, so I'm ok with the system. I can't say that I liked what the industry did when they started dropping additional content at a price, but I understand why it's done.

From your perspective though, I completely understand your frustration. I remember you stating in a video some time ago that you didn't like Destiny. So for you to come from the "outside" so to speak, and step in, and actually enjoy the game, only to run into a paywall that prevents you from continuing to grow in game . . .yeah frustrating.

I can tell you from experience that Bungie does listen to their community, and I have a feeling that the Sept update will be something beautiful to see and be a part of. You will see a huge resurgence of people playing in Sept. I hope you're there with us.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
From your perspective though, I completely understand your frustration
Its not frustration, but more of a case of earning my money.

The example I draw is Warframe, which is free, but because I enjoyed the game, I ended up putting about $150 into it over the years. Not because I was blocked and needed to pay to proceed, but because I felt the devs were doing a great job and deserved my money!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Its not frustration, but more of a case of earning my money.
Bad word use on my part, lol. How about [CONCERN]. ;)
The example I draw is Warframe, which is free, but because I enjoyed the game, I ended up putting about $150 into it over the years. Not because I was blocked and needed to pay to proceed, but because I felt the devs were doing a great job and deserved my money!
Exactly this. I agree with the system, and I would happily and cheerfully do the same. 20 here, 10 there, 15 next time, etc etc etc. I just feel like the community at large would loose their proverbial shit if Destiny was changed to this style of game.
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Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
The parallels to the first game are obvious, and kinda funny. I've enjoyed both Destiny games enough to keep buying in, and the way I see it is like buying an expansion or a sequel. Is it a shitty sales model? Sure. But we're unlikely to get anything different. Bungie might be developing this game, but Activision is holding the reins and dey gon get dey money.

Ironically the original idea behind Eververse was exactly what you were talking about with the "pay if you want to" model. Back in D1 when it came out, it was supposed to fund free content for everyone through live events and holiday events like the Festival of the Lost, the Dawning, the April Update, and Age of Triumph. It only sold cosmetics like special armor sets, Sparrows, sparrow horns, exotic ornaments, and event-themed ghost shells. Like D2, you were also able to earn everything in-game at a much slower pace. Eververse itself honestly hasn't changed much.

What's changed is that Activision saw the success of the free updates in Destiny 1 and wants to monetize that stuff. Bungie isn't in a position to tell their publisher no since they've been on damage control since D2 released. That's why we're seeing an asking price for this expansion that's the same price as a full game. That's why it's $40 instead of $30.

Granted, I could be wrong and this could 100% be Bungie. What's interesting to me is that when Bungie has a chance to really develop something properly it's fantastic. The Taken King was that amazingly well-crafted experience for Destiny 1 and I'm hoping that Forsaken will be that for Destiny 2. The second and third years of Destiny games are where they really start to shine because the Live team has usually fixed most if not all of the major problems and starts working on making great experiences for the players. I know we're probably just going to go through the same bullshit with Destiny 3 whenever that's released, but it's okay because whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Well said Doc. Huzzah.
because whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
Bwaahahahahah, I even hear it in your voice emulating his voice.
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
The parallels to the first game are obvious, and kinda funny. I

I know we're probably just going to go through the same bullshit with Destiny 3 whenever that's released, but it's okay because whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

I just wet myself laughing.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Its not frustration, but more of a case of earning my money.

The example I draw is Warframe, which is free, but because I enjoyed the game, I ended up putting about $150 into it over the years. Not because I was blocked and needed to pay to proceed, but because I felt the devs were doing a great job and deserved my money!
I agree with you on the "forcing players into paying more" system of Destiny 2, it's not pretty. I stopped playing for quiet a while, for the exact reason of being kinda offended by the price tag and limitations put in place to force players to pay. I only jumped back-in about a week ago when I got a second copy for the wife through my humble monthly bundle, and since the expansion pass went on sale for like 15 bucks on the humble store, I bought one for both of us. I was right to wait for the discount it seems, I finished both expansion campaigns yesterday, and they were mostly meh at best. I hope the Forsaken expansion works out better.

But, oh Glorious Leader, if I may interject my little story here:

While you keep saying that Warframe is free, I had the exact opposite experience.
For me, as a totally new player, jumping into Warframe late and without any prior knowledge, the game seemed more confusing than "free".

When I say confusing, what I meant to say is, I felt Totally PayWalled!

It looked like any other cheap pay-to-win mobile game, just ported to run (badly) on PC. Blocky graphics, messy art-style, Shitty tutorial levels, lots of unexplained things that are unavailable to me because I was too low level or lacked some kinda shiny tokens (premium currency?)... And the previous tutorial missions kept repeating just without the tutorials, as no other locations were available, and when I went there I was bunged in with other random players of much higher levels who killed almost everything with one shot, or mostly just ignored the enemies that kept attacking me, and as I had no clue WTF to do and didn't know the levels by heart, I was lagging behind constantly, even though I didn't ask for them to join in the first place...

