
Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I liked Taylor Kistich a lot, but I think Tatum got it because he pursued the role for years and is obviously a bigger draw.

View: https://youtu.be/VZYKHTBrBHY?si=FA1y4KoLDpk5CfEs

On to other things, Disney now knee deep in new troubles. They fired someone for bad behavior, including groping an assistant several times (“groping” is sexual assault). I can’t sympathize with the guy or the guy making this vid. He seems to think these are not serious charges. Until we know Disney’s claims have no substance, I have to side with the Mouse.

OTOH, no matter which way it goes Disney has trouble. The guy was accused of sexual assault on The Witcher set, and they hired him anyway. So this really is a PR nightmare for the company leading the nation in pedo arrests of employees, sexual abuse of child actors, cruise ship stops on Epstein Island, etc.

View: https://youtu.be/T8BA8YYHRX0?si=Pdqy3kxXuFu-O3nZ
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Shadow this is where things start to get dicey. Please don't go down the "Disney as a company" cancel culture which is what gets you upset IMO. Companies fire other people for this same instance all the time.
I’m not sure what you’re asking. This is a thread about Disney in general, as a means of tracking how the arts are going in general. Disney fired this guy (good) but they also hired him knowing he had these complaints about his behavior. So apparently they needed it to blow up in their own faces to be sensible about it. That’s my whole observation. Did I miss something?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Why does Disney's hiring/firing practices concern you or us? They shouldn't at all and there's no need to discuss this aspect of their company.
Why would it even pass into your empty head to tell others what you give them permission to discuss? This isn’t politics. We’re not on forbidden ground.

You are out of your mind even asking. Am I supposed to beg you for a fucking permission slip? Who do you think you are?

You fascist pricks really piss me off. Every Leftist who abandons liberality turns into these social engineering shitheads who just know they need to police how everyone should live.

Stalin would be so proud of you.

Disney’s hiring and firing practices have ALWAYS been of interest. They hired Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant and got the tragedy of Acolyte. They fired Gina Carano and their stocks dropped to half what they were. Now they’ve not only screwed Mando season three, and canceled a winning series concept (Rangers of the New Republic) , but they’ve earned a lawsuit. They hired Beau DeMayo after he was involved in sexual misconduct at The Witcher and then only fired him when he repeated his crimes. This has ALWAYS been a topic of our discussion. Who are you to tell us we’re not allowed to discuss when Disney fires someone for sexual misconduct and WHY?

If I want to discus Bob Iger’s bald spot, that is my business. I do not give a flying fuck what some anal retentive Mao devotee thinks about it.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
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Why would it even pass into your empty head to tell others what you give them permission to discuss? This isn’t politics. We’re not on forbidden ground.
You fascist pricks really piss me off. Every fucking Leftist who abandons liberality turns into these social engineering shitheads who just know they need to police how everyone should live.
Wow... just look who is now the bully after complaining for so long about being bullied. You truly are an embarrassment.

@Montoya this hypocrite is at it again!


Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Why would it even pass into your empty head to tell others what you give them permission to discuss? This isn’t politics. We’re not on forbidden ground.

You are out of your mind even asking. Am I supposed to beg you for a fucking permission slip? Who the fuck do you think you are?

You fascist pricks really piss me off. Every fucking Leftist who abandons liberality turns into these social engineering shitheads who just know they need to police how everyone should live.

Stalin would be so proud of you.

If I want to discus Bob Iger’s bald spot, that is my business. I do not give a flying fuck what some anal retentive Mao devotee thinks about it.
And yet another perfectly good reason not to have these types of conversations with you when the subject is Disney. I simply state there wasn't a reason to bring up Disney's hiring practices. There are many companies out there hiring convicts knowing that they were in fact criminals, are you going to chastise every one of those companies on these forums too or do you just have it out for Disney? COUGH Rhetorical question COUGH

But to several conversations I've read (and had) before it doesn't take much of a comment or opposing viewpoint given by someone before you become an exploding port-o-potty level of ass to throw out comments like those above when they are not disrespecting you, just disagreeing with you.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well maybe I need to take in my whole audience. It’s not just he-who-corrupts-for-fun. We have an international audience here.

