DS out of the Space Ship business


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
And into fantasy.... His "studio" will take over operations of the MMO Alganon. Filled with badly written lawsuits and all!

As for his history with Alganon, he apparently convinced its previous owner to force its original designer out so he could take over. There were lawsuits, along with an Alganon press release that was almost lifted whole cloth from Star Wars: The Old Republic, and … well, this Reddit post sums up some of the shenanigans. Warm up your popcorn.
Original Article: https://www.mmobomb.com/news/f2p-mmo-alganon-run-derek-smarts-3000ad-currently-offline-migrates-servers/


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
if a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it,

does it make any noise?
If we are talking about physics, then the pressure waves moving through the atmosphere which are classically picked up by receptors commonly known as ears are generated, meaning what we classically understand as "noise" is indeed generated even if there are no receptors to register it.

A more prudent question considering our knowledge of Science and Cause and Effect would be what did it sound like if no one witnessed it? It could have been a rare and exotic one-of-a-kind-genetic-freak kind of wood that sounded like fifty Clowns and their amusing horns being fed into an industrial wood chipper when it fell, but we'd never know.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
if a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it,

does it make any noise?
It may, but I do know DS will write a blog about it. 90 days until the tree is rotted out completely. 2 weeks until termites turn it into sawdust. Extinction Level Event that the entire forest is dying.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow that guy really hates everything and anything Star Citizen stands for.
Derrick Schmard?

I've come to the conclusion that anything he says is purely his opinion based on nothing but whats going on in the confines of his own head, as most of it so far has been proved false in the fullness of time - he's like a reverse Nostradamus: when he starts saying the game will be awesome when it comes out is the day i'm going to start worrying because invariably his predictions are wrong...

So whenever he makes some comment, I sit back and:


And suddenly he no longer pisses me off. I've got an opinion. You've got an opinion. He's got an opinion. But he uses his like Hatie Kopkins uses hers to stir up shit, because these people don't know any other way to use it. They don't inspire, they incite. They don't enlighten, they provoke. They don't delight, they deride.

There are people out there like this. So I step back and just say to myself what the Dude says: "That's just, like... your opinion, man."

And although it may be provocational, he like everyone else is entitled to his opinions as long as he doesn't force them upon anyone else. Yes he makes blogs, yes he puts up posts on his forum, yes he makes tweets designed to cause comment and controversy - but no one is forced to view them - and on that day no one does, he is doing the equivalent of raising his fists to the sky and cursing the gods who probably wouldn't be listening either.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm gonna admit, i'm laughing to the point I may need a CASVAC.
Is that- like- a vacuum for your casualties?

This guy- I don’t get it. How can anyone spend so much effort on hating something that is so arbitrary? The dude has to be suffering from some type of psychosis to be so head strong about hating something that has absolutely no real world affect on him. I feel bad for him and hope he finds psychological help soon.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
Is that- like- a vacuum for your casualties?

This guy- I don’t get it. How can anyone spend so much effort on hating something that is so arbitrary? The dude has to be suffering from some type of psychosis to be so head strong about hating something that has absolutely no real world affect on him. I feel bad for him and hope he finds psychological help soon.
It's a big vacuum usually attached to a low flying plane used to scoop wounded goats off deserts for further treatment..
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