Drake Golem and ATLS Geo


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Concerning the ATLS GEO, it should be assumed that there's a sealed cockpit.
If not the possible scenarios are rather limited I'd guess.
Wait a minute...
It's not?
Oh well...
At least it's got Jumpjets.
Pretty handy in a cave I guess.

And that Drake Ship... That paintjob calls to me. Guess I'll have to TEST it one of these days.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m not interested in mining, and not excited about Drake, but so like this ship. I can imagine a single pilot splitting his time between this, left in situ, and a Lancer Max stealthily flitting back and forth to processing. Lancer gives you a place to sleep. Could turn some real pesos. Only shame is there’s no docking collar. Just a smidge of interior would have been nice.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Let me guess, with the introduction of the GEO, we will no longer be able to mine with the multi-tool?
I actually like it, and I don't think it will be a replacement for the multitool mining, very likely this will be a competitor of the ROC (that require bigger ship to be carried) or the dedicated mining tool (that we don't have yet).
I see it as a good mid step into mining from a hand mining (multitool or the dedicated one) and the ROC and the ability to be carried into small ship like a Cutter or a Titan is a plus to be added to the use of standard 1/8 SCU box that provide extended mining storage capability (compared to the ROC).
Is interesting that the GEO has the ability to store mining gadget: actually you don't need them to ROC minable rocks... that could be an hint on more complex mining gameplay incoming?

Interesting the new Drake mining ship that looks to aim for the starter mining ship crown: you loose some flexibility on the mining head but you still retain the 32SCU of cargo with a plus that those are "standard" container rather then the mining sacks that cannot be placed on the elevator...


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I want to see more starter ships with focuses on specific gameplay loops, I get the need for more generalist starters, but some people are going to come into the game with an idea of what they want to do, there should be an easy option for them to get into immediately.
Here is the thing, the Vulture and Prospector were supposed to BE the starting profession ships. With the crazy ship prices though, they now feel they need to introduce cheaper entry ships, driving up the price of the old "starters"


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Let me guess, with the introduction of the GEO, we will no longer be able to mine with the multi-tool?
You do realize that if this came to be the whole Jail-Mine-Loop would be right out the airlock?
So what do you do in Klesher without Mining. Or Miners needing resuplies. Or Air refill missions. Because who needs them stations if no one heads for the mines anymore?
Honestly, it would be one of the things they only realize in hindsight and quickly try to patch up.
I would not put it completely past them.
But come on, they can't be that daft.
Can they..?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You do realize that if this came to be the whole Jail-Mine-Loop would be right out the airlock?
So what do you do in Klesher without Mining. Or Miners needing resuplies. Or Air refill missions. Because who needs them stations if no one heads for the mines anymore?
Honestly, it would be one of the things they only realize in hindsight and quickly try to patch up.
I would not put it completely past them.
But come on, they can't be that daft.
Can they..?
Can they be that daft? Yes...yes they can.

Okay, let's talk about ways they might change things. Now, I have not been hand mining in ages, so it may not work this way anymore, but IIRC, you would break, then tractor them up and they would go automatically into your backpack. Maybe this has already changed, but I don't think it has yet.

Now let's say they DO allow for the multi-tool to still allow hand mining.

For more "realism", you must now attach a canister to the multi-tool to allow you to sweep up the minerals/gems, just like in salvage. This canister is very small, meaning it can only hold 300 micro SCU, then you need to switch to a new canister while putting the old one in your backpack. OR, you can use a GEO and get .125 SCU or 125,000 Micro SCU that automatically stores it for you in that new backpack. (and yes, this is still more than a 50,000 SCU backpack can handle, so I am aware it is already more efficient anyway)

You could still do Klesher for mining missions and it won't screw that up, but it would "force" people to buy their new toy because the new toy makes it so much more efficient in the non-prison area Imagine having to open up every one of those canisters to transfer into a 1 SCU box every time you filled the backpack with filled ones vs just opening two and transferring everything in one movement.

So yeah, I CAN see them being that "daft"
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
All they care about is money now and mechs are gonna earn them loads of money so your gonna see 10 different mechs all doing slightly different things which as we all know is completely moronic as in real life you'd design JUST ONE mech with modular arms and a modular backpack you could swap on the fly for whatever you wanted to do

(but hey that dont earn cig $$$ to go towards their next studio paint job so get buying numnutz!!!)
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Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
For more "realism", you must now attach a canister to the multi-tool to allow you to sweep up the minerals/gems, just like in salvage.
They would never do that.
This is a jail.
They want you to bend over to pick up stuff.
Sorry mate... seems you dropped your soap...
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Looks like CIG is going full throttle with the ATLAS suit and is going to release the combat variant too:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAh6XShnvqg

Ugly as hell if you ask me, but two S1 weapons for PFS combat are not bad... I wonder if it's customizable like any other vehicle
You beat me to it. But yeah the combat variant is on it's way.
I agree, it's kinda ugly, but it's a combat suit, not a fashion suit. They could have given some more angles to the armored "cockpit" at least...
pic from boredgamers vid


I wonder how the energy management of the 2 size one repeaters will be handled. Ship sized reactors can barely keep up in an Aurora, how the hell it's gonna work out in this tiny thing?
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