I’m an American and sometimes I presume any sensible person believes as we do in liberty. We’re “the land of the free” so indeed real Americans do get agitated when confronted by authoritarian assholes who believe they get to determine how others will think, speak or act. We believe in liberty. We believe only assholes want to restrain others freedoms, albeit with special exceptions like avoiding politics in a gaming forum. Just to be clear, I think avoiding disputes over politics here is a good idea, but I also believe there are a host of bad actors like Mr-May-I-Corrupt-You, who probably come from some shithole part of the world were demonspawn behavior is the norm.

So yeah. My apologies to any demonspawn of shithole origins. I did not intend to treat you like a functioning adult.

And yeah, I crack myself up. I’m funny as hell. That makes this parody. We are laughing at you. Get over it. You’ll survive.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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Hi, I'm Talonsbane and I like to keep calm & yub nub while enjoying various forms of entertainment. This being said, I despise those that take something great that multiple generations have grown up enjoying, only to intentionally ruin it by destroying the franchise for the long time fans. Such as IF the current creators of the Garfield cartoon were to hypothetically have Garfield become a vegan that suddenly no longer enjoys Italian food. I think that this is a fair way to express this. Yes?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Sounds right to me. Respect the source. And yeah, this is one of the fundamental problems fans have with Headlund and Acolyte. Listen to her parting words to fans. She is again explaining why she is entitled to disrespect George Lucas. He’s misogynistic and queer phobic and the alphabet mafia needs to strike back against wholesome content. That’s what she believes. It’s in her words quoted over in the Acolyte thread.
And this will always be the problem with queer. They are a tiny fraction of a percent of people, and while good people everywhere are willing to tolerate queer behavior and not see it punished, we do not want it forced in our faces nor pushed on our children. You do that and you rile the Momma Bears. Then, you are fucked.

And just to be clear to Mr-may-I-corrupt-you-for-fun:

There are many companies out there hiring convicts knowing that they were in fact criminals, are you going to chastise every one of those companies on these forums too or do you just have it out for Disney?”

This thread is about Disney. Of course we’re going to talk about Disney. In each of 2006, 2014, and in 2022, dozens of Disney employees were arrested for child sexual predation. “In 2014, reporters at CNN published a bombshell six-month investigation that discovered at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children, attempting to meet minors for sex, and possession of child pornography over the previous eight years.”

There is no better way to earn the Momma Bears’ wrath. This is a twenty year long problem with people preying upon children. You think the solution is to be silent, as you suggest, Mr-may-I-corrupt-you-for-fun?
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Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
This thread is about Disney. Of course we’re going to talk about Disney. Both in 2006 and in 2022, dozens of Disney employees were arrested for child sexual predation. There is no better way to earn the Momma Bears’ wrath.
Shadow I have no problem with the topic of Disney overall, I simply disagreed with the subject matter you posted. HOWEVER, the issue I have with you is that you are rude and disrespectful. In our conversations you have resorted to cussing at me, calling me names and dismissive of my points for a genuine and meaningful conversation. If you can't see that and simply resort to ways to offend and disrespect me and others in this forum than you should not be speaking about Disney as you obviously have an impartial and unwavering opinions of them. This isn't a way to converse, just an open forum for you to disrespect anyone who disagrees with you.

I am not your patsy ready to watch you soapbox your agenda and just go along with what you're saying. If I feel like I disagree with your point of view then let's have that conversation without the insults and disrespect you have clearly shown here.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well we might accept what you are saying is true, EXCEPT that what you are saying is we’re not permitted to talk about what you don’t like. That kinda makes everything you are saying here a pile of horse shit. You are not merely offering opinions. You are saying we are not allowed to offer ours. So obviously when you say “I simply disagreed with the subject matter you posted.” you are full of shit. You don’t want me to post at all on the subject of hiring and firing at Disney.

The cat is out of the bag. You want to censor the opinions of others. That dog don’t hunt.

Rude and disrespectful—em—how did you expect decent folk to respond to your nom de plume? Isn’t “rude and disrespectful” the response you were seeking? We’re talking about sexual predation with someone advertising himself as one who corrupts for fun. Were you hoping to elicit a response that people of good will everywhere would secretly like to cut your balls off? I certainly hope not, but it looks like that was your intention, right? Or am I mistaken? What precisely is your relationship with the need to corrupt others?
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Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
It is not up to Disney to regulate the actions of people who were convicted of nor "alleged" actions of a person only if they are convicted. This is the states problem to solve, some convicted felons aren't allowed to live within certain distances of schools, hold certain positions (like a teacher) so that they don't have easy access to children. This is not the responsibility nor the pervue of companies period.

