
Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Continuing crazy coming from Disney over the hot mess that is Snow White. After many tens of millions in reshoots, focus groups, rewrites and more reshoots, Disney wants to can the entire ending of the film, noting focus groups hated the story and Rachel Ziegler’s performance as Snow White. At the same time, focus groups judged Gal Gadot’s performance in the ending as her best in the movie. This is particularly troublesome considering most people consider Gal to be significantly more beautiful that Rachel as well and their relative beauty is the cause of the story conflict. No one is buying it. That’s a serious problem to have AFTER you have spent hundreds of millions of dollars.

Additionally, people are hating on the dwarf animations that were created to replace the original shoot that featured people who were not dwarfs. The animations are being likened to animations from twenty years ago.

And I think there is some minor squabbling over Zegler’s pro-Palestinian politics made public, since her costar Gadot is Israeli. Like we needed that controversy thrown on top.

What this really comes down to is the project was given to a seriously bad director, staring a seriously loud-mouthed and dopey actress in the title role, and no one wants to work with either of them after so many months of troubles. Serious mess, mostly from prioritizing ideological infusion over good storytelling. Mess from start to finish. As things stand, the backlash about this film easily rivals that which preceded the Acolyte release. Fans and focus groups are hating on this so badly, that more and more sympathy is rising toward batgirling the film rather than suffer the controversy.

Guess we’ll see.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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Honestly, I have no idea why they just didn't cast actual actors that happen to have dwarfism. There's more than enough to fill the 7 roles & from what I understand, they'd love to be given a movie role that was literally created to highlight them.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
That was one of the earliest controversies. It is a couple years old now so it’s hard to recall, but I think the original decision was based upon the same kinds of arguments people make about “cultural appropriation” arguing that it was somehow rude to feature little people at all. The notion was “hey, this older generation made fun of these little people. See how evil they were!”

Kinda crazy. If you believed that, why would you touch this story with a ten foot pole, let alone remake it?

Of course the little people didn’t buy that any more than indigenous Americans objected to the Redskins team name, or Black Americans objected to Aunt Jemima’s fame. It’s never the people in question who object. It’s bored, angry, white women sitting at home with their cats, dictating what everyone should be offended by. The old ladies and Greta Thunberg—that’s about it. People who surely do not know right from wrong, insisting they correct the moral code of the populous at large.

I think it was when Peter Dinklage of GoT fame objected that Disney pulled its head out of its ass on this one, and yet Disney STILL did not cast dwarfs. I think the reasoning was this would require too many reshoots.

So now, after the reshoots, the public is still not going to get live action dwarves in a live action film about dwarves. Go figure.

And yes, according to Dinklage, there is a sizable population of dwarf actors, as was showcased in Willow (the film), which no one had the poor judgement to object to.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
“Incompetent, lazy, troublesome, self absorbed, a narcissist” with the last repeated multiple times—all terms Gal Gadot is using to refer to and describe Rachael Zegler. In fact, Gal is blaming Rachael for all five failed test screenings, and railing on her for her comments about the production on X, that deeply offended Gadot.

Hollywood getting saucy.

I cannot recall a single squabble in Hollywood ever going this nuts. Gotta be some sort of record.

“One Xweeter put it perfectly. “Wow. This version of Snow White is an entitled brat.”

View: https://youtu.be/PQ9HkDxHwxg?si=ESnRyk_Na4x7sBDW
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Dec 10, 2021
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Honestly, I have no idea why they just didn't cast actual actors that happen to have dwarfism. There's more than enough to fill the 7 roles & from what I understand, they'd love to be given a movie role that was literally created to highlight them.
Because actors like Dinklage believe that if that's the only reason they're getting hired then it's disrespectful. I mean com on, the dwarves didn't really have a lot of character development in the animated movie.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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Because actors like Dinklage believe that if that's the only reason they're getting hired then it's disrespectful. I mean com on, the dwarves didn't really have a lot of character development in the animated movie.
Well, if Dinklage ignorantly believes that actors his size should be given roles as professional athletes, such as basketball, instead of a role that his size won't break the immersion of the story, then he's a moron. I'd also call him a hypocrite considering a massive portion of his fame came from his GoT role often described as "the imp".

