'Elite: Dangerous' Lets You Land On Planets With Upcoming 'Horizons' Expansion

What are your feelings?

  • Got my doubts

    Votes: 15 31.9%
  • I am pumped up with anticipation

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Elite Dangerous? What is Elite Dangerous? SC 4 life

    Votes: 11 23.4%
  • I am not fussed either way. Might be great, then again it may not. Who cares?

    Votes: 16 34.0%

  • Total voters


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Elite Dangerous: Horizons will continue to introduce new features and gameplay as the season continues into 2016, enriching theElite Dangerous experience with new activities and new ways to play. Elite Dangerous: Horizons includes all Elite Dangerous content to date, and all players will continue to fly together in the same galaxy. Existing Elite Dangerous players receive a £10 loyalty discount off the price of Elite Dangerous: Horizons, retaining their progress and unlocking the exclusive ‘Cobra Mk IV’ in-game spacecraft.


What kind of fucked up logic is it that new elite dangerous horizons backers get the full game, AND The expansion? I would be much less critical if everyone had to buy both, but including a copy of elite dangerous in there as well? what the fuck?!?!?!?! Make old backers pay, and let the new people get in at no extra cost? wow, I'm shocked


Space Marshal
Aug 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Sorry man. It's not E: D I don't like. It's FDev.
Yeah, I get it. With all that's happened during the project I've had my ups and downs too, for sure. I definitely haven't agreed with every decision they have made - like bolting on PowerPlay for god's sake when so much else could have been done. The way people buying Horizons get the core game when original backers have to pay twice also leaves me scratching my head.

I guess since I paid good money for alpha, I'm looking toward that "full feature set" when they get planetary landing, multicrew ships and walking in stations done. I'm just excited to see content getting added. The thought of landing on a 1:1 planet anywhere I choose has been something I've waited for since I was a kid.

And there seem to be a lot of fun people here, so 1+1...
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Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
This is just like what Bungie is doing with Destiny... The Taken King expansion, at pretty much 10$ off, for year 1 players, whereas new players can pay 60$ for the full game, +The Dark Below +The House of Wolves as well as The Taken King... as well as "unique shaders and emblems"

It's like a big f-you to their current fan base.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
ED was always going to be pay big early and have it all or pay normal price for basic game and pay through your nose later for every expansion.
So I am not surprised.

Look at WoW.
After 10 years and after countless expansions they charge every single time.
And a FULL GAME PRICE at that.
Like it was an AAA title. All of that ON TOP of subscription.
You make an excellent point there, but the big gripe with the early buyers is that we got a game that was pretty damn boring.

Even those who come into the game here, with the planetary landings and CQC, its a little better, but still not there.

I still think its a beautiful game and I want to see Frontier do well in the long term, I will probably be buying this soon.
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The Shadow Broker
Feb 10, 2014
RSI Handle
What I find interesting is the fact I hear many folks say that the game is missing a fair bit at its core gameplay. That it is more akin to an early access game than a fully released one. Has a fairly large dearth of meaningful content that you can really sink your teeth into and overall feels pretty empty. So you would think you would throw a bone to those who bought it full price especially considering it hasn't even been "released" a full year yet. You charged them/ currently charging them $60 bucks for a game that "may have" promise but is very much so lacking in a good deal of features. Then on top of that you are charging another $60 bucks for features of which some should have been core features in the first place.

Like landing on planets I mean come on your game basically revolves around exploration hence why you have a gazillion solar systems or whatever. Something I would say in my opinion on a game that has a heavy focus on exploration should be a core feature. Overall I don't know but for a newly released game in what is currently still a bit of a niche market it feels like a money grab. Not saying the game is bad or that it is a money grab but from the outside looking in it seems/ feels like it. It's why I am leery of certain games even SC hence why I only have very few ships, hell I have donated more here than I have spent on ships. I am all for supporting games but within reason until I can feel its one I can count on and with enough content to satisfy me. Meet that criteria and I would spent insane amounts of money on a game.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle

Honestly, I'm kinda bummed with these responses. I know TEST is a SC org, but as a new member I was also hoping to have some TESTies to play with in E: D as well. I guess not... :(
Lots of people here still playing ED, they just play it and grumble to themselves the whole time! :)
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Rear Admiral
Jul 20, 2015
RSI Handle
i was young and needed my space sim fix *scratches arm* they gave me a small taste now the price has gone up.
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Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Wow. I was under the impression that all expansions would be free to early buyers. I got into E: D after finding SC but it's so damn boring. I mostly find myself jumping all over the place and watching streams or a movie while in it. Basically I lose track of time and accomplish little.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
From the ED blog:

This first expansion kicks off with the ability to land on airless planets and moons. It’s a great technical step forward, and more adds a huge amount of gameplay.

