Drone Theories


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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I'm fine calling these things UFO's, since by definition, any Unknown Flying Object technically qualifies. This being said, as it's now New Year's Day, I wonder how many of them were shot down by certain groups of people that celebrate the new year by shooting up into the sky, but this time have something to actually shoot at?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don’t have any elite skills in identifying fake video. I am just posting what seems interesting and different. There’s an excellent chance all the compelling vids are fakes, but then we’d be compelled to ask who is doing the faking and we’re right back into the same mess.

I will say though, that I think what we’re seeing is highly unusual. I’m particularly struck by the vids that seem to have drones firing on orbs and orbs firing on orbs. I don’t know what to make of them.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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Maybe we should start attacking those orbs or whatever with high power lights aimed at them to show what they really are whenever possible while somebody with a recording device catches what is revealed? Of course, that footage would then need to be broadcast ALL across the web before it can be censored. Oops!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Some of the footage in this thread was shot through a telescope. I don’t think we’re lacking for images. The trouble is post-modernism has robbed us of the ability to trust what we see.

It seems to me the authorities know exactly what’s going on. They have not chosen to tell us. Several in Congress have expressed their outrage that the public isn’t being told the truth, but then again half of American society is perfectly fine with any/all lies they find useful. We’ve become a society of liars, who elect their officials based upon lies. So you know, democracies get the leadership they deserve.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don’t have any elite skills in identifying fake video. I am just posting what seems interesting and different. There’s an excellent chance all the compelling vids are fakes, but then we’d be compelled to ask who is doing the faking and we’re right back into the same mess.

I will say though, that I think what we’re seeing is highly unusual. I’m particularly struck by the vids that seem to have drones firing on orbs and orbs firing on orbs. I don’t know what to make of them.
I have no clue what is real or fake about these drones and orbs and stuff... It's kinda pointless to even try and find markers for fakes, the footage is usually so bad it already tells everything I need to know.

As for who is doing them? It's Josh from 2 blocks down the street, having fun in Premier or DaVinci...

It's actually rather easy to do.
To put it into simple terms: If you have your "effects"/"objects" set up right, which might take a bit of time/talent/googling for a tutorial, along with the downgrade "filters" for the final potato-cam quality, you can churn out like 3-4 a day easily. You just need to get some background footage, drive somewhere with your phone camera and take a few shots. If you are using an iphone, there is dedicated software that records all the movement data so you can basically "put" anyithing into the footage and it's movement will match up perfectly, with little to no effort. Then there's AI, if you know what you're doing (unlike in the above example) you can easily turn those short AI snipets into really convincing fakes. You just need to know a few basics, like how your shitty tiny phone camera will pump up iso and degrade framerate to like 15fps just to try and capture the tinyest amount of light. Yeah you get your 30fps video but 15 of those frames are interpolated and all are noisy grainy compression mess. If you put filters that imitate these things over the perfectly smooth AI generated stuff, you get perfect fakes.

I live on another continent, haven't seen a drone fly around just randomly in the open for years (unless it was at an event or known police drone), like ever. Personal use drones that can go above knee height are tied to paperwork aka banned, commercial ones are non existent. The war next door made sure they are out of stock and tripled their price as well.
Even though I used to fly RC planes and drones for a bit but found em boring.
I don't personally know anyone who seen em irl I think?, so by this point looking at these videos is just purely entertainment for me.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The closest sightings to me were the seemingly combat oriented orb sightings over Hammonton. That’s twenty miles from me. It’s just past the US National Air Guard station at Atlantic City International Airport (which is slightly further outside Atlantic City than I am).

I have not seen anything but to be fair I get a very small view of the sky as there are tall trees all around me. However, I have been witness to the Guard F-16’s flying madly overland. Several times each week for the twenty plus years I’ve been here, 1 or 2 pairs of F-16s fly overhead out to the ocean where they can use their afterburners. They are not supposed to do that over populated areas. F-16s are really loud compared to large commercial planes, even with their burners off.

What I have witnessed several nights these last couple months are the F-16s flying continuously over land and at times with the burners on. Rattles the windows and shakes the very ground. Obviously the Guard is mixing it up. Nothing in the news concerning what that’s about.