If you are "accused" of said actions is obviously not proof, let alone lawful action to stop someone's employment. This is across the board, not just Disney. IF any company fires an employee for being accused thatt would be grounds for the employee to sue a company for wrongful termination.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Oh stop. Beau DeMayo was not hired in spite of his woke, pervert stance and behavior. He was hired because of his woke pervert behavior. He’s a DEI hire. He was fired because Disney would have been sued yet again, for an unsafe work environment if they didn’t get rid of him. He was groping fellow employees at work! Again! Same as at The Witcher.

See what todays woke pundits don’t get is there is nothing new about woke morality. It is just traditional immorality. These people with the green hair and nails stabbed through their faces aren’t proposing anything new. This is not “freedom”, nor “social justice”, nor “emancipation”. It is “queering”. The proper limits of queering have been seen in Jr High and High School for decades. Kids throw off authority and distinguish themselves in appeals to be valued by breaking norms. Fine. Let kids be kids. That’s all within the proper limits.

But the law segregates kids from sexual behavior in attempts to stop people from preying upon them. The law says you can’t groom children for twisted or any other kind of sex. They’re too young to understand the consequences. We rightfully call violating these norms “sexual predation” and children deserve to be protected from it.

When you bring sexual predators into your institution, not in spite of their poor character but because of it, you are establishing a grooming environ. That’s what Disney has been doing for twenty years and what I personally object to. Why do you think Disney hired Harry Weinstein’s personal assistant? You don’t honestly believe she had no idea what was going on? She was enabling what was going on for years. That’s why they hired her.
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Dec 10, 2021
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He was fired because Disney would have been sued yet again, for an unsafe work environment if they didn’t get rid of him. He was groping fellow employees at work! Again! Same as at The Witcher.

Which is considered a valid reason to fire him for sexual misconduct of current employees, "his woke liberal outlook" has nothing to do with it, as any company can't fire you for your political beliefs. That is across the board for every company, Disney is no exception to that.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
We’re agreed for once. No one should be fired for their political beliefs. I did not say DeMayo should be fired for his wokeness, his perversion nor his queerness. He was fired for inappropriate behavior. It’s behavior that matters. No one cares about your convictions until you shove them in someone else’s face. Then and only then do they matter and only if they are unlawful. Here in the United States, sexualizing your coworkers and appealing to them on that basis is sexual harassment, which is illegal.

The problem we’re dancing around is Disney’s penchant toward sexual harassment of its employees, all through the company and even extending to senior execs, and especially toward children. The examples of Disney child actors systematically sexually abused during their time at Disney are horrifying. Almost no one from the Mickey Mouse Club escaped unscathed, and decades later the victims turn up in court or settle silently in order to prop up the face of the company.

Can you count the number of Disney child stars who years after recounted their sexual abuse as young as 13, yet no charges filed? And Disney’s cruise lines stopped regularly at Epstein Island, yet still the FBI won’t let us see Epstein’s little black book.

While we fiddle with these indulgences, and really that’s what they are; if we take account of all we’ve seen these last couple years, I think we have to agree Douglas Murray is right. We’ve all been subject now to the tyranny of the woke long enough. We look around the world and see we’re closer to nuclear Armageddon than ever before. We see the West rioting in the streets over the people they’ve willingly let into their neighborhoods, seeking their destruction. We see the multiplication of grievance groups ever gnawing away notions of right and wrong. We stop and realize it’s enough. As Murray notes we have to stop and say “no. We don’t have time for you. Get out of the way.” This banal obsession with woke reinterpretation of norms has to end. While we fiddle with this nonsense, the cities are burning. We can’t continue navel gazing and chatting about “toxic masculinity” and the grievance de jour while department stores are looted, children are raped in bathrooms and Putin threatens to use nukes. WTF do we think is gonna happen if we continue on like this? The West has to realize it is the bastion of hope around the world because we defend against children being raped in bathrooms, because we have a rule of law that says you can’t just take what you want from department stores and because we stand up against thugs like Putin. Enough woke. You were wrong from the start when you took us back 2,600 years before we settled what “equality” really is.

And btw, asshole; don’t you dare put “his woke, liberal outlook” in quotes. You lying sack of shit. I would never pen words like that. I’m a liberal. You can’t pin this guy’s outlandish behavior on being liberal. I do not think like that nor have I ever said nor written anything like that, you contemptible, slanderous piece of shit.
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