Gameplay extends seamlessly from space to the surface, so that you and your Wing can take a mix and match approach to tackling missions. It also adds new types of missions to engage in. Scanning planets and moons from space is used to detect signals, crashed ships, mineral deposits, outposts and fortresses. Playing alone or with friends on the ground and in the skies above, you can explore, mine and engage hostile forces as you attempt to infiltrate strongholds guarding valuable rewards.

While flying above the surface in Orbital Cruise you can discover points of interest like landed ships and surface installations. There will be star ports on the surface which can be docked at, although you can land anywhere on the surface that takes your fancy long as the terrain is appropriate, all without loading screens or breaks in gameplay.

Im pretty pumped about this!
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Rear Admiral
Jul 20, 2015
RSI Handle
strongly suggest waiting on a review or lets play. it may sound cool. but this also screams the same thing in the last expansion.

I remember looking at videos and going. wow this looks great, then jumped right in, then after a week or so...it lost its magic and the ugly truth to its a grind just to do anything.

yes every game has grind. but you should never actually feel that grind or be faced with noticing its a grind. because if its fun you will do it no matter how much grinding it has. (( example: phantasy star online - biggest grind in existence but man did i play the hell out of that game. ))


Space Marshal
Aug 22, 2014
RSI Handle
First i thought this game is great to train and spend time in Space until SC comes out, but now....

I paid already 59,99€ for this game, where i can´t do what they have promised. I get a lifeless and after a while boring universe and now i should pay for more content which should be there already for a long time.. very disappointing

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
From the ED blog:

This first expansion kicks off with the ability to land on airless planets and moons. It’s a great technical step forward, and more adds a huge amount of gameplay.

Gameplay extends seamlessly from space to the surface, so that you and your Wing can take a mix and match approach to tackling missions. It also adds new types of missions to engage in. Scanning planets and moons from space is used to detect signals, crashed ships, mineral deposits, outposts and fortresses. Playing alone or with friends on the ground and in the skies above, you can explore, mine and engage hostile forces as you attempt to infiltrate strongholds guarding valuable rewards.

While flying above the surface in Orbital Cruise you can discover points of interest like landed ships and surface installations. There will be star ports on the surface which can be docked at, although you can land anywhere on the surface that takes your fancy long as the terrain is appropriate, all without loading screens or breaks in gameplay.

Im pretty pumped about this!
Well it surely presents it well.
It should be all we want to see in SC and we know we are not getting (seamles transition to a planet, a whole damn planet).

I have serious doubts of course.
No friggen way it will keep me involved if it is scan X rock, then scan Y rock (hours go by). Mine that mineral node,... mine this mineral node.

Star Pilgrim

Rear Admiral
Feb 24, 2015
RSI Handle
First i thought this game is great to train and spend time in Space until SC comes out, but now....

I paid already 59,99€ for this game, where i can´t do what they have promised. I get a lifeless and after a while boring universe and now i should pay for more content which should be there already for a long time.. very disappointing
I share your sentiment as I (and many others) are in the same boat.
BUT !!!!

If they manage to pull it off and make it in such a way as we have envisioned it, it will be amazing and worthwhile.
Serious doubts from my end tho.
They simply lack the programming man power to achieve it.
I reckon it will only be a washed down promise of what they have written.


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Elite Dangerous: Horizons will continue to introduce new features and gameplay as the season continues into 2016, enriching theElite Dangerous experience with new activities and new ways to play. Elite Dangerous: Horizons includes all Elite Dangerous content to date, and all players will continue to fly together in the same galaxy. Existing Elite Dangerous players receive a £10 loyalty discount off the price of Elite Dangerous: Horizons, retaining their progress and unlocking the exclusive ‘Cobra Mk IV’ in-game spacecraft.


What kind of fucked up logic is it that new elite dangerous horizons backers get the full game, AND The expansion? I would be much less critical if everyone had to buy both, but including a copy of elite dangerous in there as well? what the fuck?!?!?!?! Make old backers pay, and let the new people get in at no extra cost? wow, I'm shocked
Its a magical thing called markitin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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