F-16s are Mach 2 aircraft. It only takes them about 3-4 minutes to cross the entire state, so listening to them constantly for half hour is quite noticeable. Makes you think they’re chasing something.

So we’re not even allowed to know when our air defenses are activated. That would require an explanation which is just what DoD is trying to avoid.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
No worries, understandable I'm 3k miles away I have no chance of seeing them myself... has anyone you know personally, directly, seen them...?

I'm not trying to question media reports and definitely not questioning the movements of the military you've witnessed those yourself - I live in an area with a high density of air force bases and when those F35's go on on slow hover training manoeuvrers in summer everyone knows about it as the stuff rattles off the shelves and sets the car alarms off, but I'm just trying to ascertain if anyone you directly know in-real-life first-hand, not a third-hand media or other broadcast report, witnessed the phenomena and what was it that they themselves saw?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
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Haven’t been following this thread closely but wouldn’t it seem likely that the military is testing their own drone offensive and defensive capabilities? With drones becoming a definitive military threat and application, this would be my first thought. Seems more plausible than some foreign state actor acting with impunity.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don’t see any plausible options, but would note the US has never run ops like this. Keep in mind the US has lots of emptyish desert to test over, and the American doctrine of tech development has always been to claim to have less technical advantage than it really has, as compared to most nations and the old USSR, who claim to have more technical advantage than they actually have. It is not in accord with standing doctrine to showcase technical ability in the way you are suggesting.

Recall for example the US was operationally flying the F117 for more than a decade before anyone had ever seen one, and Bill Clinton took huge grief for revealing that program by finally forcing them to fly in daylight during the war in Kosovo. There is huge value in revealing tech advantage, but you only get to cash in like that once and a lot of people thought Clinton should not have revealed that program, but merely just used it at night the way it was designed.

So, to put things in proper context, the F-47b carrier based attack drone was tested aboard aircraft carriers over a decade ago, then publicly retired, despite Northrop-Grumman built an expensive composite wet filament winding gantry that could supposedly mass produce 47b airframes for less than $10k each on a daily basis.

So what do you think actually happened to that airframe?

The US always keeps its cards close to the chest. It appears to me US low tech quadcopter drones, helicopters and fighters are all being used to chase these “orbs” and the orbs are here simply to demonstrate they can be here.

As to the current rumors of “smart dust”, those items are 1mm on a side. If they were the stuff of fog we would all know. The fog is something else. Much of the fog is just fog. Reports from Oregon of “mysterious fog” are likely hysteria. Oregon gets lots of fog this time of year. (I know because I lived there for 12 years and I am allergic to the mold and mildew in the air 6 months out of every year.) Vids of Oregon fog show wet roads as you’d expect.

OTOH, the reports of dry fog from around the world and chemical residue in pools and on sidewalks—that seems an authentic mystery even if it is based upon false reporting as part of a psyop. US DoD is no stranger to running psyops on its own people. No news media have reported on foamy chemicals in people’s swimming pools and I have seen zero chemical analysis of the stuff these dubious vids are reporting. So far looks like a psyop to me, or perhaps even just malicious pranks. People are turning that creepy, that you’re forced to wonder.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The tin foil hat cracks me up, but there’s a sense in which we ought to regard it seriously. All these things erupting urgently and forcefully press our attention and we disregard them at some cost. We decide it’s okay to not “know”. That’s the spirit of post-modernism, which is essentially a profound and penetrating form of skepticism. It is at odds with the whole idea of truth, so of course battling it seems crazy. We can’t know. That’s the conclusion being forced on us, that truth is not attainable—which is a lie from the pit of Hell. Tin foil hats or not, this is nefarious. We’re being manipulated.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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True, the US gov does hold its cards close. We only found out about the stealth helicopters officially after things went sideways during the mission to eliminate Osama Bin Laden (May 2, 2011). While I didn't know about that new helicopter, I learned about the US military testing stealth tech on helicopters back in mid 2001 from 2 chance instances of seeing them testing that silent blade tech on Apache gunships, 1st from about 1k feet away in mid June, the other, from about 50ft away the night of Sept 14th, 2001 as it passed directly over me in Richardson, TX. Crazy story.
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