After 2-3 days of bumbling around the first 1-2 planets that were the only available ones, it seemed to me that if I wanted to proceed and get a decent gaming experience, I have to pay for loads of premium currency, or get stuck grinding the same 3-4 missions for weeks. While I may have been just "soft-walled" from progressing, it felt like it was not worth the grind. I was left too far behind by those who played for years, or simply payed.
You know how people felt when they found out that they would have to play Battlefront 2 for like years without pause to unlock all the characters? Yeah, when you have that feeling in a "free" game, it doesn't feel like "free" anymore, and to me Warframe felt just like that. *
*Full disclaimer: I did not buy Battlefront 2, but I couldn't be bothered to come up with a better example. The difference of paying for the game in the first place or getting it for free is irrelevant in this case. The point is "does it feel like I can achieve it by grinding" or "the grind is too long and it's designed so to be payed for". The sinking gut feel that you get when you realize you gotta pay (more) is the same.

The free-to-pay mobile-game kind of crafting system, with multiple days (weeks?) of wait times that could be shortened to instant with hard cash, upgrade-parts-for-cash system, XP multipliers-for-cash, anything-really-for-cash, zero storyline to follow (even if there was one, I guess I should have played since launch or read hours of Wiki to get up to speed and make me care), no explanation for what am I supposed to be doing etc., it really didn't seem like a quality game, but more like a poor attempt at a cheap Destiny clone riding the last waves of the mobile-game cash-shop era.

Very much the opposite of when Destiny2 launched, which had it's straight up gameplay, polish, a (mediocre but) clear storyline that is even explained for those who haven't played the first game, a logical workable loot and upgrade system, yada yada, for which I had to pay Once to be able to reach the exact same level and items as anyone else, regardless of personal wealth. Even the cash shop didn't bother me as if you put in enough hours you could most likely get what you really wanted. I know I did at least. I have more shaders, bikes and crap filling my inventory to the brim than I would ever need... (and yes, both my characters are in full Testie color scheme including their bikes, ships, and Dinklages)
Until the expansions came out, then it all went to crap...

Don't get me wrong here, I did watch videos and read enough about Warframe since then to know that it's far from that "cheapness", and it is indeed a pretty good game. But as first impressions go, it was really bad. Mind you, this was like 2+ years ago, I guess things have improved a bit since then.
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
A complete me's version of Destiny 2.

I play D2.
I don't play it much anymore. I beat it to my expectations.

I like it, don't get me wrong.. but I beat it as best as I could.

There's no paywall though. There's also no limit to how fun it is for YOU.
Because it's a game, and like all games, it requires further development to be all things to all people...

So you can play through the Main Campaign, and have fun. You did a thing, and you got some loot.
Or you can get all INTO IT, and to the RAID, and get MORE STUFF. Congrats. You got to the end....

and then you pay for the MORE END.
and there you are, you got the MORE STUFF option. That's.... awesome. Now you get to do MORE STUFF, and get MORE STUFF!

And I beat the NEW STUFF option. Because for 20$ I got the option to have MORE STUFF and it was GREAT.

and repeat, because it happens that they made an expansion! HOLY SHIT! It's just like every fucking game in existence.... they made MORE STUFF and want MORE MONEY for their WORK!!! A foreign concept to me, because I work for free and am a personal millionaire. LOL! GAHAHAHAH I lied. I'm so broke I steal beer from @Blind Owl

In SEPT they're going to release more of their work! OMG I want it for free! Because WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLES WORK? THIS IS A SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY ISN'T IT? No...
We live in a Capitalist society.
You work you get paid.
So they are working on a MORE option
and you got to pay.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
But whether we wanted it or not we stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
A complete me's version of Destiny 2.

I play D2.
I don't play it much anymore. I beat it to my expectations.

I like it, don't get me wrong.. but I beat it as best as I could.

There's no paywall though. There's also no limit to how fun it is for YOU.
Because it's a game, and like all games, it requires further development to be all things to all people...

So you can play through the Main Campaign, and have fun. You did a thing, and you got some loot.
Or you can get all INTO IT, and to the RAID, and get MORE STUFF. Congrats. You got to the end....

and then you pay for the MORE END.
and there you are, you got the MORE STUFF option. That's.... awesome. Now you get to do MORE STUFF, and get MORE STUFF!

And I beat the NEW STUFF option. Because for 20$ I got the option to have MORE STUFF and it was GREAT.

and repeat, because it happens that they made an expansion! HOLY SHIT! It's just like every fucking game in existence.... they made MORE STUFF and want MORE MONEY for their WORK!!! A foreign concept to me, because I work for free and am a personal millionaire. LOL! GAHAHAHAH I lied. I'm so broke I steal beer from @Blind Owl

In SEPT they're going to release more of their work! OMG I want it for free! Because WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLES WORK? THIS IS A SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY ISN'T IT? No...
We live in a Capitalist society.
You work you get paid.
So they are working on a MORE option
and you got to pay.
Sorry you feel sorry. Also, well said. I hope to see you playing when Forsaken drops. Mwahahah.
But whether we wanted it or not we stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
Nah you gotta fold that into one post. It's too easy if it's a separate thing.
I still laughed.
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