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Dinklage was angry that the opportunity was taken from dwarf actors to act as dwarves, because they are dwarves. He doesn’t take any offense the way woke morons pretend.

And yeah, this is the problem with ideologically captured morons—they are ideologically captured, and they are morons.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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TBH, the moment I heard about this live action version, I was wondering how well Disney would cast the dwarves more than the rest of the cast, since to me they're the most unique aspect of this story. Unfortunately, as more info was leaked, all interest in mine to see this with my nieces completely self destructed. For the sake of my nieces, I'm beyond disappointed that Disney has been allowing the things that helped make it great through the decades, to be treated like nuclear waste.
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Dec 10, 2021
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I'd also call him a hypocrite considering a massive portion of his fame came from his GoT role often described as "the imp".
And I get that point, however his acting in GoT wasn't focused on being a dwarf. IMO it was about the conflict that he had with his sister about killing her mom when he was born, his brother being torn about his loyalties with the family and him and his conflict with his father and being dismissed at every turn by him. His complexity as a character was based around that, not solely his height. They could have used a guy as big as a mountain and the character would have had the same storyline in GoT without issue. The dwarves in SW were just that, playing to a stereotype that was "acceptable" back in the day, it just isn't now.

I personally don't look at Dinklage and see his stardom directly connected to his height, but his performances and acting skills. I feel the same way with Brad Williams as a comedian, now he makes fun of his height but that's his choice. Self-deprecation is a great way to show people you have a sense of humor about yourself and can put people at ease. I make fun of myself because I'm 6'8" and have a LOT of experience with people walking up to me randomly and asking how tall I am and do I play basketball, I still get asked that question and I'm 50 yo. Thanks to those experience I've come up with a response of my own: "How tall are you and do you jockey horses?".

NTM I view anyone who's 6'7" or shorter not as "tall" but "tallish" and I would say that to actors like Will Smith, Ryan Reynolds and RuPaul. Just a random bit of fact: People who are 6'4" are taller than 99% of the world's population.

Well, if Dinklage ignorantly believes that actors his size should be given roles as professional athletes, such as basketball, instead of a role that his size won't break the immersion of the story, then he's a moron.
I'm pretty sure early on he knew he wasn't getting into professional sports, I didn't want to thanks to an asshole middle school coach. I'm not in professional sports just because I'm tall, I have no interest in it because people expected it of me. It was expected of me to stand and defend the hoop by said coach, but my favorite BB athlete was Larry Bird, I loved 3 pointers and was damned good at hitting them. Yet every time I went outside the key I was running laps as a punishment.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
It’s shocking to look back a year plus, and try to count the number of complaints. Why have an Hispanic woman as Snow White? Why no dwarves? Why remove the love interest? Why complain about the original and call it “weird”? All that stuff inspired South Park to parody the project near a year ago and since that time things have not calmed down. They’ve only gotten worse. Why replace the “not dwarves” with new “not dwarves”? And why respond to Jew-hate and Gal Gadot hate with pro-Palestinian rhetoric after their terror attack? It’s a mad house.

Some of it is I think explained by the attitudes of some, that include deliberate offense. South Park explored this in both Panderverse parodies. It’s not just that woke wants to replace traditional values—it wants to mock them and those that hold them. So make no mistake, the offense is quite deliberate. What is surprising is that Disney is surprised that the fans they insult decide not to watch what they’re serving up. How are they surprised? They wrote the offense in by design and for more than a year of rewrites, focus groups, reshoots—five full rounds of rewriting the story, they’re on the sixth—and they can’t unoffend. They can’t remove the offensive material.

Some call it “justice”.

