Drone Theories

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I live in NJ, so of course I’m obliged to have one. Thanks to my multiple personalities I have a baker’s dozen. What I don’t get is how the reporting is as bad as it is. Virtually none of the reporting includes whether people can hear propellers. A Cessna you can hear at 5,000’, so given details concerning drones the size of a car are true, certainly you should be able to hear any propellers powerful enough to keep such a thing aloft at 500’. Yet no one bothers to mention what they hear.

Very frustrating. To wax philosophical a moment—I’m suffering post-modernist angst concerning what we can know. It feels like by design—we’re all supposed to feel disconnected from truth itself.

One thing I do know is, there is no way the military has taken no steps to get answers and yet for an entire month now, they are reporting nothing. So they are refusing to report by design. This should tell us something, but it does not.


The US Air National Guard flies over my home 3-4X/week on their way off-shore to practice with their F-16s. Yesterday, they flew around overland for about half hour. Very odd. They never practice over land, which obviously makes one wonder what they’re doing.

Just crazy.

Was it last night the drones closed down LaGuardia airport? In a normal situation something like that would have authorities and media in an uproar but instead it was treated like it was business as usual.

Crazy, I say. Just crazy. Are we in a psy-op?
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
DARPA is testing new toys. We've seen the effectiveness of various drones in combat scenarios in Ukraine, so now Uncle Sam is having a go at the hobby. Chances are they are being tested near Military bases and Active flight-lanes to stress the onboard tech while within an actively monitored airspace. The guy sitting at the radar station in the military base is most certainly aware of the exercise and is providing feedback to the engineers. There is "Nothing to see here" because we are playing our cards close to our chest. Remember how a whole state became synonymous with little green men the last time we had new shit to play with? Source: Trust me, bro.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
If it was some hush hush military op I don't think they'd have their lights on at all. I'm guessing either commercial or some agency drones of the environmental mapping, looking for illegal broadcasts or any other such non threatening kind. 95% of the footage I've seen is of either regular planes or possibly trans-wing drones that rotate their wings in flight and resamble a regular plane from afar.
Someone should say something about wtf they are cos ppl are going crazy and lasering regular planes by the dozens each night...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Montoya hit on my number one hypothesis. The fact news crews are capturing orbs with professional video gear, clearly demonstrates there are two very different classes of objects in the sky: ours, and someone else’s.


“Plasmoids” is a new term to me.”Orbs” is a little more common and current. During WWII they were called “Foo Fighters”.

Several videos have surfaced including one by a network news team, showing what are being called "orbs" or "plasmoids" that are just glowing spheres, being chased by large quad-copter drones. One of the drones approached an orb and fell from the sky, it's battery drained.

So the main narrative floating this last day is the drones are US military, and the orbs they are chasing are unknowns.

The orbs match the descriptions of hundreds of UFO sightings since WWII, when they were called "Foo Fighters".

When the US first fielded fighters with air-to air radar in WWII, in the famous P-61 Black Widow night fighter, they were harassed by glowing orbs. What the news cameras caught looks exactly like what those night fighter teams described in detail.
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
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the planet Venus as seen thorough swamp gas.
But to be honest, i think they are chinese. and i think these are being launched on land not water.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well, I saw some analysis where a guy was calling out the drones as flying gamma detectors. He named the actual detector. Thing is, that detector is 1/3 the size of a pack of cigarettes. So this does not explain the size of the drones being seen. They must do more than detect gamma.

So much for an answer.

Could these huge drones be designed to try to capture Foo Fighters?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Looks like the orbs knocked a third asset out of the sky. One plane, one helicopter and one drone all knocked out of the sky in one week. One drone seen firing a rocket pack on an orb seemingly to no effect. No ground to air assets sighted thus far. Seems the military is more concerned with people panicking than knocking out the orbs.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know much about these things in the sky, other than I don't trust them being there for the most part, especially since they seem to only show up during the night & don't seem to respect no fly zones. If not for the laws of gravity, I'd fully support property owners that find them over their property shooting them down with impunity, then suing whoever owned them for any damages caused by them crashing. Unfortunately, gravity is actually a thing, so shooting up into the sky & missing whatever they're shooting at, creates falling metal objects that will land at some point & might harm somebody else accidentally. This being said, I suspect that they will not be all that active during NYE festivities, because certain cultures tend to shoot weapons into the sky in celebration of New Years. With the massive increase of unwelcome invasive individuals into the US, it will not surprise me if the numbers of people shooting into the sky increases on that night.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well they’re not all the same. The drones have red and green running lights as required by law, and the lights stay on even when firing rocket packs at orbs on the ground. (There are actually two vids of this shot from orthogonal angles. The other vid shows the drone with its red and green running lights. This one gets a better view of the orb.) The only time I’ve seen rockets fired was at an orb either on the ground or extremely low to the ground, and one supposes that’s to avoid the collateral damage you mention. Like with SC, IRL rockets shot from helicopter packs of 19 are dumbfire and include no guidance system that can be confused. One supposes they tried guided air to air missiles weeks ago and now they’ve installed helicopter packs.

The orbs are something else. No running lights. Many instances of changing shape, releasing smaller orbs, diving into the ocean, etc. — stuff drones can’t do. They’ve been captured on camera all around the world so, not a New Jersey exclusive. In the US, hot spots are NY, NJ, AZ, CA, OR, MD, VA, NM and NV. Acrobatics drones can’t duplicate and knocking one plane, one helicopter and one drone out of the sky thus far. That’s just in the US. Apparently the UK and Brazil are getting gouts of appearances too.

Threats include flying over military and nuclear sites and airports, one of which was closed temporarily. You need to be a serious problem to traffic to close down LaGuardia. Vids of commercial pilot complaints are multiplying.

Clearly, the military is ineffective. I recommend chanting “klaatu barada nikto” just in case.

Why is this happening now? Well, it’s common knowledge that in just two more weeks, Trump, Ramaswamy and Musk are going to confront the shadow state that has according to some, been hiding and funding through black spending, the highly illegal black budget shenanigans that have been going on in the Defense Department for about 70 years. So odds are this is because of that.
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