I didn’t even know who Rachael Zegler was, and her public statements have sat her in the ignore pile with the other angry feminists I now avoid like Brie Larson. There are lots of Hollywood feminists. I’m not objecting to them. I’m objecting to the shrews who flail about looking for a fight. So not worth my time.

View: https://youtu.be/gsF7SMd3CF8?si=IvoJf7gy5H-niO7S
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
I couldn’t get through this whole vid, but it is worth noting Rachael Zegler is suing Disney for cancelling a bunch of projects she had contracted, including three promotional appearances for Snow White. You’d expect that. Her lawyers want her to get paid the millions she would have had the projects and appearances not been cancelled. From past experience, seems unlikely the projects will be reinstated or that she’ll get paid.

What is surprising is she’s charging that Disney execs have taken sides in her squabble with Gal Gadot. That’s over the top. As I have already said, I have never seen a Hollywood personal dispute degenerate to this level of cattiness. The claws are out and there seems no limit to what the girls will stoop to.

The sad thing is, her career is likely over. Gal Gadot has a body of excellent work to rely upon and people in the industry know her. I’m not familiar with a single complaint by anyone about working with her. Rachael on the other hand is new, and has no such track record. She is not a stunning beauty like Gal, and there are plenty of replacements lined up to take the place of someone with no name recognition. People will go to a movie just because it has Gal in it. This is not true of Rachael, and suing your employer is the fastest way to ensure you don’t get work in the future.

I don’t really know whether the complaints about Rachael being a lazy, self-entitled, narcissistic bitch are true, but does it matter when that’s the perception? I think her career is over. The crazy thing is, these two originally seemed to get along fine, despite Rachael’s obvious self-importance. There’s vid of them together talking about getting along. That probably went to shit when Rachael decided to make pro-Palestinian statements in public. This is why we should not teach children to “be the change you want to see in the world” a decade before they can possibly have a reasonable view of the world. That was as equally stupid as calling the animated Snow White “weird, weird, weird”.

View: https://youtu.be/tX0QGFniGns?si=ddfUt4sSHs2vJBN0
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
One million dislikes. I think that’s more than CNN’s entire audience.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
So in case anyone cares, the Acolyte drama creeps on with revelations the reports of spending $187M were inaccurate. Rather, seems Headlund indulged herself in spending over $230M.

That’s astonishing. Can you imagine telling your boss “oh btw, I spent $130M over budget, right after you told us to cut expenses”. I can’t imagine her ever working in the business again. Maybe she’ll get work as Diddy’s assistant.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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I'm surprised that a new Star Wars based TV show would have such a massive budget ($187m) to begin with, especially since it doesn't really seem to tie in with any of the more loved aspects of the Star Wars universe. Hell, that's literally double the $92.1m budget of the Netflix adaptation of season 1 of The Witcher. I have no idea how they could bloat a budget that huge to being nearly 1/4 of its budget over that. I mean, I know that special effects & CGI aren't cheap, but that should've been easily covered with the original budget. Personally, if there's any reason for a studio to not hire a person to be in charge of a new project, this sort of overage should be its own financial red flag to give them cause to see if there's anybody else that could do at least an equal job with a better budget track record. BUT, I'm a nobody in the grand scheme of things, with no money, fame or influence, so what do I know? LoL
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
It’s not just that $230M is an insane amount of money to spend, but in addition they spent on the order of $100M on marketing, and this was all AFTER Bob Iger instructed Kathleen Kennedy to cut back the costs of the project.

People will recall, after the show tanked, Iger fired the entire marketing team, but that was related to the debacle of showcasing the issue that Headlund had designed to portray good as evil and evil as good (what originally angered people like me). Firing the marketing team was result of how the show collapsed from its own marketing. Iger has yet to respond to the show costs.

If there was ever a reason to fire Kennedy, this is it. You do not ignore what your boss says and do the opposite. In Disney’s place I would sue Kennedy for malfeasance, for at least $100M.
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